With a “Ding” sound the elevator arrived.

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Su Yuli strode out not forgetting to turn his head to talk to Ding Yuan: “I told you not to work so hard. You have to go to school and work so many jobs a day. How can your body bear it? If Grandma Ding saw it, how distressed would she be “

As Su Yuli spoke, he walked into the ward with easy familiarity.

This time, it wasn’t Grandma Ding’s kind smile that greeted him. The room was quiet. He saw Grandma Ding lying on a hospital bed, with her eyes closed and IV drips hanging from her hands.

Su Yuli asked: “What’s going on? Wasn’t she fine a few days ago?”

Ding Yuan said in a hoarse voice: “Grandma’s health has never been very good, and it suddenly became worse two days ago. Sit down, and I’ll pour you water.”

Su Yuli put the gift he had brought on the table next to him, and said to Ding Yuan, “You can also sit down for a while.”

After Ding Yuan sat down, he pinched his eyebrows with his hand, looking very tired.

Thinking that since he was here alone and no one had changed shifts with him, Ding Yuan must not have slept for a long time. So he said, “Why don’t you get some sleep? Grandma Ding has me watching her.”

Ding Yuan said: “No need.” He glanced at what Su Yuli put on the table. “What interesting things did you buy?”

Su Yuli was trying to divert Ding Yuan’s attention and let him relax. Now that he had taken the initiative to change the subject, he took out the gift he had brought.

Su Yuli brought a very cute little red panda, which was exquisitely made and beautiful.

Su Yuli said: “This is a new product researched by the Haotian Group. It’s fun. You can talk to it, let it read, watch movies, listen to music, and make phone calls. Besides that, it can dance and sing. “

Su Yuli gave a demonstration and let the little panda dance, and the little panda really wriggled in his palm.

Su Yuli’s appearance was proud, and he said to Ding Yuan: “Interesting, huh?”

Ding Yuan smiled and asked ,”Isn’t this a toy for children?”

“Aren’t old people just children?” Su Yuli said, “I also bought one for my grandfather. I’ll send it to him later.”

As the two chatted, Ding Yuan’s frown gradually relaxed.

Just then, someone knocked on the door, and Ding Yuan motioned for Su Yuli to sit and opened the door himself.

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Su Yuli drank the boiled water which had long gone cold. After seeing Ding Yuan open the door, he noticed that he just stood there without inviting anyone in, let alone talking. He was curious, so he got up and walked over, only to see Mu Lang standing outside the door.

Mu Lang didn’t wear a suit today, instead he was wearing a more casual style. He was wearing a long black trench coat with a white sweater underneath, and a smile on his face. He was really personable.

Su Yuli: “…” Unexpectedly, he’d ran into Mu Lang in such a place. This world was really too small.

Mu Lang held a delicate fruit basket in his hand, and raised his eyebrows at Ding Yuan, “I happened to be doing business around here, so I came to have a look. Won’t you invite me in?”

Ding Yuan held the door with one hand, pursed his lips in silence, and stood still for a moment before he let Mu Lang in. Mu Lang put down the fruit basket and greeted Su Yuli.

“Junior, what a coincidence.”

]Su Yuli: “… it’s quite a coincidence.”

After Mu Lang came, the room fell into a strange silence.

Ding Yuan’s face was cold and he didn’t speak. Su Yuli didn’t want to communicate with Mu Lang, but Mu Lang acted the same as usual, and asked Ding Yuan how his grandmother was doing.

Ding Yuan gave a short answer without saying anything unnecessary.

Mu Lang seemed unable to feel Ding Yuan’s rejection, and said with a smile, “If you need any help, you can tell me.”

Ding Yuan’s hand hanging by side was clenched into a fist, and Su Yuli could tell that he was trying to drive Mu Lang away. Just at that moment, the door of the ward was pushed open. Yang Shuo walked in with a lunch box.

