Seeing that Lin Suiyan understood what he meant, Su Yuli was happy, and when facing Mu Lang, his smile was brighter and more sincere than usual: “Yes, President Mu, we won’t stay here, and bother you.”

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Mu Lang saw their little movements. He smiled briefly, and said with some regret: “Well then, see you next time.”

Su Yuli left and Taozi, Yang Shuo and the others followed out together.

Su Yuli said goodbye to his friends and got into the car. As soon as he got in the car, he asked, “Suiyan, did you see Ding Yuan when you came in?”

Lin Suiyan said, “Ding Yuan?”

“It was the boy we met at the hot spring last time, with Mu Lang.” Su Yuli said: “He just came out of Yueshi.”

Lin Suiyan said, “I never saw him.”

Su Yuli looked out the car window, the snow was getting heavier, accompanied by heavy snow and cold wind. Ding Yuan was wearing so little. In this weather, he had to be suffering.

Su Yuli frowned slightly. He thought about it, pointed in a random direction and said to the driver: “Go over there. Drive slowly, and see if you can find someone.”

Lin Suiyan’s slender fingertips touched Su Yuli. He frowned and said, “Don’t worry, can you tell me, what happened?”

Su Yuli recounted what happened in the bar. As he spoke he made sure to search outside his window and got Lin Suiyan to look out the window on the other side.

“He was wearing a white shirt and suit pants, which was very thin.” Su Yuli said, “Have you found him?” The car drove a long way, but never found Ding Yuan.

Lin Suiyan comforted: “He may have taken a taxi home. Don’t worry.” Su Yuli replied, “I hope so.” He was suddenly annoyed, “I forgot to leave my contact information.”

“It’s all right, you’ll see him again.” Lin Suiyan took out a thermos cup from the side, unscrewed the lid and handed it to Su Yuli.

Su Yuli took it and took two sips. The sweet and sour taste was hangover soup.

Lin Suiyan said: “I was afraid that you would feel uncomfortable after you got drunk, so I asked Aunt Xu to prepare it. I didn’t know that you were still standing up straight. You deserve praise.”

Su Yuli said, “I won’t get drunk even after drinking a thousand cups. I’ve never been drunk.”

Lin Suiyan smiled: “Well, a thousand cups and still not drunk.” 

Lin Suiyan’s smile was full of teasing. Su Yuli sat up straight and said with a serious face: “Don’t laugh. I’ve never been drunk. I didn’t drink too much at the reception last time. I was sober.”

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Lin Suiyan said softly, “Yes, Yes, I didn’t mean to laugh at you.”

Su Yuli drank half a cup of sober soup. Then he suddenly thought of something, and asked Lin Suiyan, “Do you know what happened to Mu Lang and Ding Yuan?”

Lin Suiyan shook his head. He’d transmigrated here for the wedding, and the person he was in contact with the most was Su Yuli. Except for the few run-ins he has had, his impression of Mu Lang was based on the content of the book. He remembered that Ding Yuan wasn’t mentioned in the book.

Su Yuli sighed, and Lin Suiyan said, “You were happy when you were at home, but when you came out, you became sad.”

“I just think that Mu Lang is too careless…” Su Yuli suddenly stopped. After he finished speaking, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Suiyan.

“You play so well with Mu Lang, are you also like him, with countless people around you?” Su Yuli said, “You go to places like bars a lot, right?”

Lin Suiyan was stunned for a moment, then laughed. “This is really…”

“What is it?”

Lin Suiyan said: “I’m so wronged.”

“Where are you wronged?”

Lin Suiyan said: “He is him. I am me, and I am different from Mu Lang. Look, we’ve been together for so long, have I been fooling around outside? “

Su Yuli really didn’t think so.

Before he crossed over, Lin Suiyan’s eyes were full of Luo Xing, and others couldn’t enter his eyes at all.

Although now he and Lin Suiyan were now certain of each other’s intentions, Su Yuli can’t help but feel bitter when he thinks of Lin Suiyan’s deep affection for Luo Xing before. He said that there were no other people around him, but just one Luo Xing was enough.

Lin Suiyan said, “Luo Xing?”

Su Yuli had been thinking about it then he’d accidentally said what was on his mind. He said: “I, I just remembered the wedding. Seeing that you and Luo Xing and Mu Lang have a good relationship. You’re alumni, right? How often do you hang out with them?”

Lin Suiyan took the cup in Su Yuli’s hand, screwed the lid on and put it aside, and said, “Luo Xing is our senior. We haven’t seen each other much since graduation. We’re not very familiar with each other.”

The words “not very familiar” are really good. The sour water at the bottom of Su Yu’s heart instantly turned into honey, which almost sweetened him to death.

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He leaned in and kissed Lin Suiyan on the face.

Lin Suiyan did not expect to be attacked, and he expressed doubts with his eyes.

Su Yuli took Lin Suiyan’s arm naturally and said with a smile, “Everyone says that if you don’t see each other for a day, it feels like three years. I haven’t seen you for a few hours, but I think it’s been many years. I miss you so much.”

The smile at the bottom of Lin Suiyan’s eyes deepened. He stretched out his hand to hold Su Yuli’s chin and kissed it.



Su Yuli and Lin Suiyan were sweet on one side, and on the other side, Yang Shuo and Taozi found their car in the underground parking lot after they parted.

Although Yang Shuo was from City B, in order to make it easier for him to study in City A, his family bought real estate and a car for him in City A. It was near University A, which was very convenient.

Yang Shuo drove to his place of residence. It was very late, the wind and snow was falling heavier and heavier. There were only a few pedestrians on the road, and all kinds of cars roared past.

