"Erase the mark?"

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He Huan smiled sarcastically.

Indeed, it is possible to erase the mark, but the price is high.

The consequences would be that the omega would suffer mental and physical damage, and would likely lose the ability to procreate.

Was Cedric doing this as a form of revenge, to imprison him like a toy?

He Huan's voice sounded cold, "I decline."

"He Huan!" He Xun scolded in a stern voice.

He was extremely irritated with He Huan constantly challenging the family's authority.

But Cedric's request was really excessive, after all, He Huan was still his eldest son.

He Xun turned to Cedric and said seriously, "The aftermath of erasing the mark is too great."

Chu Meixuan also advised, "Yes, completely erasing the omega's mark is almost like taking half of his life away. I believe that you still have feelings for Xiao Huan. It was just a moment of anger. Furthermore, the complete mark can be replaced by the use of mental force, isn't it?"

Cedric repeatedly heard about the complete mark, becoming even angrier: "Does he also deserve this ?!"

Mental strength is the powerful weapon that sets alphas apart from ordinary people, abundant energy and vitality, and the ability to sire more talented offspring.

Once lost, with current medical technology, it is not possible to restore it.

"Aren't you willing to expend even a little mental energy for your husband after you're married?"

A young man beside Chu Meixuan suddenly spoke.

He Huan squinted, recognizing him as He Jin, this person is Chu Meixuan's omega son.

He inherited Chu Meixuan's appearance, but without the feminine seduction, tending to be dazzling, with highly striking facial features, like a very bright angular jewel.

However, this person's personality and appearance were not in harmony. He looked like a poisoned apple bitten by Snow White, beautiful but dangerous.

He Huan leaned against a tree, massaging his aching shoulders, with a carefree expression as if he was watching a spectacle.

Cedric looked at his nonchalant attitude and felt a rush of anger build up, "There's no negotiation on this. Either you remove the mark or we call off the wedding!"

Cedric's father spoke coldly, "Cedric is the heir of our Gibbs family and he would never sacrifice his mental energy for something like this. What He Huan has done, tarnishing the Gibbs family's reputation, should result in the immediate cancellation of the marriage."

The three words "cancellation of marriage" were like a curse that hung over He Xun's head.

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The Gibbs family owned the exploration rights to the mineral resources of the planet El. The He family's future completely depended on clinging to this great tree.

If they lost the network of connections coming from that alliance, they would no longer have special privileges, and this project would definitely be stolen by others. The He family, which had invested half of their fortune, would fall into an abyss of hopeless bankruptcy.

He Xun gathered his thoughts and said with a slightly fawning tone, "Mr. Gibbs, the compatibility between He Huan and Cedric is incredibly high, reaching 80%. When they team up, Cedric's mental energy will increase by at least twice. Compared to the mental energy consumption to cover the mark, this is not worthy of mention."

Gibbs lifted his chin arrogantly: "For a centuries-old noble family, personal interests are far below the family's reputation."

He Xun's face twitched slightly, an expression of helpless rage after being humiliated.

Chu Meixuan walked over and supported He Xun's arm, gently patting his shoulder to calm him down. "In fact, with today's medical advances, the damage done to the omega when removing the tag is not as severe as it once was." As she spoke, she exchanged a discreet glance with He Jin.

He Jin was also quick to comment: "Yes, two months ago, Henderson Hospital announced a great achievement in this area. A colleague from our school had the procedure and had no sequelae, now he is back in school."

He Xun's tense facial muscles relaxed, "Is it true?"

Hearing this, Cedric quickly opened the smart device on his wrist, "I know the director of Henderson Hospital, I will schedule surgery right away."

After watching for a while, He Huan found the whole thing absurd and ridiculous: "Erase yourself."

These people only care about their own interests, they don't take his opinion into account, they don't treat him like a human being.

Chu Meixuan quickly said, "Xiao Huan, it would be good for everyone if you erase the mark. Even if you aren't thinking of yourself, think of your father!" She gently looked at He Xun and then said to He Huan, "Don't put your father in a difficult situation, okay?"

