Lin Suiyan cleaned up and went out of the office with Su Yuli and Luo Xing.

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Luo Xing noticed that Lin’s employees knew Su Yuli and greeted him with a smile when they saw him.

Luo Xing could see these people’s smiles were all sincere, as if they were greeting a friend, natural, warm, and not flattering. But how long has Su Yuli been in the company? Why is he so popular?

How did he buy the hearts of these people?

In fact, Luo Xing misunderstood Su Yuli. He hadn’t used any means.

Su Yuli, who is now a sophomore, was the youngest in the company. He’s good-looking and has a sweet mouth. If it weren’t for his relationship with Lin Suiyan, it is estimated that these female employees in the company would have rubbed him bald.

After Su Yuli came to the company, he was full of energy every day-not only at work, but also when he got off work. He was in high spirits, and he seemed to be able to fly with brisk steps.

Every time after work, Su Yuli will go through the long corridor to find Lin Suiyan. As soon as the employees saw him, they knew they could go to dinner after getting off work.

Sometimes, Su Yuli and Lin Suiyan didn’t go home for dinner. Instead, they’d take everyone out to have a big meal. Su Yuli also often brought snacks and fruits to the company to share with everyone.

Those who can join the Lin Group are very capable people. Of course, they have no shortage of money for meals and snacks. They like and accept Su Yuli because of the purity and sincerity that Su Yuli treats them with.

In this world, only sincerity can get the sincerity of another person.

Luo Xing looked at those people’s kind attitude towards Su Yuli. He was in a bad mood to the extreme, but he couldn’t show it. He could only keep smiling and suppress it very badly.

Jiwei Zhai is not far from the Lin Group, so Su Yuli and the others didn’t drive, but walked over.

After the Chinese New Year, the weather was getting warmer, and the trees on both sides of the road were blooming, showing a thriving scene.

The hotel manager, who had received their reservation, was waiting by the door to greet Su Yuli and the others when they arrived. As soon as he saw Su Yuli talking to Lin Suiyan, the hotel manager welcomed them with a smile.

“President Lin, Mr. Wen, the private room is ready. Please come in.”

Lin Suiyan nodded, and made a welcoming gesture towards Luo Xing: “Director Luo.”

Luo Xing smiled. “Suiyan, you used to call me senior, why are you so estranged now? He said this like a joke, but there was a hint of disappointment in his face.

Lin Suiyan smiled lightly, but didn’t speak, he just held Su Yuli’s hand.

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Lin Suiyan didn’t think that the simple Su Yuli could see Luo Xing’s thoughts. He just used this action to show his attitude to Luo Xing, so that Luo Xing would stop the thoughts he shouldn’t have.

Su Yuli didn’t notice what Luo Xing said. He was telling the hotel manager what dishes to prepare.

Su Yuli ordered a few dishes that he and Lin Suiyan liked, and also ordered a few popular dishes that were not easy to make mistakes with.

Sensing that Lin Suiyan was holding his hand, Su Yuli didn’t look back, but only moved his hand, and interlocked his fingers with Lin Suiyan’s.

Not long after entering the private room, the dishes were served.

Su Yuli was very host-like, warmly greeting Luo Xing to eat food, and telling him not to be stiff and polite.

Su Yuli entertained Luo Xing today. Actually, he didn’t mean to show off. After he’d transmigrated here, Luo Xing didn’t do anything to hurt him.

Since then the other party hadn’t done anything to him, just thought about it in his heart. And just thinking about things wasn’t illegal so he couldn’t be too stingy.

As a person who owns Lin Suiyan’s present and future life, he must be generous.

Besides, Lin Suiyan’s eyes are full of him now, completely regarding Luo Xing as an outsider. If he regards Luo Xing as a great enemy, runs everywhere and provokes him everywhere, doesn’t that mean that he doesn’t trust Lin Suiyan?

How wronged Lin Suiyan would be.

Su Yuli’s attitude towards Luo Xing now is that he hopes that he can realize that Lin Suiyan’s relationship with him is indestructible. He hoped that Luo Xing would step back and concentrate on his own life.

