Dressed As An Omega Who Was Divorced By Seven Alphas

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In a navy blue round tub.


A slender, white body rests peacefully on the bottom of the tub.


Small circles of ripples spread across the surface of the water.


Above the tub are two overhead shower heads, relentlessly spraying ice-cold water.


Two household robots squatting on the edge of the tub dump a large bucket of ice cubes into the water every half hour, creating a crackling "crack" sound.


Smart robots keep working diligently.


They don't know that their master is already dead."


The continuous sound of water echoes in the bathroom, mixed with the intermittent ringing of the smart phone on the shelf, repeatedly prompting.


However, the person at the bottom of the bathtub, like a sunken treasure at the bottom of the sea, compared to the excited noise in the room, is strangely quiet.


Hot, it's so hot.


I want so much...


Suddenly, the person at the bottom of the bathtub starts moving his limbs.


With churning circles in the water, like a whale surfacing on the surface of the sea, he squirts out a giant jet of water.



Light brown hair is messy in her face, and you can vaguely see her flushed cheeks and bloody lips.


An exciting wave of pink spreads from the root of the ear, advancing through the neck, collarbone, shoulder blades, chest... even the body immersed in water does not escape this invasion.


The rush of heat makes your limbs twitch.


With a "splash" sound, he sinks back to the bottom of the pool.


He Huan calms down for a while, stretches his limbs once more, but his body is extremely weak, unable to hold anything, just touching the smooth surface of the pool.


Water... everywhere is water...


He must have fallen into a lake, it's so cold, but it does nothing to alleviate the burning heat inside his body.


Subconsciously, he feels that he needs a powerful body, to embrace and dominate him.


It's almost suffocating...


No! He spent so much time cultivating his human form, how could he drown?


After struggling for a while, he finally reaches the water's edge on the brink of death.




The air fills his lungs in big gulps, he's alive!


The joy of surviving the disaster doesn't last long, as the intense heat erupting from your body almost sends you falling into the water again.


He struggles to lift himself out of the water and is amazed at what he sees before his eyes.


This place is nowhere near your villa in Shanghai, but rather a bathroom with a futuristic design feel.


However, he feels a strong sense of familiarity with this bathroom.


A sharp pain like a splinter penetrates his mind, causing He Huan to fall to his knees on the ground.


A flood of memory fragments invades her mind.


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"You've put the whole family to shame! How many times have you been divorced?! You're a waste of money!" The woman screams angrily.



"Our compatibility doesn't even reach 10, a forced marriage won't have a good result. I don't want to play with the rest of my life..." Said the handsome man.


"I have someone else I like, call off the engagement."


"Being an omega, if my body didn't produce pheromones, I would have thrown myself off a building by now..."


Several faces quickly pass, one after another, in front of He Huan, who hugs his head with his hands, emitting groans of pain.


He rolled several times on the ground before finally recovering a bit and absorbing all the memories in that body.


Apparently, something went wrong during her transition and transformation.


His divine consciousness was transported to a future, magical world where humans are classified as abo in terms of gender.


This young man, with the same name as him, is an omega.


Due to the delay in the development of his glands, he did not receive the consolation and marking of an alpha in his adult life and ended up dying during the period of heat.


Now it makes sense why the water in the pool was so cold.


He Huan glances quickly at the shower above his head and at the robots throwing ice cubes into the pool.


They are used to cool the temperature.


This body's rutting period is not yet over.


If he doesn't resolve this issue immediately, even the life he just regained will be lost.


No pheromones? Compatibility below 10?




He Huan presses a fingertip to the back of the neck, where there is soft flesh that awakens imaginations.


Lush, sweet and seductive pheromones instantly explode, spreading to every corner of the room.


It is a familiar scent to him, with a seductive and captivating power - the scent of jasmine flowers.


The smart bracelet on the shelf makes the calling sound again, "ding-ling-ling".


This object has been noisy ever since He Huan woke up, quite annoying.


The connection between his divine consciousness and this body is still not very strong, so he has to make a tremendous effort to get up with trembling.


Thanks to the former occupant's memories, He Huan knows how to use the high-tech smart bracelet.


Your eyes find the screen, and unlocking is done through iris recognition.


