Chapter 60: Going Home

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After the summer vacation, He Xiaoyun and Wei Jianwei took Wei Yuanhang back to their hometown.This year, they came back later than in previous years. The rice field has grown taller, at a glance you can tell that it’s lush and green. When they had just arrived home and sat down for a glass of water, before they could even start a conversation, many naibours came to visit. There are only a few hundred households in the small Qingshui area. It is rare to see anything new. He Xiaoyun was admitted to university last year, and everyone has been talking about it until this year.Looking at the entire commune, there are few people who have been admitted to a university. In Qingshuihe, only He Xiaoyun and another educated youth managed to pass the exams.But the young couple didn't come back during the Chinese New Year. Everyone was full of curiosity but couldn't find anyone to ask. Now that they heard that the couple came back home, they all came.So many people came to visit that they ran out of siting, so Wang Chunhua hurriedly asked Wei Jianhua to borrow a few long benches from next door.Before He Xiaoyun came back, she expected that there must be a lot of people coming to the door, so she specially bought several bags of candies and glutinous rice cakes, specifically to treat the guests.These snacks are considered rare, few were interested in them. Almost all eyes are on He Xiaoyun and their curiosity was peaked. She was wearing a novel white shirt, a beautiful and eye-catching red skirt, and those little leather shoes, she stood out from the gray and plain people around her, she looked even more beautiful than those actresses in the movies!Standing nearby was Wei Yuanhang, wearing white clothes and black trousers, with clean hands and face, and a cute and handsome appearance. Compared to him, their own children look like snot in the dirt.

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While filling their mouth with sweets, their hearts are sour with envy: They really are different after entering the city, not long ago, everyone's life was pretty much the same.But when they thought of He Xiaoyun and Wei Jianwei's abilities, they couldn't express the sour words in their hearts. They got busy by asking what the university looked like, how much the tuition fee was, and what kind of work He Xiaoyun could do after graduation...He Xiaoyun told everything she knew, and when people heard that not only was there no tuition fee for going to college, but the state also provided subsidies, their eyes lit up, especially those with young children in their families. And those who were no longer planning to let their children study, felt a little shaken in their hearts.After dealing with wave after wave of people who joined in the fun, it was already noon. Wang Chunhua felt sorry for the three of them who had been on the train all night, so she took Wei Yuanhang to sleep in her room after lunch, and asked He Xiaoyun to go to rest too.The room was kept as it was when they were at home. Wang Chunhua often cleaned and ventilated the room, and there was no peculiar smell. He Xiaoyun changed her clothes, lay down on the mat, and sighed comfortably.The wind blew through the bamboo forest behind the house, rustling, chirping of a bird came from a nearby tree, the breeze outside the window brought the fragrance of fresh grass, people’s voices gradually faded away and drowsiness came over He Xiaoyun...Half awake and half asleep, she noticed Wei Jianwei approaching, He Xiaoyun murmured softly. Wei Jianwei took out a big cattail fan from the bedside table, gusts of cool wind blew on her body, and she quickly fell asleep.Waking up a bit later, the hottest part of the day was over. Wei Jianwei was not in the room, He Xiaoyun lay down for a while and heard the childish laughter from the yard.She got up and combed her hair, walked to the window, and looked out. Wei Yuanhang was playing with his little sister under the eaves, and Feng Qiuyue was sitting on the side.The little girl stumbled as she walked, the braid on her head trembled like a dragonfly, her speech was still a little vague, and she called her brother in a childish voice.

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Wei Yuanhang, who used to cry and say he didn't want his parents to have younger brothers and sisters, is now having fun with his two-year-old little cousin.He Xiaoyun propped her chin and looked at it amusingly.Wei Jianwei came out from nowhere, and asked her through the window sill, "Are you hungry?""What time is it?" He Xiaoyun glanced at the sun with a smile. After a while, she is afraid that she won't be hungry at night."You didn't sleep?""Slept for a while." Wei Jianwei touched her cheek with his fingers, there were red marks on one side of her face made by the mat.Out of the corner of He Xiaoyun's eyes, she saw Feng Qiuyue looking towards them, and moved away. It's okay to do things like that at ordinary times, but now that there are so many people in the family, it would be embarrassing to be seen by anyone casually.Feng Qiuyue smiled and said: "Xiaoyun is awake, did the children make too much noise?""No It’s fine, It’s time to wake up." He Xiaoyun responded, leaving Wei Jianwei and heading out the door.After dinner, the family sat in the yard to enjoy the shade. Wei Jianwei and his father got together and didn't know what to talk about, Wang Chunhua ignored them and just talked with her two daughters-in-law.

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This time He Xiaoyun brought back a few pieces of brightly colored cloth to make clothes for Wang Chunhua and Feng Qiuyue. Wang Chunhua kept saying that she was too old and it was unsuitable but couldn't put the fabric down. After being prompted by He Xiaoyun and Feng Qiuyue for a while, she finally accepted and discussed what clothing to make out of it. When it became later in the night and there was a chill in the air, the family went back to their rooms to sleep.Wei Yuanhang was left in his grandparents' room. After wiping her hands and face, she asked Wei Jianwei, "What did you talk to Jianhua just now?"Wei Jianhua was not idle.Wei Jianwei's words confirmed her guess. Wei Jianhua and a friend of his were indeed doing a small business secretly.If this kind of behavior was caught a few years ago, it would be a terrible thing, but now, some people with a keen sense of smell have noticed that some restrictions are gradually being loosened, huge opportunities are slowly revealed, and changes are just around the corner. Wei Jianhua's mind has always been clever, and He Xiaoyun is not surprised. You must know that in the original book, he is the richest between the family members.She loosened her hair, combed it with her fingers, and asked Wei Jianwei: "What do you think?"After all, Wei Jianwei is an "old antique" unlike her who knows the trend of history. Hearing such a thing suddenly, she doesn't know if he can accept it.Fortunately, Wei Jianwei was not as rigid as she believed. He was really surprised at first, but he was in the army and in a place like the capital, so he could naturally hear some rumors that ordinary people couldn't hear, so he didn't stop his brother. Wei Jianwei just asked in detail about Wei Jianhua's specific situation, he pointed out that his behavior was not cautious enough, and threatened him that if he did something illegal, he would hang him up and beat him. Wei Jianhua was so scared that he repeatedly promised not to dare.He Xiaoyun also breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. Although Wei Jianhua is indeed smart, with Wei Jianwei holding the rein, it is obviously safer.

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In Qingshuihe, the pace of life seems to slow down.In the past semester, He Xiaoyun was pulled between school and her home. Neither family nor study was left behind. Although she was busy and after a long time, she would occasionally feel a little tired, when she returned home, it was like taking a vacation for herself. Even when working, there is a leisurely feeling that she has never experienced before.He Xiaoyun counted, their vacation was only 20 days, but her summer vacation was twice as long, so she couldn't help smiling and said to Wei Jianwei: "You can go back to the army alone after the vacation is over, Xiaohang and I will wait until school starts again."Wei Jianwei didn't speak, but took a few grass stalks and weaved them into two connected rings, one for He Xiaoyun's hand and the other for himself."What's this for?""To tie you up." He said seriously.He Xiaoyun stared blankly.True love is truly dead.

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