Chapter 40 – Refresh?....Where am I?

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「Yeah, I don’t feel like doing anything at all.」

Recently, the new.po.wer generates heat in my body in the morning.

Since I don’t know the reason, I don’t know how to deal with it.

It’s only a fever so I can say that it’s not a major problem but I feel uncomfortable when I wake up.

Even so, I’m able to wake up on my own now which can be said to be a positive effect.

That’s why I woke up early again today.

And that was the first thing I said upon waking up.

I don’t know why I don’t feel like getting up.

In an environment where I can’t afford to lazy around….I know I shouldn’t be like this.

That’s why I did my best to get up.

However, I’m still unmotivated.


I still have to clean up the mess of those three idiots.

And I know I have to do it as soon as possible.

However, thinking about the cursed pile of bones, the rejuvenated angels, the collapsing caves….

I feel a little tired already.

….No no.

To be precise, it is making me angry.

I’m not only angry at those three idiots but even with the god who missed them.

However, since they are not here to receive my blame, it only accumulates in my mind.

That made me mentally exhausted.

Just thinking about it already makes me lose my energy….end of self-analysis ~…


Ah, right!

Let’s do something completely different to freshen up.

It will be a waste if I use my time being angry at them.

So, what should I do?

I want to do something completely out of ordinary but I don’t want to do something meaningless.

「「Good morning」」

「Good morning….ah, right! Let’s go check the beastkins and verify the existence of animals!」


Ah, Usa and Kuuhi are looking at me with confusion.

That’s what you get for suddenly screaming something they don’t understand after greeting them.

I’m sorry.

I pat both of their heads to cover it up.


Breakfast was made by the one eyes.

It’s just like a hotel breakfast except there are no eggs or milk.

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Freshly baked bread, salad, fresh fruit juice, and roasted bacon.

I was surprised when I was served with something that looked like a bacon a few days ago.

I asked them how they made it and was brought by the one eyes somewhere.

For some reason, they had a smoker.

I wondered how they obtained that knowledge.


After breakfast, I took a break to check the angels.

They seemed to be having fun attacking us as usual.

I wonder how long it will take for this monster core to shatter?

I’m a little worried.

Perhaps I should prepare new monster cores tonight and give them to the one eyes.

If the one the angels are shooting shattered, we’ll be in trouble.

「Even so, why aren’t they walking?」

The angels should be around 2, 3, or 4 years old.

They should be able to walk but they are always sleeping.

I’ve never seen them stand up.

I’ve seen them being carried by the one eyes on their backs though.

What’s actually happening?

Is this even okay?

In the first place, do angels grow up the same way as humans?

In addition, these angels are adult angels that have been rejuvenated….this might not be their normal form.

When I pat the angel’s head, their expression changes to someone who enjoys it.

That said, they don’t stop playing when I try to touch them.

Do they understand the situation?

….or is that something that should be expected from angels?


Well, it’s time to go.

Where are Koa and Chai?

It would probably cause a commotion if I bring dragons with me so I’ll just have the two come with me today.

Ah, here I am again.

I’ve been saying “those two” a lot lately, haven’t I?

Well, Koa is the very first one I’ve met when I came to this world.

I’m most familiar with her.

And Chai is her husband.

Well, I don’t mind if it’s the two of them or another two.


When I stepped out of the living room to the wood deck, a nice breeze was blowing.

It’s about time for the heinous summer to begin.

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Let’s play in the snow mountain this year.

「Koa, Chai, come here~」

I called out and they stopped playing with the pups in the square.

No matter how much magic is flying around, it’s only them playing around.

When I called out for Koa, the pups looked happy for some reason, or is it only my imagination?


「I’m sorry but, I want to get out of the forest and see the countries around us. Can you fly me there?」

I patted Koa’s back lightly and pointed at myself.

This means I’m going to ride her.

Next, I pointed at the sky.

That means I want her to move while I’m riding her.

I had repeated this over and over again and had them remember it.


Koa rubs her nose against my shoulder.

That means okay.

When I looked at Chai, he made a squeaking sound.

He wants to go with us.

