“Because our family has no money and Dad can only earn twenty yuan a day, so I’m going to earn money.”

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Ji Jiangzhou was hit by twenty yuan again. He looked into his youngest son’s innocent eyes and said seriously: “Zhile, Dad doesn’t know why you have such thoughts, but the money Dad earns is enough for our family. You don’t have to think about this issue and you don’t have to pick up bottles…”

Ji Jiangzhou felt that it was difficult and funny to say it. If it was known that his son was going to pick up bottles to subsidize the family, it is estimated that rumors of the company’s bankruptcy will spread tomorrow.

It’s just that Ji Zhile is a little confused: “But I asked Dad if he can earn 20 yuan a day, Dad, you acquiesced.”

Ji Jiangzhou’s memory goes back to the weekend when he received a call from Zhile asking about his salary. He sensed something was wrong and even called Si Tian. It turned out that Zhile had been thinking about the poor things at home since then.

Facing the child, Ji Jiangzhou remained patient: “Dad didn’t acquiesce, but was just thinking about how to answer you.”

Ji Zhile blinked: “Then how long will Dad earn 20 yuan?”

Ji Jiangzhou said: “You should be able to earn it now.”

Ji Zhile counted on his fingers. Now it is about one second, twenty yuan per second. How much is that for one minute? It’s a pity that he hasn’t learned multiplication yet, so he can’t figure it out. But, Ji Zhile knows it’s a lot. After all, he only earns five yuan a day picking up bottles.

It’s just that Ji Zhile did not fully believe it yet. So, he said hesitantly: “But, I went to eat KFC with Mom and Brother, and then, Mom said we had no money when she came home.”

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Ji Jiangzhou cast doubtful eyes on Si Tian.

Si Tian smiled awkwardly and pressed Ji Zhile’s shoulders, thinking that this was really her little padded jacket that leaked air.

She said word by word: “Ji Zhile, I have to tell you something. Our family is not poor. We don’t need you to pick up bottles to subsidize the family. The money your father gave is enough.”

When she said this, Si Tian’s voice was a little difficult. She never expected Ji Zhile to believe in what she said so firmly.

Si Tian’s just-grown conscience began to thump and thump, with a sense of presence.

Ji Zhile frowned: “But, Mom only has one beautiful dress and you don’t have the money to buy more.”

Si Tian thought, so it was waiting for her here. Every lie she ever told was being slapped in the face at this moment.

“Mom just doesn’t like wearing skirts. It’s not that I don’t have money to buy them.”

Ji Zhile’s originally firm thoughts were slightly shaken. But he still did not want to believe it: “But, Mom said that our family has no money, so breakfast only has eggs, milk, and carrots.”

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The way Ji Jiangzhou looked at Si Tian had completely changed. He just listened to their conversation quietly without interjecting.

Si Tian’s palms were sweating wildly. She loosened and tightened her hands: “Because milk, eggs, and carrots are good for the body.”

Ji Zhile’s eyes were still a little dazed as if he did not quite understand.

Si Tian’s conscience ached a little while after she grew up.

“So, Ji Zhile, stop picking up bottles.”

Ji Zhile did not realize it for a while and said a little stupidly: “But I finally picked up those bottles, so I don’t want to throw them away.”

Si Tian: “You can take it and sell it. You will handle the money yourself.”

Ji Zhile let out a groan and lowered his head slightly. His curly hair looked a bit dull with the gloomy expression of the master.

Ji Zhile was thinking quietly. His little head could not digest so much news for a while and was trying to understand one by one.

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Si Tian breathed a sigh of relief. She did not say anything false. Her heart was really hanging in the air just now.

Originally, Ji Zhile was not a very good-tempered child. Si Tian thought that he would burst into tears after knowing the truth and was still thinking about what to do. If she was the only one at home, it would be easy to handle and this matter would never happen.

But her nominal husband was also there and he seemed to spoil the children very much, so Si Tian felt that this matter was a bit difficult to handle.

But, Ji Zhile accepted it quietly and Si Tian’s attitude towards him changed greatly.

Just as Si Tian was rejoicing, Ji Zhile suddenly let out a loud cry.

His eyes were red. He stared at Si Tian and ​​his hands were trembling: “You lied to me!”

Si Tian panicked. Didn’t he, did this outbreak still have a prelude?

Ji Zhile squeezed the money in his palm, tried to open his eyes wide, and raised his head to keep the tears from falling. He complained again: “You lied to me!”

Si Tian felt guilty: “Yes.”

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Ji Zhile clenched her hands into small fists. He could not believe that she really did not refute but admitted directly. His hands were shaking slightly. Ji Zhile growled: “I hate you to death!”

Ji Zhile turned around and ran upstairs. The sound of footsteps echoed for a long time.

Si Tian accepted all this as if she were dead and the situation was better than she expected. At least, Ji Zhile did not hit anyone but ran away crying.

Now, it’s time for her to face her husband.

“Si Tian.”


Translator’s Comment:

Poor baby Zhile…

Urgh… I think someone (ST) will be in trouble. Hahaha…

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