After introducing themselves, the classmates talked with Yu Mian with few words, and then they didn’t say anything more.

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    There were also classmates who were curious about Yu Mian’s whereabouts, but in the end they came to mourn. Everyone was in a heavy mood, and no one came to chat with her out of proportion.

    Yu Mian stayed at Wen’s house for the whole morning, most of the time she sat quietly by the side, watching her classmates remembering her while recalling the past together.

    After graduating from high school, the classmates scattered all over the world, plus they didn’t contact eachother very much. This time, there were more than a dozen people, almost half the class, and each of them said something nauseous to the portrait of Yu Mian. When it was almost noon, they simply made an appointment to go out for dinner.

Finally, they said goodbye to Wen Quyi one by one, and went out just like that.

    Yu Mian just went to the kitchen to pour a glass of water, and when she came out, she saw the scene of everyone lining up to go out.

    Seeing her, Wu Xinyang also waved to her, “Beauty, we will leave first, we’ll meet you next time.”

    Yu Mian looked dazed, seeing them leave one by one, she turned to look at Wen Quyi and asked, “Why are they leaving?”

    She just felt awkward staying in the living room, listening to their words of memory about her, so she simply fled the place to avoid it. Who knew that it will be over in a blink of an eye, and they will all go back together, so she couldn’t help but be a little unclear.

    Wen Quyi glanced at her unexpectedly: “It’s noon, they’re going to eat.”

  “Oh…” Yu Mian realized that it was already noon. Thinking of what she told Aunt Chen about going home for lunch at noon, she hurriedly got up and said goodbye to Wen Quyi, “Well, since it’s noon, I should go home too… Thank you for your hospitality.”

    Nodding, Wen Quyi stood by the door, leaning against the door frame with his tall body, and said after a moment of silence, “Thank you for visiting her.”

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    The young man has soft black hair with a clean and handsome face, his gaze gentle and ethereal, like a quicksand like Moonlight which contains an indistinguishable emotion.

    He stared at her silently, his eyes deep, as if looking at some another person through her.

    Yu Mian was a little flustered by watching him stare at her, so she lowered her head to avoid his sight, by taking her umbrella from the shelf by the door, turned around and walked out.

    As soon as she stepped out of Wen’s house, a youthful voice came from behind her making her stop, “Kapok.”

    She continued to take two steps forward, when suddenly Yu Mian realized that he was calling her, she stopped and turned around in confusion.

    “What’s the matter?”

Any normal person will respond subconsciously whenever their name is called. But the name Yu Mian used was not her real name, but her nickname on Weibo, so she was unable to respond to it immediately.

    Seeing her slightly sluggish response, Wen Quyi’s eyes were deep, he put his hands in his pockets, and walked slowly towards Yu Mian step by step, looking down at her.

    “Your name is Kapok, right?” he questioned.

    Yu Mian suddenly opened her eyes wide, slightly panicking in her heart, her eyes flickered a few times.

    After all, it’s a liar’s temperament, when they get exposed on the spot, they immediately start panicking.

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    She stepped back and didn’t dare to look up at him, “I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

    “I’ve already noticed that every time someone calls you Kapok, your response gets very slow, as if it’s not you who they are calling.” Wen Quyi said to himself, his eyes still fixed on Yu Mian’s face.

    Because of his height, he could clearly see the girl’s trembling eyelashes and the panic in the bottom of her eyes.

    Like a deer in the forest, ignorantly caught in a net, her eyes were helpless and hesitant.

    “No, I-I just react a little too slowly, it’s natural.” Yu Mian pulled the corners of her lips and tried to smile, pretending to be calm, “And why would I use a fake name? There’s no reason to do it at all, isn’t it?”

 Wen Quyi’s tone contained a hint of icy coldness: “That’s what you need to answer. You said you came to visit Yu Mian, but I didn’t see how much grief you have. What is the purpose of your visit this time?”

    Yu Mian did not expected that he would observe her so carefully that he even noticed her expressions.