On the screen it says: Dear Cedric.


T/N: In the sentence "上面显示:亲爱的赛德兰", the character mentioned is "赛德兰" (Sāi dé lán), which can be translated as "Cedric".


He Huan accessed the information about this person in his mind, and found that he was the fiance of the former owner of this body.


He is the son of a wealthy businessman.


The former owner and he were engaged in an arranged marriage between the families, which was arranged three months ago.


Due to personal interests, this guy named Cedric was always attentive and affectionate to the previous owner, quickly winning over his sensitive and insecure heart.


However, coincidentally, a week ago, Cedric found a female omega.


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Not only is she beautiful and charming, but their compatibility is a whopping 40!


Cedric began to hesitate.


In this world where there are alphas and omegas, it is very difficult for the compatibility between the two to reach 30, let alone 40.


This omega female has a fatal attraction for Cedric, and they are also more likely to have exceptional offspring.


Two days ago, Cedric proposed calling off the engagement, but was rejected by the previous owner.


First, because the previous owner has entered the heat period.


Second, despite his anger, the previous owner had been spurned by the family several times because of broken marriages, and he didn't have the heart to face it again.


Cedric continued to press the former owner to meet in person.


Because of the heat period, the previous owner kept refusing.


Hence the constant annoyance of the phone ringing.


He Huan blinked his eyes, feeling the former owner's final emotions rising in his heart.


During rut, without the consolation of an alpha, he could only make do with ice water and ice cubes to try to quench his thirst. The groom's former sweet calls have now become quit signals.


In addition, there were numerous provocative and offensive anonymous messages...


As an act of self-flagellation, the previous owner sank his body to the bottom of the pool, while the cold water from all sides, accompanied by the insensible ringing of the phone, invaded his senses.


A vibrant life has come to an end.


He Huan made a click with his tongue, he really did value his own life.


Her thin, pale finger gently touched the screen.


[Block contact: yes or no]




Finally, the room was silent.


He Huan let out a sigh of hot air and stepped out of the pool of cold water, causing the blood in his body to boil again.


Where to find an alpha?


He Huan's moist eyes were filled with desire, his tongue traced his lips leaving a wet sheen.


As a mimosa tree spirit, he worked hard to transform into human form, seeking to enjoy human ecstasy, especially joyful love and adored by all.


He wanted to find a handsome, brave, hormone-filled alpha that made him unable to close his legs.


This is his first time, there can be no failures!


He Huan took the clothes from the shelf and carelessly wrapped them around his body.


Her small, proportionate legs, pale chest and long, fragile neck were all exposed.


Looking at it, people wanted to rip these fabrics apart to find out what's underneath.


He Huan couldn't wait to open the door, but when he took a step forward, he was blocked by a figure.


A beautiful and charming face appeared before him.


The man had curly, golden hair, bright blue eyes, and a straight, high nose.


And full lips... they look perfect for kissing.

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He also has a tall stature, and the elegant gray-blue tailored suit makes him stand out even more.


He resembles a British gentleman from a movie.


Really, it was like finding a pillow when you're sleepy!


He Huan investigated with his spirit energy and found that although the man had a tall stature, he was not as robust as he had expected.


Well, given the pressing circumstances, there's not much to choose from, so he'll have to make do.


"Xiao Huan, you..." The man's surprised expression was as if he had pressed the pause button, staring blankly at He Huan.


He Huan lightly smiled, like a flower opening at dawn, revealing an elegant and seductive charm.


He slowly extended his index finger and stroked the man's chin lightly, like a feather.


Just as he was about to invite him to speak, his soul faltered and lost control over his body.


He Huan, whose eyes were clouded due to heat, instantly regained his mental clarity.


Upon looking closer, the person before him was none other than the cruel ex-fiancé who abandoned the former owner of this body?!


A wave of sharp pain and intense insane hatred flooded his mind.


He Huan rubbed his temples and finally understood the reason why he couldn't fully merge with this body.


Though the previous owner is dead, he harbors resentment for all the men who abandoned him, and the family's merciless treatment only fuels his rage, leaving his soul restless.


The lingering obsession of the former owner's soul demanded that He Huan return all the humiliations caused by men and family.