If so, everyone is happy.

Now Su Yuli just wanted to live a quiet life with Lin Suiyan, and didn’t even want to share half of his mind with unnecessary people and things.

In the private room Su Yuli sat with Lin Suiyan, and Luo Xing was a little further away.

Lin Suiyan occasionally exchanged a few words with Luo Xing. The topics were also the kind of topics that ordinary acquaintances would talk about.

When talking, Lin Suiyan did not forget to bring food to Su Yuli, and always paid attention to Su Yuli’s situation considerately.

The hand Luo Xing was using to hold the chopsticks clenched tightly. In fact, apart from serving vegetables, Lin Suiyan and Su Yuli didn’t act too intimately, but the atmosphere between them was so good that outsiders couldn’t get in.

An outsider.

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Luo Xing sneered in his heart. Lin Suiyan used to only have him in his eyes, but now he had become an outsider. How ridiculous.

Someone knocked on the door of the private box and the next moment the waiter came in with the soup.

Luo Xing glanced at the direction in which the waiter was traveling, and then looked at the location where Su Yuli was. His eyes darkened, and he stretched out his foot.

The waiter wasn’t paying attention. She stumbled on Luo Xing’s foot and fell forward.

“Ah—!” The waiter exclaimed. A pot of hot soup was thrown straight at Su Yuli. Su Yuli jumped up and nimbly left the seat, not forgetting to pull Lin Suiyan away with him.

“Bang!”, the pot of boiling hot soup was poured onto the place where Su Yuli had just sat. The heavy soup pot made several spins on the table, making a loud screeching sound.

The soup dripped down the tables and chairs to the ground. The scene was a mess.

Lin Suiyan immediately checked if Su Yuli’s was alright and asked with concern, “How are you? Did you get burned?”

Su Yuli said softly, “I’m fine, don’t worry.” He had a smile on his face,  as if he was happy for his agility just now.

The waiter was a young woman in her twenties. She cried in surprise when she let go of the soup bowl and apologized constantly.

Just as Su Yuli was about to say it was fine, he heard Luo Xing coldly scold: “What’s the matter with you? You’re so careless. Fortunately, Xiao Jin dodged it. If he got burned, can you afford this responsibility? “

Luo Xing was already angry today, and when he saw Su Yuli dodging, his mood was even worse. And he couldn’t control his emotions for a while.

After Luo Xing finished speaking, the young woman cried even more fiercely.

“Yes, I’m sorry.” The young woman sobbed, “My foot slipped for a moment, and I accidentally…”

The manager arrived quickly and taught the young woman a lesson. The young woman twisted her fingers together and bowed her head as she was scolded and her tears, fell down.

Su Yuli couldn’t bear it anymore, so he stopped her and said, “It’s alright, it’s only been a few minutes. She’s sorry, she’s said hundreds of apologies, and I didn’t get burned. Just clean up here, it’s not a big deal.”

The girl didn’t expect that Su Yuli would let it go so easily.

She has been working here for a while, and she knows that the guests who come here are either rich or noble. Last time a colleague accidentally spilled soup on a guest, not only was his salary deducted, but he was also humiliated miserably. She thought she would have to go through such an embarrassing situation, but I unexpectedly…”

The young woman glanced at Su Yuli gratefully, and whispered, “Thank you.”

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Su Yuli smiled gently, and took a tissue from the table and handed it over, “It’s okay. Here, wipe.”

The young woman took the tissue and wiped away her tears.

When the manager saw this, he breathed a sigh of relief. He said to the girl, “Okay, don’t cry, you can clean up this place.” He then got someone else to arrange another room for Su Yuli and the others.

The young woman came over with the cleaning supplies and when she passed Luo Xing, she cowered and lowered her head, not daring to look at him.

Luo Xing’s brows were furrowed, and his face was full of unpleasantness. His harsh words just now formed a sharp contrast with Su Yuli’s gentleness.