He Huan looked at her, “Can’t you understand human speech?”

"Be quiet! You have no voice here!" He Xun furiously shouted.

If it weren't for the uniqueness of the pheromone, I'd really want to kill this evil son.

Gibbs' facial features were filled with anger after losing his temper, "Mr. He, this is an insult to our Gibbs family. In three days from now, I will hold a press conference to announce the end of the engagement between our families and also the revocation of development privileges on the planet El."

"Mister Gibbs!" Cold sweat was pouring down He Xun's forehead, he no longer cared about his dignity: "I will immediately arrange for He Huan to remove the mark!"

He turned his head, about to forcefully order He Huan to accept the arrangements.

However, there was no longer He Huan's figure before him.

In fact, He Huan had already walked away for a long time, and He Xun rushed to get his attention: "He Huan, if you dare not go, I will confiscate all your assets and revoke your right of inheritance!"

Without hesitating for an instant, He Huan continued walking, and as he passed Cedric and his father, the powerful pheromone in his body forced them to clumsily back up several steps.

He Xun was so irritated that his hands were shaking.

Chu Meixuan quickly patted him on the back to calm him down, "Dear, don't stress so much."

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At the same time, she rubbed her left thumb and forefinger together a few times, that was the secret sign between her and He Jin.

"Brother, do you know what the press conference means?" He Jin quickly rushed towards He Huan.

This slightly piqued He Huan's curiosity, causing him to stop in place.

"Journalists will certainly ask about Mr. Gibbs' motives for calling off the engagement." He Jin, being an omega and not being affected by the pheromone exclusivity, rushed over to He Huan and said, "If the public finds out that you've done something like this... something of inappropriate conduct, will you still be able to establish yourself in the entertainment industry?"

Entertainment industry?

He Huan suddenly realized that his original occupation was acting.

Gibbs' summoning of the press conference not only threatened He Xun, but also hit the former body owner's soft spot. A straight shot?

The body's former owner's mother was an actress, a superstar with the title of "National Goddess", who was at the height of her career when she married He Xun and was forced to put her artistic career on hold.

This lamentable situation accompanied her to the grave.

The body's former owner became an actor to fulfill his mother's last wish.

However, despite possessing passion and dreams, and being willing to work hard, he was limited in terms of talent, and after struggling for a few years, he was still a low-level actor.

He Huan was moved by this kind of family bond, but he had no intention of continuing to carry this chain.

He had no interest in acting and shrugged, "Do as they please."

Everyone was surprised, as He Huan's passion for an art career was like loving life itself.

He Xun still remembered when he didn't agree with He Huan becoming an actor, and He Huan had been kneeling at his office door for two days and two nights.

It was Chu MeiXuan who had compassion and persuaded several times, saying that the child was too pitiful, to which he grudgingly agreed.

"Brother, you gave up acting just to piss us off? How are you going to live in the future?" He Jin found it a little funny. He Huan didn't know how to do anything but play a few minor roles to earn some money. If he moves away from the He family, how will he support himself?

He Huan saw the hidden contempt in her eyes and sneered, "Your mother doesn't know how to do anything either, but she is living well."

"You!" He Jin was so furious that his face was distorted.

Chu MeiXuan felt like she had swallowed a fly and turned pale.

He Xun was stunned upon hearing He Huan's merciless words.

His eldest son used to be obedient and docile, with a weak personality. When did he become so stubborn and reckless?

He Huan didn't bother dealing with them and turned his back to leave.

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He Xun finally couldn't contain himself and charged forward, angrily shouting, "He Huan, you repeatedly make disrespectful remarks. I don't have a son like you!"

He Huan turned his head, a mocking smile curved his lips, "What a coincidence, I think the same too."

He tossed his coat with both hands, creating an elegant, fluid motion.

He took big steps forward, hearing the angry, frustrated screams from behind, but he ignored them like the buzz of a mosquito.


The paved roads in the mansion area were so clean that there weren't even any bugs crossing the road.

Stripped of any power, He Huan leaned on the side of the road, clutching his aching waist, and activated his smart device on his wrist.