That means it’s “those two” again.

They are always working together.

Well, it’s good that they are getting along so well.

A few of Koa’s pups show up.

I was thinking of going with only the two of them.

I pointed at Koa and Chai and shook my head.

The pups cried and sniffed.

….it shouldn’t be a problem if I bring more, right?

Okay, let’s all go together!

「Let’s go!」

The four pups replied with a “grrr” to me.

When I rode Koa and put my arms around her heck, she started running up to the sky.

I could see Chai running next to Koa.

The pups are probably in the back.


The feeling of ascending is always strange.

I can’t describe it but it’s interesting.


After stopping in the sky, I pointed in the direction of the country that the three idiots controlled.

Then, immediately hug Koa’s neck.

There was a time when I was thrown in the air because she started running before I could hug her.

That was even scarier than a roller coaster.

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Since Koa had experienced this before, she waited for me to hug her before moving.


It felt good when she started running.

It was not too hot and a pleasant breeze enveloped my body.

However, it was only for a few minutes.

Since I’ve gotten used to riding Koa, she started running at a very high speed.

It’s hard to not get knocked off.

But that’s to that, we were able to get out of the forest around noon.

I feel like she’s getting faster and faster. Or is it my imagination?

Oh well, being able to arrive at the place you want to go to immediately is good.

「Koa, slow down, slow」

I patted Koa’s neck and asked her to slow down.

I looked down and saw a field as far as my eye could see.

Hmm, it’s very wide.

However, nothing’s planted on them.

For some reason, I couldn’t even find a single weed.

Even so, it is obvious that it is being managed.


Isn’t it strange that nothing is growing in the field at this time of the year?

This is supposed to be the best time for vegetables to grow.

Even the fields managed by the farming corps all have lush green leaves swaying in the wind.

「This is strange. What’s going on?」

As I stared at the scenery below, I could feel magical power from the field.

I wondered why and tried to sense magic power around.

「What’s going on? I can feel a tremendous amount of magical power coming from the field. Is it an…experiment?」

I looked around again.

It’s a vast field but all bare soil.

There are no vegetables planted in this field.

It’s hard to imagine such a vast experiment.

Did magical power flow here from the forest?

….no, there was a barrier made by the three idiots in the forest.

I don’t think magic will overflow past that….


Ah, there are people there.


Are they beastkins?


Isn’t this the country that the three idiots used to cause the problem?

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I can’t see the ears because of the hair but he has no tail so he should be human.

And next to the human is a person with ears and a tail.

That’s definitely a beastkin.

Yeah, there is a human and a beastkin together before me.

Given their atmosphere, they should be friends as they don’t seem to hate each other.

God told me that in the country that caused problems, beastkins were treated as slaves.

Not much time has passed since then so the atmosphere between the two races should even be worse.

So, am I in a different country?

….I don’t know.

Where am I?

I thought I had come to the country where the king in question was….?


Ah, it looks like they found me.

They look a little flustered.

I wonder why?

Ah, perhaps they thought I crossed the border without permission?

Going into another country without permission is an obvious crime.

I can’t just say that I don’t know the laws of this world.

So, what should I do?

….once again, I look at the situation below.

They are still making a commotion.

Are they from an institution that crackdown crimes in this world?

Come to think of it, the beastkins I’ve seen before were wearing the same uniform and have swords on their waists.

They looked like knights.

「Should we run? Will that give them a bad impression? I’m thinking of getting involved with others little by little from now on….」

Ah, if I remove the magic from the field, their impression of me would be better, right?

The field is in a state where even grass can’t grow because of too much magical power.

If they can’t grow crops, there’s a possibility of them suffering from famine.

All right, let’s get rid of the magic on the field to have them forgive me for crossing the border.

I took out a monster core that I had somehow brought with me.

Then, I cast a spell on the core so that it will absorb the magical power accumulated by the field.

The monster core glowed lightly and began absorbing magical power.


I asked Koa to move slowly so that the core can fully absorb the magical power on the field.

I’m not sure how far this field goes….

It’s field as far as my eye could see….


I never thought that I would use my day absorbing magical power.

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