Chapter 47 – Intimidated!...Thank You

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Honestly speaking, I want to pretend I didn’t see it and go home.

….but I can’t do that.

Haa, even so, a transparent egg?

I know I said I want eggs but….not this kind.

This is the worst.


I let my hand off the egg and took another good look inside.

No matter how I look at it, it’s not three dogs but one dog with three heads.

No, there shouldn’t be any dog like that.

Maybe it’s a monster.

A monster with three heads….I feel like I heard about it before.

From my little sister?

Hmm, I can’t remember.

But…it’s ugly.

It looks like a dog in an egg and it’s not only scary, it’s ugly too.

「Clattering, clattering, clattering, clattering, clattering, clattering……..」


What was that sound?

『Clattering, clattering, clattering, clattering, clattering, clattering……..』

When I looked around, I saw Boss-san making sounds with her mouth.

The parent spiders are also acting the same way.

If I remember it correctly, they do this when there’s a threat.

「……eh? A threat! What!」

My body stiffens given the atmosphere Boss-san and the others give.

I’m pretty scared.

I mean, I notice that the parent ants are also making threatening noises.

This has become too scary.

Can I escape?



This place is at the innermost part of the space.

The entrance and exit is behind the parent ants so I can’t escape!

「Calm down, me! How many times have I experienced something like this since coming to this world? Haa, I guess I’ll just have to assess the situation for now.」

Now, why are the big guys being threatened?

It seems like they are doing it to me….hnn?

Not me but the egg?

….Ah, I see, the egg.

「Fuhh, don’t scare me like that. I almost fainted for a second thinking I was going to be attacked.」

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There is no way for me to escape if I was attacked by Boss-san and the others.

I can assure you that it is absolutely impossible.

I was relieved that they were not intimidating me so I relaxed and sat down, leaning against the egg.

『Clattering, clattering, clattering, clattering, clattering, clattering……..』

The next moment, the menacing sound gets louder.

And again, my body freaked out by itself.

Ah, now that’s my fault.

I gently removed my body from the egg.

However, why are they so intimidated by this egg?

「Just why?」

I look at the inner part of the egg and it doesn’t seem to move or even twitch.

And yet, they are feeling the threat of this egg that much.

Aside from being ugly….well, let’s exclude the fact that it has three heads for now.

It’s still a puppy given how it looks.

Puppy monster?

『Clattering, clattering, clattering, clattering, clattering, clattering……..』

Even though they are not intimidating me, I’m still scared.

And I can’t even think straight because of the sound.

In any case, let’s calm down everyone first.

I don’t know if that’s the right thing to do though since I don’t know why they feel threatened.

In any case, I’m scared!

「Boss-san, how about calming down first?」

…..isn’t this what you say to calm down a horse?

It looks like I haven’t calmed down yet.


「Boss-san, I think it’s okay. Or rather, it isn’t even born yet, right? Also, I’m here. Nothing will happen….maybe.」

If she understands me, she’ll probably say what a pathetic persuasion.

However, I can’t think of any better words.

I don’t even know if it’s really okay.

Boss-san stopped making intimidating noises and stared at me intently.

Ehto, I guess it’s good.

「It will be fine. We just have to figure out how to deal with it if a problem arises.」

I looked into one of Boss-san’s eyes and asked her to calm down for me.

Boss-san tilted her head.

It’s funny how comfortable I am seeing a giant spider tilting her head in confusion.

This is not a good way to escape reality.

Let’s see, persuasion….not good, I can’t think of anything.

Boss-san stared at me for a while and stopped intimidating.

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Seeing Boss-san like that, the others stopped making intimidating noises too.

That’s good.

Now, I can think calmly.

「Now, what should I do?」

Since Boss-san and the others feel threatened, it may be a dangerous monster.

Maybe it would be better if it never wakes up or if it is never born.

Should we just leave it here?

No, that’s unsafe.

We won’t even know if it hatches.

I think we should take it home.

「Haa, those three idiots. Now I have to figure out what this is!」

….I wonder what’s its purpose.

Is there anything else here?