Otherwise, it would impede the body's recovery through training.


"Xiao Huan, this pheromone..." The man was breathing heavily, his cheeks were slightly flushed, and his hands unconsciously pressed onto He Huan's shoulders.


For the past three days, he had rejected all of He Huan's calls, so he had to come in person.




Cedric stirred, realizing that this pheromone was actually being given off by He Huan.


Have your glands finally started to develop?


So even if it's just a blink of an eye or a soft breath, it manages to stir the very heart.


He Huan arched his brows, his eyes moving as his red lips slowly parted, "Do you like it?"


Sedan's throat constricted, he could even clearly hear the embarrassing sound of swallowing.


But he didn't care about that, the air around him was filled with a sweet and seductive pheromone, his nerves and cells were all excited, reacting instantly.


He had never felt such a wonderful pheromone, and the most surprising thing was that this pheromone suited him so well, otherwise he would not have given in so quickly.


Yes... His reaction was frighteningly fast...


Does it only happen in dramas or movies, an 80% or 90% compatibility?


Cedric licked his lips, tightly gripping He Huan's shoulders, as if a beast was grabbing its prey.


"I like..."


He liked it so much that it almost drove him crazy, if it weren't for his still present reason, he would immediately want to take down the person in front of him.


Drill your glands! Bookmark it! Own it!


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He Huan smiled and brushed the golden strands of sweat wet hair from Sedan's forehead.


Cedric's breath hitched as the soft touch of soft fingers found his body, a part of him simply exploded.


The fingers still glided playfully, as if they wanted to tease a person to the limit.


Cedric approached, eagerly wanting to inhale the seductive scent that tempted him to surrender.


He even wanted to bite that naughty finger.


Suddenly, He Huan's fingers pressed to his forehead and pushed him hard, "Thanks for liking it, you can now leave."


Cedric was stunned, feeling a little confused.


He Huan still had a smile in his eyes, but it was a cold and sarcastic smile.


"Xiao Huan, don't be mad, I don't have any relationship with Li Li Sha, you got it wrong..."


Cedric hesitated for a moment, seeing He Huan's nonchalant attitude, he could only suppress the urge within him that clamored to be heard, and said with a pleading tone, "She's the one who's been bothering me, I only have you in my heart. heart, believe me!"


That phrase was the body's former owner's favorite, every time they got into a fight, Cedric just had to say, "You're the only person in my heart."


The former owner, lacking in love, would eventually be convinced and choose to believe.


But unfortunately, He Huan was not the former owner.


He only sought pleasure, he didn't care for romantic love.


He Huan lazily lifted his eyelid and casually said, "I already told you, you can get the hell out."


Don't get in my way while I'm looking for someone to have fun with.


He Huan was about to close the door to expel the guest.




Cedric flung open the door and rushed in, his aggressive alpha aura filling the room.


He Huan didn't notice in time and was pressed against the wall by Cedric, being completely trapped in his arms.


"Little Huan, be obedient, let your glands be exposed..." Cedric opened his mouth, revealing his sharp teeth, and his hot breath fanned out across He Huan's neck.


Overcome with a wave of desire, Cedric transformed from gentleman to beast, his gentle blue eyes turning to malevolent abysses.


In terms of physiological attributes, alpha's sharp teeth can easily pierce through an omega's glands to possess him as quickly as possible.


Just inject the pheromone to quickly complete the tag.


Omegas whose glands have been scarred will develop an unhealthy state of dependence on alpha. If he is away for too long, he will suffer from depression and distress.


And the one that is completely marked and structured...


It will unconditionally submit to its alpha.


He Huan struggled, but ended up being held by the shoulders by the other, forcing him to expose the glands at the back of his neck.


His gaze was like blades of ice formed by cold snow, a sharp arrow.


In Cedric's eyes, there was only the corners of the omega's eyes stained with blush, his cheeks flushed, his slender neck as fragile as a bamboo shoot, and his glands soft and fragrant.


All this so beautiful, he not only wants to possess, but also to destroy!


The alpha's dominant aura was like a net that completely enveloped He Huan.


He Huan coldly stared at the man's teeth, slowly approaching his glands.

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