“Ding Yuan, I bought lunch, you…”

Seeing that there were other people in the room, Shuo Yang suddenly shut up.

Seeing Yang Shuo, Su Yuli was very happy—someone finally broke the weird atmosphere in the room.

Su Yuli stepped forward and asked, “Brother Shuo? Why are you here?”

Yang Shuo put down the hand that he’d used to push the door open and walked in. He rushed over to Su Yuli: “You didn’t tell me you were coming. Let me tell you in advance, I didn’t buy you anything to eat.”

Su Yuli smiled and said, “I’ll go to Grandpa’s place to eat in a while.”

Seeing Yang Shuo here, Su Yuli felt relieved. Yang Shuo looked like a tough guy, but in fact he was very good at taking care of people. He had been staying with Ding Yuan while Grandma Ding was sick these last few days.

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Yang Shuo went over to the table by the window and opened the food box himself. What he saw in the box were: roasted catfish, fungus yam, sweet and sour pork ribs. In addition, there was also chicken soup, fried dumplings, and meat and vegetables paired up. It was very rich.

Yang Shuo went to Ding Yuan, who was standing beside the bed, and said, “I bought what you like to eat. Come and eat.”

Seeing that Ding Yuan didn’t move, he said, “Don’t stand up. You didn’t have time to eat breakfast. Be careful or you’ll have stomach trouble again.”

Ding Yuan nodded, walked over and sat down and took the chopsticks handed to him by Shuo Yang. They got along very naturally. Obviously, they spent a lot of time together.

Mu Lang narrowed his eyes and smiled at Ding Yuan: “Don’t you want to introduce me?”

Su Yuli was taking a fried bun from the food box to eat, when he suddenly felt that the temperature in the room had dropped, and he was a little puzzled for a moment.

Mu Lang is… angry?

Funny, Ding Yuan has nothing to do with him now. Why is he angry? Isn’t it time for him to go around with other people in bars and cruise ships?

Ding Yuan picked up a dish by hand.

Yang Shuo had walked up to Mu Lang and reached out to him: “I’m Xiao Yuan’s friend, Yang Shuo.”

Mu Lang frowned slightly and took Shuo Yang’s hand. “Mu Lang.”

Both of them were powerful people, and it seemed that sparks exploded in the air between their eyes.

Su Yuli was worried that the two would fight. Although he didn’t know why the two wanted to do it, he just felt that the way that these two looked at each other were very bad.

With this thought in mind, Su Yuli lowered his head and took a bite of the fried bun in his hand. The crisp sound broke the tension between Yang Shuo and Mu Lang, and the two let go of each other’s hand.

Mu Lang was about to speak when Grandma Ding opened her eyes.

Su Yuli put down the fried bun in his hand and said happily, “Grandma Ding, are you awake?”

She had just woken up, and Grandma Ding’s eyes were a little dazed. She looked at her surroundings, and when her eyes fell on Mu Lang, her eyes suddenly widened.

The old woman’s breathing became urgent. She raised her bony hand, pointed at Mu Lang and said, “…you, you…go away…”

While speaking, Grandma Ding struggled to get up. She grabbed the cup by her bed and threw it at Mu Lang. “How dare you come to see Xiao Yuan…you, get out of here!”

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The glass fell to the ground and made a crisp sound.

Ding Yuan hurriedly rushed up to comfort the old woman: “Grandma, it’s still dripping, don’t move.”

It was the first time Su Yuli saw Grandma Ding lose her temper. It seemed that there really was a story between Ding Yuan and Mu Lang. With this in mind, he rushed out and called the doctor.

He didn’t know what the hell Mu Lang did. Grandma Ding had seen him and her mood had started fluctuating. She really looked like she wanted to take a ladle to his head.

While comforting Grandma Ding, Ding Yuan turned his head to Mu Lang and said, “Grandma, doesn’t want to see you, so you should go quickly.”

In his whole life Mu Lang had never been driven away before. For a moment, his face flashed with displeasure, but it quickly returned to normal.