There were few people in his contact list, after a quick check he was only able to call his manager.

Fortunately, the call was answered quickly.

"You're not on vacation, He Huan... Why did you decide to call me? Wait a moment, Jiuman, Pong!"

The previous owner didn't have many friends, and this businessman named Qi Peng was one of them.

"Qi Ge, I've been kicked out of the house now and I'm completely broke. Would you be willing to add another pair of chopsticks to your family?"

"Oh, shit, did I get shot by someone again?!" There was a mess of shuffling sounds from the other end, mixed with Qi Peng's complaints: "Look at you, every time you call me, I lose at the game. I didn't ask you for money back, and you still want to take advantage of it." from me to eat and drink for free?"

Clearly, it's because your game skill is poor, and you always blame the previous owner.

He Huan's tone of voice was light and relaxed, "So, I'm going to sell you big news that can make you money?"

On the other side, while arranging the cards, Qi Peng asked without much conviction, "How big is it?"

He Huan calmly replied, "A few days from now, the entire universe will know who He Huan is."

Qi Peng blinked his eyes and quickly understood the subtlety of the situation. He dropped the cards on the table and didn't mind the insults of his fellow players: "Tell me your address, I'll come get you."

It wasn't long before Qi Peng's car arrived.

It was an old, peeling car, the model of which was discontinued five years ago.

When driving, all parts of the car shook, it was like a symphony.

As soon as He Huan got into the car, Qi Peng held his nose and dramatically turned his head back, "Where the hell did you get that alpha smell from? It's so strong that even me, a beta, can't stand it."

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He Huan threw himself into the backseat, stretching his limbs with delight, "Then, turn on the air conditioner."

Qi Peng made a disapproving sound and said, "Turn on the air conditioner for what? Open the window and let the natural wind in, it's eco-friendly and economical."

He looked through the rearview mirror and saw large marks on He Huan's neck and chest, surprised, "Did you really do that?"

He Huan furrowed his brows and his entire body was satisfied and lazy.

Qi Peng felt that he was like a fairy filled with yang energy, completely charming.

A/N: Comparison with a fairy full of yang energy might imply that He Huan was radiant, attractive and full of vitality. It is a figurative way of expressing He Huan's change after this experience.

The difference before and after "eating meat" is huge, he turned from a small white flower into a seductive rose.

As he watched the road, Qi Peng looked curiously at He Huan through the rearview mirror and said with a smile, "It looks like you've completely changed, hey, you're feeling amazingly well, aren't you?"

He Huan furrowed his brows and stretched his limbs with satisfaction, "Not bad."

Qi Peng mysteriously approached and mocked him, "I didn't expect Cedric to be so gentlemanly on the outside and so wild in bed, hehe..."

He Huan shook his finger and said, "It's not him, we broke off the engagement."

"What?!" Qi Peng was startled, his eyes wide, and he let go of the finger that had been pinching his nose. The powerful alpha pheromone went straight to his head, nearly making him dizzy. The natural wind did not work at all.

Then, He Huan told him what had happened earlier.

"Don't you feel an urge to become an angel and save me, thinking I'm too miserable?"

Qi Peng's expression was really furious, "I'm the one who is miserable! After the press conference, you will be labeled a shameless person. Now, the filming of 'A Different World in the Box' will also be affected, and it is quite likely that we have to pay a fine for breach of contract! I'm taking a big loss, understand?!"

He Huan tilted his head, revealing a smile of deep meaning, "It is precisely because of the press conference that you are going to earn a lot of money."

Qi Peng's expression was stunned by He Huan's smile, he had never realized how seductive He Huan was before, "What do you mean by that?"

He Huan blinked his eyes, and in his eyes there was malice, "Let me get some rest first, tomorrow I'm going to the hospital..."

Qi Peng said irritably: "Say it all at once."

 "Of course it's to prove that I wasn't completely marked."

Qi Peng looked at the marks on his body and the pheromone smell that filled the entire compartment of the car, "Are you kidding me?"



The author has something to say: Gong: The wife ran away as soon as he woke up, and you still want to erase your tag???

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