“I’m a boy and you are a girl, so you can’t watch it.”

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Si Tian could not help but sneer: “Then what do you do when you take a bath?”

Ji Zhile was really stunned. He was a little distressed.

He can do other things by himself now, but Auntie at home needs to watch over the bath. If he had to choose between Auntie and his mother, Ji Zhile would definitely choose his mother.

So, Ji Zhile reluctantly said: “Then you can watch for me from now on.”

He said: “When I am the age of my brother, I can take a bath by myself.”

Si Tian never expected that with just a casual word, she actually took a job for herself.

Ji Zhile opened the door, with the clothes in his arms, he put the changed clothes into the laundry basket. The aunt at home will wash them tomorrow.

He was wearing soft pajamas, showing his arms and calves like lotus root joints. He raised his head. His small face was clean, his pupils were dark, and his eyes were bright. He said seriously: “I’m going to take a shower tomorrow.”

Si Tian: “Well…”

Ji Zhile is satisfied. Although the bowl of noodles tonight is really not delicious, he also wants his mother to coax him to sleep.

His mother never coaxed him to sleep. Ji Zhile heard other classmates say in kindergarten that their mother would tell stories, sing lullabies, and pat their backs at night…

He definitely doesn’t want to be coaxed to sleep by his mother, he wants to have what others have.

Ji Zhile lay on the bed, pulled up the quilt, covered his chin, and looked at Si Tian with a pair of round eyes without blinking. The urgent meaning was obvious.

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Si Tian was defeated. She resignedly took out her mobile phone: “Let me search.”

How to put a baby to sleep.

Ji Zhile did not expect his mother to not know how to do this. He said with disgust, “You have to sit on my bed and tell me stories.”

“Okay.” Si Tian sat on the edge of Ji Zhile’s bed.

There are two dolls next to Ji Zhile’s pillow. One is a blue whale and the other is Ultraman. It can be seen that he often sleeps with it, but today Ji Zhile did not hug the doll.

He hid his hands under the quilt and put them on his stomach, which was a little round. He ate a lot today and his stomach felt a little uncomfortable, but Ji Zhile did not have time to think about his stomach. He stared at his mother and began to look forward to what story she would tell him.

Si Tian: “Have you heard the story of Snow White?”

The future vicious male supporting partner wanted to hear some beautiful fairy tales.

Ji Zhile curled her lips: “I heard it a long time ago.”


Ji Zhile asked: “Can Mom tell some new stories?”

Si Tian: “Okay.”

It was Ji Zhile who forced her. Si Tian turned on her phone and found out about the family defense battle: “Come and see.”

Pay more attention to family ethics, respect your parents, more and less scolding, and stop destroying other people’s love in the future.

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Ji Zhile watches TV almost always watching cartoons and has hardly seen such a mediation variety show, so he got up from the bed.

Si Tian snatched the little dumpling into her arms and let him watch TV with her arm.

Ji Zhile was unexpectedly obedient. At first, he twisted a bit, then obediently leaned on her arm and began to watch TV.

Si Tian thought that Ji Zhile would ask a lot, but she did not expect that it would be easy to take care of from the beginning to the end. After watching it for an hour, Si Tian found that Ji Zhile’s brows were slightly raised as if he was thinking about something, so she jokingly asked him: “Do you have any ideas?”

Ji Zhile thought for a while: “Mom, will you divorce Dad?”

Just now there was talk on TV about a couple getting divorced.

Si Tian said, “Not yet.”

After all, she has nothing to be dissatisfied with in this life. Her husband doesn’t ask her to perform any obligations but only pays her money. She also has two children. She does not need to give birth and work hard to bring it, they have grown so big.

Ji Zhile said: “I think Dad is much more handsome than the people in it and Dad also likes to be clean.”

Si Tian did not expect Ji Zhile to understand that the husband and wife in the story were divorced because of various trivialities in life. But the families of both parties felt that it was enough to bear with the small problems and no one’s life was perfect.

Si Tian pinched Ji Zhile’s face: “I see.”

“Go to bed quickly.”

Ji Zhile was still a little dissatisfied: “But you didn’t coax me.”

Si Tian expressed helplessness: “But you have also heard fairy tales that I have heard.”

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Ji Zhile: “You can still sing a lullaby.”

Si Tian: …

If she sang, Ji Zhile wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight.

At this moment, Si Tian heard a “hiccup”. She looked over and saw Ji Zhile covering his mouth in panic. But the hiccup could not be hidden and there was another sound, his shoulders were on the small flutter.

Si Tian could not help laughing.

Ji Zhile frowned: “No, hiccup, don’t laugh!”

Si Tian said: “Ji Zhile, I don’t think it’s suitable for you to listen to lullabies right now, but it’s suitable for you to take some Jiang Zhong Jian Wei Xiao Shi1 tablets.”

She feeds Ji Zhile with digestion tablets and urges him to go to bed quickly. But Ji Zhile is still not satisfied: “You didn’t put me to sleep today, I will continue tomorrow.”

He gave an example: “It’s like I didn’t finish the meal today and I will continue to eat it tomorrow.”

Si Tian really convinced him: “Okay, okay.”

Ji Zhile was finally satisfied and closed his eyes: “Good night, Mom.”

After leaving Ji Zhile’s room, Si Tian also prepared to wash up and lay down on the bed to play with her mobile phone.

Xiao Ai said to her in her mind: [Coaxing children to sleep is fun, right, Host.]

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Si Tian replied coldly: “You can try it if you like.”

Xiao Ai revealed warmly: [This may become a daily task in the future.]

The so-called daily tasks are those that have to be done every day, and after completion, the survival time will be dropped. Since Si Tian threatened the system again, the minimum drop time in the card pool is already five days.

Now Si Tian has accumulated more than a month of health.

Si Tian: “Isn’t the current daily task picking up two children from school?”

Xiao Ai: [Our mission is progressing step by step, to ensure the completion of the main mission.]

Si Tian is tired and just wants to lie on the bed and play with her mobile phone before coaxing the child to sleep has become a daily task. It is very likely that there will be no such pleasant moments in the future.

Walking through the corridor and passing by Ji Ningyi’s room, the door slightly moved and opened from the inside. Ji Ningyi stood at the door looking at her.

He also changed into pajamas. His soft black hair was a little longer, slightly covering his ears, and asked her softly, “Mom, is Zhile asleep?”

Si Tian yawned and nodded, “Aren’t you going to sleep, Ningyi?”

Ji Ningyi said softly, “I’m going to bed right away.”

“Then go to bed early.” Si Tian was about to leave but suddenly thought of something. She turned her head and looked at Ji Ningyi again. The child was still looking at her obediently. Meeting her eyes, he asked: “What else is there for you, Mom?”

Si Tian said, “Does Ningyi need Mom to coax you to sleep?”

Ji Ningyi blushed slightly. Facing Si Tian’s gaze, he quietly tightened his hand holding the doorknob and said sensibly: “No need, Mom is already very tired.”

Si Tian did not leave like last time, but pushed open the door of Ji Ningyi’s room: “But I want to sleep with Ningyi, is that okay?”

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