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He Xiaoyun returned to the room with Wei Jianwei and the baby. Although there was no one here for several months, the room was still very clean and there was no dust on the table. She sat on the bed, pressed the bed with her hand, and sighed, "It's the same as before we left."

Wei Jianwei took out the things in his duffel bag, put the gifts for his family on the table, put the clothes in the cupboard, and walked over to sit next to her after packing.

"Let's eat the noodles, and then sleep for a while?" On the train last night, there was so much noise that they couldn't get a good rest.

He Xiaoyun said: "Let's talk for a while, I'm quite energetic."

He Xiaoyun put the baby on the bed and saw that she was able to sit firmly, so she took a corner of the quilt to tease her.

Wei Jianwei hugged her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"You're so heavy." He Xiaoyun moved, complaining, and then asked, "Are you tired? If you are tired, go to bed first."

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"I'm waiting for you, let's sleep together." Wei Jianwei said, exhaling his breath to her ears.

He Xiaoyun gave him a push, "It's itchy...who wants to sleep with you?"

Not only did Wei Jianwei not budge, but he held her arms tighter.

The little baby yelled suddenly, with bright eyes looking at the door. He Xiaoyun followed her gaze and saw Feng Qiuyue standing there, looking at them in a strange way.

She hurried away from Wei Jianwei and stood up, her face a little hot. Although she was used to Wei Jianwei's cuddling, she was seen by the family, that was another matter.

Feng Qiuyue didn't come in either, she stood outside the door and smiled and said, "The noodles are cooked, and mom wants me to call you to eat."

"I have troubled sister-in-law." He Xiaoyun handed the little baby to her, not ashamed to be seen, and hurried to the hall.


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After eating the noodles, He Xiaoyun took out the presents. In addition to the cloth for Wang Chunhua, there was also Feng Qiuyue's face cream. The men in the family had a belt and a pair of beautiful shoes was given for the baby.

Wang Chunhua cherished the fabric, but shook her head and said, "Why did you buy these for? What a waste."

He Xiaoyun just laughed. Feng Qiuyue said to He Xiaoyun: "Don't look at your mother's words, she's actually happy in her heart."

She lowered her head and shook the daughter in her arms, "Look at her. Auntie bought us a lot of gifts. Say thank you to auntie."

"Huh?" The little baby bit her finger.

He Xiaoyun squeezed the baby's face affectionately, "Can you  already speak?"

"It's still too early, she can only babble." Feng Qiuyue said.

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After talking for a while, Wang Chunhua asked them to take a break, and He Xiaoyun was also a little sleepy now, so she took Wei Yuanhang back to their room.

The little kid saw the familiar bed, took off his shoes, and jumped on it.

"Mom, it's our bed!"

"You still know? Then stop jumping, lie down and sleep."

As soon as she took off the child's clothes, Wei Jianwei walked in and saw that Wei Yuanhang was about to lie in the middle, and said to him, "Lie down inside."

Then he sat down on the edge of the bed and started to take off his shoes and coat.

Wei Yuanhang widened his eyes to look at his father, his face was full of sincere confusion, "Isn't Dad sleeping on the ground?"

"Puff..." He Xiaoyun laughed.

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Wei Jianwei glanced at her and said to his son: "I will sleep in the bed from now on." (Jianwei getting his rightful territory.)

The child was still a little puzzled. He remembered that when he was at home before, his father always slept on the floor.

Before he could ask more questions, Wei Jianwei was already lying down. The bed at home was slightly smaller than that of the army. Jianwei's shoulders were wide and his legs were long. He occupied almost half of the bed by himself. He Xiaoyun was lying in the middle, Wei Yuanhang was at the innermost side and turned over. His little body is about to be clamped to the wall.

The child didn’t sleep well. He used to roll around on the bed. Now that he can’t roll, he's a little unhappy and complained to his mother: "Mom, it’s so crowded."

"Don't roll, and stop squeezing." He Xiaoyun patted his little belly, turned her head, squeezed a smile, and whispered to Wei Jianwei, "Have you heard? It's crowded."

Wei Jianwei turned sideways and took her into his arms. The two of them, one was big and the other small. He Xiaoyun was almost perfectly embedded in his arms.

"It's a bit crowded." Wei Jianwei looked at his son who didn't know anything. 

Before in the army, the child was too young to be separated from his mother, but now, the child can sleep alone perfectly. Now that there are so many people in the bed, the boy is taken out and casually stuffed into Wei Jianhua's bed so that he won't be squeezed. (Power moves by Jianwei.)

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