    Her standing there as a living person, but watching her classmates burn incense and paper in front of her. It’s already good that she was able to hold back her laughter. Does he want her pretending to cry?

    Of course, she did not die but possessed another body. This matter will definitely rot in her stomach, and it is even more impossible to tell others about it.

    Yu Mian racked her brains thinking about the reasons she said in the past, and stumblingly said: “I’m just Yu Mian’s online friend… I’m not her classmate, and I don’t have that much memory of getting along together, so I may not feel as deep as her classmates, but you saying that I don’t feel sad, by this you are insulting our friendship…”

    At the end, she suddenly felt a little wronged, she regretted not being able to recognize her classmates.

    And above that this person is still pressing her with questions, as if she had done something heinous.

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    Wen Quyi has never spoken to her like this before. He has always been a gentle brother next door in front of her. He used to tutor her in summer nights due to her part-time homework, he used to pile out the lovely little snowman by her windowsills in winter and just because she likes the girl’s prayer, he would play it everyday during his practice.

He gave too much tenderness, so she slipped in quietly.

    It wasn’t until the summer two years ago when he moved out of this old community that she woke up from that girl’s dream.

    Suddenly seeing his aggressive side, coupled with the backlog of secrets that she had nowhere to tell, Yu Mian only felt a sense of desolation, her eyes couldn’t help turning red.

    She raised her head, looking up at her pale white face, her eyes were full of crystal clear water, and she choked up: “Besides, I am a girl who is afraid to come over and dare not give my real name. What’s the problem with giving a false name?”

    Yu Mian thought she was very imposing. After all, she was also feeling angry in her heart, but she doesn’t know why she suddenly wanted to cry and pretend to be angry. She spoke in a soft voice, looking like a little girl acting coquettish like a baby, pitiful and cute .

    The eyes were red like a rabbit, and the tip of the nose is also dyed with a little powder. The little girl’s face was of the size of a palm, small and pitiful. Her hair is cut with eyebrow-length bangs, which were hanging close to her snow-white cheeks, the soft and cute feeling belonging to a good girl.

    The boy’s eyes suddenly froze. In his eyes, her face unconsciously changed into a different look. He fixedly looked at her clear eyes, and through the dark and moist clear pupils, he saw the once very familiar and unforgettable expression.

    This is the pair of eyes that he dared to recall only in his midnight dreams, those long-cherished eyes.

Some people say that a person’s eyes are the most difficult thing to disguise and imitate.

    “You…” He was shocked for a moment, his throat was dry and hoarse, he could only spit out a word.

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    Yu Mian didn’t want to stalemate with him any longer, Wen Quyi’s senses were too keen, she was afraid that if she stays with him any longer, everything would be discovered by him.

    Before he could finish speaking, she quickly turned around and ran down the stairs with a bang.

    The shock was too big, Wen Quyi’s emotions were moving up and down, he didn’t even had the time to respond. It wasn’t until Yu Mian’s figure disappeared at the corner of the stairs that he came back to his senses and chased after her anxiously.

    “Wait! Kapok!”

    Yu Mian heard the shouts from behind, and was so frightened that she started running faster.

As soon as she ran out of the community, she got to the side of the road, coincidentally a taxi came by, she raised her hand to stop it, opened the car door and quickly got in.

    “Master, hurry up, hurry up, go to Yunhu Villa.” She said panting while looking out of window.

    The driver stepped on the accelerator with one foot, looked at the boy chasing after him, and said with a smile, “Alright, what’s the matter with you two, you young couple argued?”

    Yu Mian peeked out the window and saw the boy standing by the road, looking towards the taxi for a long time, the expression on his face could not be seen clearly, the thin and slender figure stood in the bleak autumn wind, lingering with thick loneliness and gloom.

    Gently pursing the corners of her lips, Yu Mian shrank back and sat back in her seat, sighing softly, “No.”

    It’s something more terrifying than a fight.

[ T/N:- It was quite a intense chapter huh? ]

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