In the photo, Grandma Ding sat in the middle, surrounded by a young couple, with Ding Yuan standing behind them.

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Ding Yuan seemed to be only a teenager, born handsome, with red lips and white teeth.

This family of four all had smiles on their faces, giving people a very warm feeling. It was obviously a very happy family.

Looking at this family portrait, Su Yuli felt quite uncomfortable. In the photo, they smiled so brightly and happily. Who would have thought that now they were separated from each other forever.

Grandma Ding pointed to one of the people in the photo and introduced them to Su Yuli: “This is Xiao Yuan’s father and this is his mother.”

Su Yuli calmed down and said in a relaxed tone, “Uncle is so handsome, and auntie is also beautiful. No wonder Xiao Yuan is so good looking.”

Grandma Ding’s eyes naturally drooped and fell onto her mobile phone, without speaking.

After enduring it, Su Yuli couldn’t help but ask: “Grandma Ding, what happened to Xiao Yuan’s parents…?”

“Car accident.” Grandma Ding stroked the photo with her thin fingers, her voice was so soft that he couldn’t hear any emotion. “Xiao Yuan was in junior high school that year.”

Su Yuli pursed his lower lip and suddenly regretted asking this question.

After a moment’s silence, Su Yuli said: “Grandma Ding, I saw that this photo was taken from an album on a mobile phone. You are amazing. Many old people I know can’t use a mobile phone at all.”

“This is Xiao Yuan’s mobile phone.” Grandma Ding said, “He originally bought me a new one. What new mobile phone does an old woman use? I switched with him.”

Su Yuli snorted.

The room was quiet again.

It was the first time that Su Yuli encountered such a situation where he didn’t know what to say. He scratched his hair and saw Grandma Ding swiping through the phone’s pages, looking at the photos in the album one by one.

Suddenly, Grandma Ding’s hand paused, Su Yuli looked over, and saw that she was looking at a group photo – a group photo of Ding Yuan and Mu Lang.

This photo should have been taken in the spring when everything came back to life. Mu Lang was wearing a long trench coat with one hand on Ding Yuan’s shoulder, and Ding Yuan was wearing a white sweatshirt and jeans. He was holding a mobile phone in one hand, and his youthful look was very eye-catching.

Ding Yuan was very close to Mu Lang. He was smiling and in high spirits

This is a Ding Yuan, whom Su Yuli has never seen.

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In the photo, Ding Yuan looked much younger than he was now. When was this photo taken? When Ding Yuan was in high school?

Did they know each other so early?

Grandma Ding looked at it for a while, then sighed, “That kid Xiao Yuan is still not willing to delete this photo.”

Su Yuli sensed Grandma Ding’s mood and said, “Maybe he forgot. Look, Xiao Yuan has no contact with this person now.”

Grandma Ding nodded absently, and Su Yuli’s eyes fell on that photo again. He licked his lower lip: “Grandma Ding, I heard Xiao Yuan say that he and Mu … this person has dated, is it true?”

Grandma Ding nodded, “Yes, they did, but…”


“This man lied to Xiao Yuan.”

Su Yuli frowned, sat up straight, and asked, “What did you say?”

On the other side, Luo Xing returned to his office after a meeting, and saw a visitor sitting on the sofa.

There was a cup of coffee in front of Mu Lang, his legs were crossed, and his posture was very casual.

The female employees outside secretly peeped through the open door, and their eyes were full of surprise and excitement.

Just then, Luo Xing slammed the door shut, ruthlessly blocking those people’s view.

Seeing Luo Xing coming in, Mu Lang smiled and said, “Senior, your office environment is nice, open and bright. I’m a little envious.”

Luo Xing walked to the office chair and sat down, with a bad look on his face: “What are you doing here?”

Mu Lang took a slow sip of coffee before saying, “Just came to see you. How was last night? It didn’t go well? “

As soon as this matter was mentioned, the anger in Luo Xing’s heart suddenly burst into flames, “You still have the nerve to ask. I asked you to stall Wen Jin…”

Mu Lang gently but strongly interrupted him: “I delayed him. I held him off for more than ten minutes. What can’t you say to Suiyan? Expressing one’s mind is a matter of one sentence. Why is the senior so angry?”

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Having said this, Mu Lang paused and looked at Luo Xing with interest: “Or did the senior want to do something else with Suiyan? Not enough time?”

Thinking about that day when he took the initiative and was rejected by Lin Suiyan, and in front of Su Yuli. Luo Xing’s face turned blue and white, it wasn’t very good-looking.

After a while he asked stiffly, “Did you come here just to say that?”

Mu Lang leaned on the sofa and smiled leisurely: “That’s not true. I just happened to have something to do nearby and was passing by here. Thinking that you were in a bad mood, I came to see you.”

He took out a delicately wrapped box from behind him, “What happened yesterday was my fault, and this is my apology.”

Luo Xing didn’t speak, Mu Lang got up and tidied up his clothes: “Senior, there’s a saying that ‘good things come and go.’ You don’t have to worry, Lin Suiyan will be yours.”

Hearing Mu Lang’s speak with such certainty, Luo Xing couldn’t help but feel a little suspicious. He actually didn’t understand why Mu Lang wanted to deal with Lin Suiyan. They had known each other since childhood, and they were obviously friends.

Does Mu Lang really have feelings for Wen Jin?

However, before he could think clearly, Mu Lang had left the office.