I looked around the entire space where the egg was placed.

I can’t find any furniture like a desk.

But I found a box.

「Maybe there’s something in there!」

As I approached the box, I saw that it could easily be opened.

I’m a little nervous but I opened its lid.

「Ugh….not again.」

Inside the box are bones.

The moment I saw it, I remembered the curse and my body trembled.

However, it doesn’t appear to be human bones.

Even so, they are bones.

Those bastards!


I lift the bones from the box.

They look like bones of an animal or monster.

The skeleton is different from that of the dog in the egg so it must be from a different creature.

It looks like a horse bone I saw on TV before but horses didn’t have horns, right?

The skull has a horn on its forehead.

Since we have found it, should we bring it back home with us?

「I don’t want to waste time thinking about it so let’s just take them all back.」

A box and a transparent egg.

We should take the egg home first, right?

Can Boss-san take the wooden box back?

I pointed the box to Boss-san.

「Can you carry it back home for me?」

….well, it looks like she didn’t get what I was saying.

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I brought the wooden box in front of Boss-san.

Then, I bowed and looked at her.

This is a gesture of a request.

…..or am I asking too much?

After staring at her for a while, two of her eight legs moved and placed the box on her body.

「She got it!」

I took a guts pose.

It is very difficult to communicate with others so I’m quite happy when I get through them like this one.

「Thanks for your help.」

She nodded.

Let’s believe she got what I’m saying.

I lifted the egg gently using both of my hands and felt how heavy it was.

It’s heavier than I imagined.

I must be careful not to drop and break it.

At the corner of my eye, I saw that the parent ants nearby had taken an alert position.

「It’s alright.」

I’m holding it using both of my hands so I won’t drop it.

「I can’t run back home. Let’s walk slowly.」

Holding the egg, I head outside.

The faintly warm egg seems to have no problem being moved. I see no change.

Come to think of it, there were no tricks when I took the egg.

Is this egg not that important to the three idiots?

The only trick in this place is the entrance of this cave.

Come to think of it, the passageway is also rough.

However, when I tried to sense divine power the first time, it was hidden or no light appeared.

Isn’t that because they didn’t want us to find this egg?

Hmm, I have no idea.

It’s useless to think about it.

In any case, let’s just say I’m glad there’s nothing going on.


The question is, where should I put this egg?

In the room where I sleep?

Eh, what if it hatches while I was sleeping?

… the living room?

No. Wood deck?

「Clutter clutter」


That doesn’t sound to be an intimidating sound, who is it?

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The moment I step outside, a sound lighter than their intimidating sound earlier reaches my ears.

I look and see one of the parent spiders making that sound right next to me.

It’s not a big parent spider but it’s grown up a lot.

「Clutter clutter」

Ehto, I’m sure it’s trying to tell me something but what?

Anyway….we stared at each other.

I wonder how easier my life would be if I could transmit my thoughts to them.

The parent spider gently moves its two legs closer to me and quickly snatches the egg away.


I follow the egg with my eyes and it is secured by a web on the parent spider’s back.

Ah, was this one of those spiders that can use web?

Still, to think it was intimidating the egg earlier.

「Is it okay? Are you sure?」


I use the word “okay” so often that they are starting to get what it means.

So now, it said “clutter” or something, it should be okay, right?

….Let’s just accept it as okay.


I gently pat its head.



I think I heard a slightly different pitch but maybe I’m just imagining it.

When I looked at the spider, for some reason, it was swaying its body from side to side.

It seems that it was checking if the egg is fixed or not by shaking its body.

After shaking its body for a while, it looked at me and nodded.

Apparently, it was a signal that the egg was ready.

「I see. Then, let’s go home.」

Boss-san started running while holding the box with her legs.

She’s very dexterous.

I ran after her.

It seems that we can run the same speed on the way back as we did on the way here.

That’s good.

I’m tired from all the threatening noises so I can’t wait to get home and take a good rest.


But still, egg.

Are we going to find eggs in other places too?

I hope I won’t find any curse bones or eggs!

Haa, cleaning up after the three idiots is really tiring.

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