Yang Shuo was about to turn when he suddenly noticed a thin figure not far ahead under the street lamp. The man didn’t hold an umbrella, and his clothes were thin, only wearing a white shirt and suit pants.

It was the man he’d just met in the bar. Yang Shuo remembered that his name was Ding Yuan.

Yang Shuo hesitated for a moment, but drove the car over.

“Drip, drop-“

Ding Yuan was walking on the road, when he heard honking coming from behind him, he gave way to the side, but the honking still didn’t stop.

Ding Yuan turned around and saw a black Land Rover slowly driving over. The window opened, revealing a somewhat familiar face.

Ding Yuan said: “You are…”

“Yang Shuo.” Yang Shuo reported his name. He looked at Ding Yuan and saw that he was covered in snow and his lips were frozen purple. He said, “Get in the car.”

Ding Yuan stood still, Yang Shuo frowned, raised his voice and repeated: “Get in the car.”

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Ding Yuan hesitated for a moment, then walked over to open the door and sat down.

Yang Shuo raised the temperature in the car and handed Ding Yuan a clean towel: “Wipe off.”

“Thank you.”

Yang Shuo looked ahead and asked, “Where’s your home? I’ll take you back.”

Ding Yuan told him his address. Yang Shuo nodded and turned on his navigation.

The inside of the car was quiet and warm, and Ding Yuan’s frozen hands and feet gradually warmed up. He dried his hair and folded the towel neatly and put it aside.

Ding Yuan turned his head to look at Yang Shuo, and saw that his skin was a healthy wheat color, with his hair shaved down about an inch long.

This kind of hairstyle is very picky, and many people dare not wear such a hairstyle, but Yang Shuo is very good-looking, and he looks energetic and handsome.

Except for the few words that Ding Yuan said when he got into the car, Yang Shuo didn’t speak again along the way. Ding Yuan was very grateful that he didn’t ask about the bar.

The car stopped in front of an old community. Ding Yuan got out of the car and said to Yang Shuo, “Thank you.”

Yang Shuo said, “You’re welcome. You’re a friend of Xiao Jin and he’s my friend. Go home.”

Ding Yuan nodded, took two steps, then heard Yang Shuo calling him. He turned around, and a dark gray cashmere coat still warm from body heat fell into his arms.

Yang Shuo threw the coat into Ding Yuan’s arms, who was only wearing only a white sweater and repeated, “Go home.”

Ding Yuan held the coat, but hesitated. Yang Shuo seemed to know what he wanted to say, and said: “Put it on, it’s not easy to warm up.”

 Ding Yuan thanked him again, he said: “Is it convenient to leave your contact information? I’ll wash your coat and return it to you.”

Yang Shuo thought about it, then added Ding Yuan’s WeChat. Then, with a wave of his hand, he turned the car and left.

After watching Yang Shuo’s car leave, Ding Yuan turned around and entered his community. He looked down at his mobile phone. In addition to the message that he had added friends with Yang Shuo, there was also a message from Mu Lang.

It was from twenty minutes ago.

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Ding Yuan didn’t read the content of the message, and turned off the phone. Then he wrapped up his coat and walked into the depths of his neighborhood through the falling snow.

Su Yuli read about Ding Yuan’s situation, and the next day he went to the nursing home. He first went to see Elder Lin, and then went to Ding Yuan’s grandmother’s ward.

The old lady still remembered Su Yuli, and when she saw him coming, she invited him to eat fruit. In a short time, all kinds of fruits were piled up in front of Su Yuli.

Su Yuli just ate a bunch of fruits and snacks at Mr. Lin’s place, and now he was panicking. But he didn’t want to upset the old lady, so he nibbled on an apple and peeled a banana for the old lady, “Grandma, don’t just focus on me, you eat too.”

“Okay, okay.” The old lady took the banana, glanced outside the door, and asked, “Why is Xiao Yuan taking so long? Let me give him a call.”

Then Su Yuli saw the old lady take out a smartphone from under her pillow.

Su Yuli’s eyes were full of surprise, and he thought to himself that he hadn’t thought that the old lady was so fashionable.

After the old lady took out her mobile phone, she pulled out her reading glasses and put them on. Then she took out a small notebook from her personal pocket and looked through it.

Su Yuli looked curiously at the small book in the old lady’s hand. The old lady noticed Su Yuli’s gaze and showed him the small book.

“I don’t know many words and I don’t have a good memory. Xiao Yuan specially wrote this for me. If I want to call, I will read this page. If I use that letter, I will read this page.”

Su Yuli took a look at it and saw a step by step diagram written down in black ink into the notebook, on how to use the mobile phone. He praised: “It’s really good.”

The old lady smiled and said, “Yes, Xiao Yuan has been smart since childhood and has done everything beautifully.”

Su Yuli lay prone on the hospital bed, his chin resting on his palm. While watching the old lady operate the mobile phone at a very slow speed, he asked, “Grandma, why is Ding Yuan here all the time? Where are Xiao Yuan’s parents? Are they busy at work? “

The old lady said, “Xiao Yuan’s parents left early. So, it’s just been us grandmother and grandchild living together.”

Su Yuli did not expect Ding Yuan to have such a background, the old woman was Ding Yuan’s only relative. He sat up straight and said to the old lady, “Grandma, then you must be very important to Xiao Yuan, you must get well soon.”

The old lady smiled and said, “Okay.”

Just as she was talking, the door of the ward was opened. Ding Yuan had returned.

As soon as Su Yuli saw Ding Yuan, he smiled and said, “Xiao Yuan, I’m here to see grandma.”

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