When Lin Suiyan returned home, he was told by Aunt Xu that Su Yuli had locked himself in his room for two hours.

Aunt Xu said: “Xiao Jin looks like he’s in a bad mood, he has a long face.”

Lin Suiyan took off his coat and replied, “I know.”

Lin Suiyan pushed open the door, and saw Su Yuli lying on the bed playing games. He was pressing his fingers quickly, with an angry expression on his face, he looked quite cute.

Lin Suiyan put the juice he brought up on the bedside. When the game was over Su Yuli threw his mobile phone and rolled over onto Lin Suiyan’s lap.

Lin Suiyan lost his smile: “What’s wrong? Aunt Xu said you were in a bad mood.”

Su Yuli muttered: “I feel very uncomfortable seeing Grandma Ding like this now. Suiyan, I think grandpa’s health is almost recovered. Let’s bring him back to live here, and we’ll spend more time with him.”

The old man is old. No one knows when he will leave, and they don’t have much time together.

Lin Suiyan stroked Su Yuli’s hair and said, “Okay, I’ll contact the doctor, and if there’s no problem, We’ll bring grandpa back.”

Although the nursing home has special personnel to take care of him, in the end it wasn’t more comfortable than at home. Elder Lin should also want to be with his grandchildren.

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Su Yuli’s eyes lit up, and he rolled over: “Okay, I’ll clean up grandpa’s room.”

Lin Suiyan said, “Grandpa’s room is cleaned every day by Aunt Xu, so you don’t need to go.”

Su Yuli sighed and lay back again, he picked up his mobile phone and asked Lin Suiyan: “Do you want to play a game?”


Just as Lin Suiyan and Su Yuli were enthusiastically preparing to pick up Mr. Lin to take him home, on the other side, a sudden tragedy unfolded without warning.

When Su Yuli received the news of Grandma Ding’s death, he was buying clothes for Mr. Lin at the mall with Lin Suiyan. His eyes suddenly turned red, and he said with a trembling voice, “I see, I’ll go right away.”

When Su Yuli and Lin Suiyan arrived at the nursing home, they could only hear Ding Yuan’s suppressed crying coming from the ward.

Su Yuli’s hand pushing open the door stopped suddenly. He was very afraid of this parting scene in his heart.

Su Yuli stood at the door for a while, until Lin Suiyan took his hand. He took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

In the room, Ding Yuan knelt on the edge of the bed, holding Grandma Ding’s hand, his shoulders trembling, and a suppressed cry came out of his mouth.

Su Yuli glanced at the bed, Grandma Ding’s face was peaceful, as if she was asleep. But he knew that the kind old woman would never open her eyes again.

Thinking of these months together, Su Yuli couldn’t help but shed tears.

Grandma Ding’s funeral was three days later.

The funeral was deserted, except for Ding Yuan, Su Yuli, Lin Suiyan and Yang Shuo, there was no one else.

Ding Yuan looked at the picture of Grandma Ding on the tombstone and did not move or speak. He didn’t shed any tears. He had already shed all his tears in those three days.

Footsteps suddenly sounded in the silent cemetery, and they were getting closer and closer. Su Yuli looked in the direction of the sound, and saw Mu Lang wearing a black suit and holding a bunch of chrysanthemums, walking over with a solemn expression.

Thinking of what Grandma Ding had said about him and Ding Yuan, Su Yuli couldn’t help but frown.

They broke up. Why is this guy still being so disgusting?

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Mu Lang stepped forward, put the bouquet of chrysanthemums he had brought on the grave, and whispered to Ding Yuan, “I’m sorry for your loss.”

Ding Yuan didn’t react to Mu Lang’s appearance, as if the person in front of him didn’t exist.

The wind in the cemetery was a little strong and a little cold, and soon, water droplets fell.

It was raining.

It began drizzling and soon turned into a rushing downpour.

Mu Lang clicked his tongue and said to Ding Yuan, who looked pale and ill, “It’s raining, I’ll take you back.”

Ding Yuan didn’t seem to hear, still looking at the tombstone with a mournful look on his face.

Mu Lang was about to say something when he saw a tall man beside Ding Yuan take off his suit jacket and put it on Ding Yuan’s head.

Then the man wrapped his hands around Ding Yuan and said in a domineering way, “It’s raining. You’re not in good health. Let’s go back. ”

Unexpectedly, Ding Yuan didn’t refuse and let Yang Shuo take him away.

Mu Lang frowned and blocked their way. He stared at Yang Shuo and asked in a bad tone, “Who are you?”

Yang Shuo said coolly, “I’m Xiao Yuan’s friend.”

“Friend?” Mu Lang’s gaze fell on Yang Shuo’s hand wrapped around Ding Yuan’s shoulder, and his voice was tinged with mockery and coldness, “I don’t think it’s so simple as a friend.”

He still remembered that day when Ding Yuan passed out at the hotel, this person’s face was nervous and worried. He’d even carried Ding Yuan out.

Would a normal friend do this?

Su Yuli watched from the sidelines with some confusion. The atmosphere had suddenly become tense, as if a fight would start any second.

Just as Shuo Yang was about to speak, Ding Yuan said coldly, “Whatever our relationship is it has nothing to do with you.” He grabbed his jacket and left with Yang Shuo.

Seeing Mu Lang’s embarrassed face, Su Yuli felt very happy. He pulled Lin Suiyan and said, “Let’s go back too.”

Lin Suiyan nodded, nodded at Mu Lang coldly, and left with Su Yuli.

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