Mu Lang smiled and said, “Okay, I’ll come back when grandma’s mood stabilizes.”

After Mu Lang left, Grandma Ding gradually calmed down. Ding Yuan sat beside the hospital bed and held the old woman’s hand, looking very sad and tired.

Su Yuli wanted to go up to comfort him, but Ding Yuan raised his head and looked at him: “Can you let me and grandma be alone for a while?”

Su Yuli said goodbye. Ding Yuan looked at Yang Shuo again. The two people, one standing and one sitting, stared at each other in silence.

Su Yuli grabbed Yang Shuo’s arm and said to Ding Yuan, “Then we’ll go out first. Call if you need anything”

Ding Yuan said good bye.

After leaving the ward, Su Yuli was a little worried. After watching outside for a while, he was sure there was nothing wrong. Then he said to Yang Shuo: “Brother Shuo, you haven’t eaten yet. Why don’t you come to Grandpa’s with me…?”

Yang Shuo shook his head: “You go. I’ll stay, in case there is something to discuss.”

Su Yuli didn’t think anything about it. He just felt that Yang Shuo was really warmhearted, and that it was really reassuring to have such a friend.

Su Yuli said: “Okay, I’ll come over after dinner. Would you like me to bring something over for you?”

“No.” Yang Shuo said, “I’ve eaten.”

When Su Yuli arrived at Old Lin’s ward, the old man was on the phone. Su Yuli listened to a few words, Old Lin was ordering food.

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When Mr. Lin put down the phone, Su Yuli walked over. He shook the bag in his hand: “Grandpa, see what fun things I brought you.”

Mr. Lin cooperated very well: “Oh, after talking to you on the phone early this morning. I started to look forward to it. Hurry up, show it to Grandpa.”

Su Yuli took out the cool red panda, and the grandson and grandfather teased the panda while eating fruit. The atmosphere was very warm.

Soon, Lin Suiyan arrived after getting off work. At the same time the meals that Mr. Lin had ordered arrived.

The three, grandfather and grandchildren together, sat down, and Mr. Lin was in a good mood. He smiled and said, “I haven’t eaten with you for a long time.”

Su Yuli said: “Grandpa, we’re here.”

Old Lin nodded: “Yes, yes, you’re hungry already. Eat quickly. There are no outsiders, so don’t be shy.”

“Okay, Grandpa.”

Su Yuli put on disposable gloves and said while peeling the shrimp: “By the way, I just met Mu Lang. Grandpa, was he here to visit you?”

After hearing Mu Lang’s name, Lin Suiyan’s hand holding the spoon paused. After a while, he served Old Lin a bowl of soup as if nothing had happened.

OId Lin said: “Yes, look at all the fruit and food that Mu Lang sent. The boy is so good and so sensible that he always brings so many things with him.”

Su Yuli glanced at the fruit and snacks piled up on the ground, and said that this Mu Lang was really a big spender1.

He put the peeled shrimp on the plate in front of Mr. Lin, and said, “Grandpa, eat it.”

Mr. Lin seemed to recall the past and sighed, “This child Mu Lang is also very pitiful. He lost his father when he was very young, who knows how hard it was for just an orphan and widow to support the family business. It’s thanks to A-Lang’s hard work that the Mu family is what it is today.

Su Yuli said: “Grandpa, I heard that you helped the Mu family a lot over the years and you taught Mu Lang yourself.”

Old Lin laughed, “Our two families are family friends, so it’s right to help each other when encountering difficulties. Moreover, this child, A-Lang, is smart and can be regarded as one of the most outstanding students I’ve taught.”

When Mr. Lin mentioned Mu Lang, his face was full of love. He didn’t know that his beloved child regarded him as an enemy deep down in his heart. And that every day he thought about how to retaliate against him and make him miserable.


大手笔 – style shown in spending money, handling business etc / it means that he’s showing off

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