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Seeing the rogue running away, He Xiaoyun was relieved and looked back at Wei Jianwei. He had calmed down this time, but his eyes were still bloodshot. He stared in the direction of Lai Zihui was running away with a sullen face. (gah, got marked down by jianwei.)

"Don't be angry." He Xiaoyun said softly.

Wei Jianwei looked down at her, his expression slowly easing down, "Are you scared?"

He Xiaoyun shook her head, then nodded again, "I'm not afraid of him, I can just smash his drunkard's head. I only worry that you will kill him. It's not worth it for you to be in the prison for the rest of your life."

Wei Jianwei squeezed her hand, hugged her in his arms, and said, "Don't be afraid, I won't." (won't what? kill him?)

Even when he(jianwei) was furious, he was well-measured, and his hits just now were extremely painful, but it would be not life-threatening, at least not immediately.

After this accident, Jianwei and Xiaoyun didn't continue to stay on the mountain. They cleaned up and went down the mountain. Along the way, Wei Jianwei still held He Xiaoyun's hand.

He Xiaoyun was worried about being seen by others, but at this time, she was quite willing to lead him, and so she had to bury her head and only look at the path under her feet instead of looking at others as if by doing so, they would not be able to see her.

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Feng Qiuyue was sitting under the eaves with her daughter in her arms, and seeing her second brother-in-law and second sister-in-law walking back hand in hand from a distance, she felt a little bit novel.

She then remember that on the day she(xiaoyun) came back, she(qiuyue) went to the room and called for them both to eat. At that time, the second brother-in-law hugged his wife and looked very intimate.


Feng Qiuyue and Wei Jianguo have a very good relationship. She had been married to him for several years and hadn't been pregnant. She became anxious and sad, thinking that her husband would think of her as a hen not able to lay eggs. On the contrary, Wei Jianguo has been comforting.

But even if they have such a good relationship, they have never done anything like the affectionate behavior of their second brother and his wife. 

Feng Qiuyue looked at them, a little embarrassed, and a little envious in her heart.

When they got home, He Xiaoyun quickly let go of Wei Jianwei's hand and greeted Feng Qiuyue as if nothing had happened. Fortunately, the other party was not someone who would joke about this kind of thing, so she was relieved of embarrassment.

"Mom!" Wei Yuanhang rushed out of the room and threw himself on her excitedly.

He Xiaoyun rubbed his head, "Are you obedient at home?"

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"Yes! I built a house, mom, come and see!" The child pulled He Xiaoyun to the backyard.

On the ground in the back yard, there was a slanted mud pile, probably the house that Wei Yuanhang had said.

The child also said proudly: "When I grow up, I will build a big house and live with mom!"

Seeing him smiling carefree, He Xiaoyun also smiled and said: "Mom will wait, but where does dad live?"

Wei Yuanhang frowned. He only planned to live with his mother and he didn't expect other people, but his father is not someone else and should live with him. He reluctantly said: "Then... Dad will live with us together, but Dad has to sleep on the ground."

"Puff--" He Xiaoyun laughed, and the only bit of depression in her heart also dissipated.

For the rest of the day, she was paying attention to the movement on the team, wondering if Lai Zihui's beating had been discovered and if anyone would pursue it.

But it wasn't until the next morning that Aunt Zhang came to the door to mention a sentence, and her tone was very relieved: "I want to say, good fight! I don't know who beat Lai Zihui, but why didn't he beat that man cripple?"

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He Xiaoyun heard her conversation with Wang Chunhua and realized that yesterday was not the first time Lai Zihui did such a thing.

In the past, little wives on the team were met alone by him, and he would say something unclean. Sometimes he used his hands and feet to molest them, and when he encountered someone with a harder temper, he would curse them. He took advantage of the peace and the victims had to swallow their injustice with tears, for fear of publicizing it and ruining their reputation.

After hearing this, He Xiaoyun didn't think that Wei Jianwei was ruthless, only that he didn't hit hard enough.

If an ordinary person is beaten, the family will help them to ask for an explanation, but Lai Zihui’s parents are dead long ago, and he has neither a wife nor children. A few brothers started avoiding him, and so, no one wants to stand up for him at all. It all quickly passed.

At night, He Xiaoyun lay on the bed and said to Wei Jianwei: "If I knew he had done so many disgusting things before, I should have asked you to punch him more yesterday."

Wei Jianwei buried his head in her neck, he seemed to like the smell on her body, and he did this every time he hugged her.

"Easy, I'll beat him again tomorrow." He said.

He Xiaoyun hurriedly said, "Forget it, let's not think about it."

At this moment, she remembered Wei Jianwei's appearance when beating someone, and she still had lingering fears, so fierce, so cruel, as if he had become another person she didn't know.

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But as long as she thinks that he did this for her, she doesn't feel scared at all.

Xiaoyun shrank into Wei Jianwei's arms, poked his chest, squeezed his abdominal muscles, and touched the muscles of his arms, feeling a sense of security. (jealousy tvt)

After poking and pinching him, she raised her head and prepared to speak, but met his eyes, and made a chuckle in her heart, "...I don't mean anything else--"

Regardless of whether it's intentional or unintentional since she provoked the beast, she has to be responsible.

After a while, when He Xiaoyun quickly left Lai Zihui behind her mind, she suddenly heard that he drank too much, and when he crossed the bridge at night, he fell off the bridge. Fortunately, he fell on the bank instead of into the river. Luckily, the scum was not drowned, but one of his legs became crippled.

After that, the people on the team no longer called him Lai Zihui but called him Lame Zihui.



T/N: Man's deserved it.

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