Rainy Day

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In the early morning of the next day, Yumian woke up and opened her eyes, hearing the fine sound of rain, rustling like silkworms gnawing on leaves.

There was a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere around her. She stretched out under the warm bed, rubbed the soft pillow, and sat up slowly.

A cool breeze brushed against her cheeks, bringing a cold and moist breath.

Yu Mian tilted her head and looked over with sleepy eyes. It turned out that the window was not closed tightly, leaving a small gap. The wind and rain outside the window lifted the curtains and blew into the room.

The rain was slender, hitting the window glass, printing mottled water marks.

It rained all night, and the pattering sound of rain was endless, as if it would never stopped.

It was raining and its very cold in the autumn, Yu Mian sat on the bed, the fresh water vapor with the fragrance of plants and trees rushed to her face. She took a deep breath, and the air filled with moisture went straight into her lungs, with a refreshing chill.

Rainy days always makes people feel depressed for no reason. Yu Mian sat quietly for a while, listening to the noisy and quiet sound in her ears, and the relaxed expression on her face gradually faded when she woke up.

She seemed to be lost in thought, her slender eyelashes trembling lightly by the wind, and after a few minutes of silence, she suddenly reached out her hand and took the phone from the cupboard next to the bed.

After turning on the phone screen, she pondered for a while, until the lighted screen automatically dimmed, she made up her mind, and pursed her lips to open the WeChat in the phone.

After entering WeChat, she switched accounts and chose her original account to log in. Yesterday the WeChat interface was devoid of any messages, but suddenly today new messages appeared at this time.

At a glance, they were all very familiar names, most of whom were former classmates.

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 Gao Jingjing: I didn’t expected the first time I will contact you, it turned out to be in such a situation, Yu Mian, go all the way well.

 Wu Weiqi: Yu Mian, I hope you can live a happy life in your next life, and not be so miserable as in this life.

 Xu Huiyan: I think I will always remember you, thank you for your help. Yu Mian, go in peace.

Many such message boxes surfaced one by one, opened them one by one by her, and finally closed them one by one.

She couldn’t reply to any of these messages, because now she became a different person, and her original life was gone.

These people are all Yu Mian’s high school classmates. They should have messaged to offer her condolences after they heard the news of her passing.

In the high school class group, Yu Mian turned to an online news link posted by a classmate with the title “A female college student died in a car accident in order to save others.” Click in to see the report of her car accident.

If it hadn’t been for this news, Yu Mian still couldn’t remembered that she saved someone. It turns out that she had saved someone.

She only vaguely remember that when the car rushed over, there seemed to be a passerby beside her, and she subconsciously pushed him farther away.

But that was just a subconscious action. It seemed that the passerby was probably fine now, and her death was not worthless.

Compared with the uproar in the high school group chat, the university group chat can be considered as quiet as a chicken.

The university class structure is relatively loose, and Yu Mian’s personality is introverted. She did not choose to live on campus. In addition to class, she usually works part-time and directly goes home. She doesn’t communicate much with her classmates.

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The group was quiet, Yu Mian guessed that they might not know that she had an accident.

Just as she was reading the news, someone in the high school group chat suddenly sent another message.

 Hu Bingxin: Is anyone free today, let’s go see Yu Mian?

Someone responded immediately.

 Wu Xinyang: What do you think? Do you know where her home is? I want to go.

 Zhou Zhou: I remember Bingxin and Yu Mian seem to belong to the same community, right? There is no one in Yu Mian’s house. What did she do with her funeral?

 Hu Bingxin: Yu Mian’s previous neighbour made it for her, just today, so I will ask who are willing go.

 Tan Jiaxi: Everyone, if you have time and convenience, lets go and send off our monitor.

As soon as the words came out, everyone responded, and everyone set a time and agreed to see Yu Mian off together.

Yu Mian watched their discussion silently, her mood that was still a little depressed at first, quietly improved a lot without noticing.

Sitting on the bed holding her mobile phone, looking at the names of these kind people, the sadness in her heart dissipated by the warmth from their actions, Yu Mian couldn’t help but bend her eyes.

When she got up and went down the stairs, Yu Xing just came out of the dining room. He changed into a slim-fitting black suit, tailored to a decent size, matched with his height and long legs and his cold profile was clearly defined.

Seeing Yu Mian, his steps stopped, his voice cold as always: “The tutor will contact you. He will come over at three o’clock this afternoon. I will give you his contact information later. You can decide what you want to learn.”

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He spoke quickly, calmly and loudly, as if he was used to making decisions, and he seemed to be very quick and resolute.

Yu Mian’s expression was stunned, “Okay.”

Finally, she glanced at her again, the coldness in her eyes faded slightly, Yu Xing nodded at her slightly, turned and walked towards the door.

Aunt Chen, the family’s helper, handed him an umbrella and sent him out. When she came back, she saw Yu Mian still standing on the stairs, she couldn’t help laughing: “Miss, what do you want for breakfast? The kitchen has porridge and dumplings. I will do it for you if you want anything else.”

Yu Mian waved her hand to indicate that these were enough. After struggling for a while, she still couldn’t help frowning and asked her a question.

“Aunt Chen, did brother go out so early?” She just checked the time. It seems that it is only 6:30 in the morning, their parents have not gotten up yet. She wS woken up by the wind, orelse she doesn’t usually get up so early.

Aunt Chen said: “The young master always leaves early. The home is a bit far away from the company. If the young master wants to go to work, he can only leave early, otherwise he will be late.”

Yu Mian nodded her head indicating she understood. She also found this out when she came yesterday. Their car indeed took alot of time covering the long distance from the city center.

It’s no wonder that brother doesn’t usually come home very much. It’s so troublesome to go to the company for such a long distance.

But yesterday, brother was afraid thinking it will cause trouble and went home. He not only gave her a bank card, but also solved her education problem in one night. Does that mean that brother is not as the original owner thought to be, but do likes her as sister?

Perhaps, he was just indifferent by nature and not good at expressing himself, but he still cared about her in his heart.

After being aware of this, Yu Mian secretly made a decision in her heart that in the future, she must work hard to find opportunities to change her brother’s original view of her, hoping to gain a good older brother in her mind.

After having breakfast in the dinning room, Yu Mian went back to her room and opened the wardrobe to choose the clothes to wear today. Her clothes were all brought by Mrs. Yu. So they basically followed Mrs. Yu’s aesthetics. The styles of the clothes were fresh and sweet.

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In a pile of pink and blue dresses, Yu Mian finally found a black coat. The thick woolen fabric on her body protected the coolness of late autumn.

Putting on a pair of black jeans and small brown leather boots, Yu Mian stood in front of the full-length mirror and took a look at what she was wearing to make sure there was nothing wrong with it, and then took her mobile phone to go out.

Aunt Chen was cleaning up the living room. The helpers usually get up early in the morning. They clean up the house first before the host’s gets up.

Seeing that Yu Mian seemed to be going out, Aunt Chen gave her an umbrella and said, “Miss, where are you going? It’s raining, let Liu take you there.”

Yu Mian shook her head, “No need. Aunt Chen, I will call a car by myself. Tell my parents thag I’m going out for something and will be back for lunch at noon.”

After speaking, she opened the umbrella and walked into the dense rain outside the house.

The dark umbrella surface cast a shadow and enveloped her thin body.

She just wanted to take a look of her original home and send another Yu Mian one last visit.

[ T/N :- She really must feel nostalgic and sad… Btw Yu Xing is handsome eh  ]


Today’s TMI:- I finally solved my PayPal and Kofi problems FINALLY they were like pain in the ass !

♡ Thank you for reading uwu

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