Luo Xing looked at Su Yuli’s back, and thought coldly to himself: Look at his pure act, it was just another way to buy people’s affections.

Fortunately, his actions just now could be understood as worrying about Su Yuli, and Lin Suiyan wouldn’t think too much about it.

They changed rooms. The dishes were also new.

Lin Suiyan, the host, apologized to Luo Xing.

Luo Xing returned to his usual elegant demeanor: “It’s okay, no one could have expected this.”

They were chatting and eating when Lin Suiyan’s phone rang. He said, “I’ll take this call.” And he went out.

After Lin Suiyan left, only Su Yuli and Luo Xing were left in the room. The two looked at each other and looked away at the same time. The atmosphere was a little awkward.

After being silent for a while, Su Yuli felt that this wasn’t very good. He took the initiative to find a topic and said, “Just now, that girl’s eyes were red like a rabbit. Hey, it’s really not easy to leave the protection of your parents and go into society.”

Luo Xing didn’t like Su Yuli. When he heard this, he sneered coldly: “Doing this kind of work, for such little pay and people still look down on you. You might as well go home.”

His words were full of undisguised contempt and ridicule for “this kind of work”

He forgot that he was able to live as brightly as he was now because his parents earned him money from the type of jobs, he now despises so much for him to go to high school and college.

Su Yuli said, “Look down? How could they?. As long as you earn money by your own hands, no matter what job you do, it’s worthy of respect.”

Luo Xing sneered and was about to refute when he saw Su Yuli look behind him and say, “Suiyan, am I right?”

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Luo Xing turned around suddenly and saw Lin Suiyan had walked in at some point.

Lin Suiyan put his mobile phone in his pocket, sat down and said, “Well, you’re right.”

He picked up chopsticks and gave Su Yuli a piece of fish fillet. “There is no distinction between high and low jobs. As long as you work diligently and earn money by your own hands, you deserve more respect than anything else.”

Su Yuli nodded heavily, “Mmmm.”

He thought of the detective drama he saw on TV last night. “It’s many times better than those who make money by cheating.”

“Yes.” Lin Suiyan smiled, he glanced at Luo Xing inadvertently, and said softly: “If you go the wrong way, you may lose the rest of your life with one moment of carelessness. It’s really not worth it. Since you have the ability, it’s better to go up one step at a time, because gold will shine sooner or later.”

Su Yuli was very happy that he and Lin Suiyan thought the same. The grandfather of the Su family started from scratch, and had always taught his descendants to be down-to-earth and not to take shortcuts.

There was a flash of panic in Luo Xing’s eyes. What did Lin Suiyan mean? Did he hear something? Did he know what he did? But he’d been so careful and secretive that he shouldn’t be discovered.

Luo Xing quickly adjusted his facial expression and said, “Suiyan, don’t get me wrong. I’m also a child from a poor family. How can I not know the hardships of these people at the bottom? I just think that they’re working so hard but the rewards that they get doesn’t match the workload.”

He sighed and put on a sympathetic look, “I hope their treatment will be better in the future, and they don’t have to work as hard as they do now.”

Lin Suiyan hummed, as if he believed Luo Xing’s words.

Next, the box was unusually silent, and after a while, Luo Xing took a phone call and left.

Su Yuli looked at the table full of dishes and said, “He hasn’t eaten much yet, but he’s already leaving.”

Lin Suiyan withdrew his gaze from the door. He’d already said something so whatever happened next was up to Luo Xing. He added a bowl of soup to Su Yuli and said, “It may be a matter for his company. Don’t worry about him, eat well.”

Su Yuli snorted and lowered his head to eat.

When Luo Xing left the restaurant, he turned around and looked at Jiwei Zhai behind him. His eyes were filled with anger.

He made too many mistakes today, it really wasn’t like him.

It’s all Wen Jin’s fault. In the past, when he faced Lin Suiyan, he was so at ease. He had never been as embarrassed as he was today.

Luo Xing gritted his teeth and said Wen Jin’s name. Then with a cold smile, he turned and strode away.

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