Dropped Into Another World V3C18

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Chapter 18 – Where is the Knowledge!

「I’m tired. Thanks for Koa and the others, you’ve been a big help today.」

「I’m glad that I could help.」

「But don’t glare too much.」

When I was talking with Dadavis’ group, they sometimes looked troubled or confused about something.

At first, I was worried, wondering if I had done something wrong. However, it looks like their eyes are not on me.

I gently followed their gazes and noticed that they were looking at Koa so I observed her.

Yeah, she was glaring at those three and her eyes were really scary.

「Ah,t-that’s….my bad….I just want your lordship to rely on me.」

So, she wants to be depended on….

I think I’m already relying on them almost every day.

「I’m a lucky guy.」


Koa looks confused.

「Because I have Koa and the others.」


Koa, are you embarrassed?


Oh, everyone’s tails are so cute.

They are wagging their tails so much.

I want to touch their tails!

「Hnn? What’s wrong your lordship?」

「No, it’s nothing.」

Everyone’s tired so let’s ask that later.


「Welcome back.」

I turned my gaze at Usa, who greeted us, and she had a slightly uneasy expression.

What’s wrong?

「What’s wrong? Did anything happen?」

I examined the house and the surrounding area for any magical anomaly.

However, I wasn’t able to find any problem.

「I’m okay. I’m glad you are back….」


I’m back?

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「Well, this is my house and everyone’s here too. Of course, I’ll come back, right?」

Usa smiles after hearing what I said.

Behind her are Kuuhi and Hikari.

Did I make them anxious?

I’m sorry if that’s the case but I have to go out to meet beastkins from now on.

I don’t know why they are so anxious about but let’s hug Usa for now.


I pat Usa, who’s smiling happily, and someone pulls my clothes.

When I look at who’s doing that, I find Kuuhi has puppy eyes.

He’s cute too.

I hug Kuuhi too and pat his head.

I gently look at Kuuhi’s face and see that he looks happy.

I’m glad.

「Dinner is ready. The one eyes worked hard today.」

Kuuhi and Hikari nodded.

I pat Hikari’s head as we head to the wood deck where we eat.

「Hikari, thanks for taking care of them while I’m gone.」

He looked embarrassed but tried to stay composed.

He’s a little older than the others so he’s always making himself look composed.


On the wood deck, the meal has already started and it’s already quite lively.

Since the number of children has increased, the farming corps has also come to help out this time.

Mainly to take care of the children.


Dinner is quickly prepared as we sit on our usual seats.

It’s always perfect.

I look at the one eyes and for some reason, a one eye is wearing a hunting cap.

「Why are you wearing a hat?」

「Today, we made a dish called hamburger.」

On the table were hamburgers and vegetables sandwiched between bread.

It looks nice and delicious.

….So what!

「No, what I’m asking is, why are you wearing a hunting cap?」

「This is for the hamburger.」

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Since when is that necessary?

I look at the one eye.

It doesn’t seem to be kidding.

It is serious.

「……is that so?」


The one eye nodded in satisfaction.

When I look around, all of the one eyes are wearing hunting caps.

「Then, please enjoy.」

I look at the one eye as it leaves.

Where in the world did they get that knowledge?

What’s the connection between hunting caps and hamburgers that I don’t know about?

「Your lordship, are you not going to eat?」

Usa’s words brought me back to reality.

「Sorry. I’ll eat it while it’s still warm. Itadakimasu」

I smile at Usa as I bring my hands together and eat.

It is freshly made by the one eyes and I took the first bite.

The juices overflow and there is no doubt that this burger is delicious.

「This hamburger is delicious.」

Kuuhi nodded silently when Usa said that.

It seems like his mouth is too full to talk.

He’s eating too fast.

When I looked at his plate, there were three hamburgers.

He already ate one and he’s eating the second one which means….5 hamburgers!

Usa has 3.

Hikari only has one.

I’ve been thinking about this for a while but, the two beastkins can eat more than us.

At first, we only ate the same amount.

….no wonder they’ll become bigger.

「If you don’t wear a hat, you can eat a hamburger. Let’s have more of those hats made.」

….30 days are kind of long.

Maybe I should have asked the teacher to come earlier.

「Usa, making a lot of hats wouldn’t mean that we’ll get a lot of hamburgers.」


Usa looks at me with a sad expression.

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「I see.」

It makes my heart ache to see such a sad expression on her face.

「Why don’t you just ask the one eyes to make more?」

Usa and Kuuhi looked surprised when I said that.

And I’m surprised by their reaction.

「I can ask them to make more?」

「Of course.」

Perhaps them being slaves influenced them more than I thought.

Come to think of it, neither Usa nor Kuuhi ever asked something for themselves.

I should ask them what they want to eat from now on.

If I ask them what they want to wear, I’m sure they won’t tell me.

It would be easier to ask them what food they want.

I hope they will slowly understand that wanting something is normal.


By the way, Koa and Chai seem to find it hard to eat hamburger.

Their mouths were in a mess.

Well, Chai is taking care of Koa. He’s spoiling her again.

Hnn? It looks like there’s another pair spoiling each other like Koa and Chai.

Well, it’s good that they get along well.

I’m not disappointed….I’m already used to it.


Shake shake



Is it shaking?

「Hnn? It looks like something’s on the ground…..」

Usa and Kuuhi look at their feet.

Koa and the others are also looking around.

They must have been really shaken.

An earthquake, huh.

There are earthquakes in this world too.


Kuuhi looks uneasy.

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「It’s probably an earthquake.」


Kuuhi repeated my word curiously.

Maybe he doesn’t know about earthquakes.

「Your lordship, what’s an earthquake?」

Flying Lizard suddenly appeared in front of me.

I’m a little surprised and remember what he said to me.

I felt like he asked me, “what is an earthquake?”.


I heard that Flying Lizard and the dragons have knowledge embedded in them from the moment they were born.

And yet they don’t know what an earthquake is?

「I’m talking about the ground shaking phenomenon. Its cause is….it has something to do with the movement of the plate….」

My words are getting smaller and smaller.

I could not explain in detail what the cause of the shaking but Flying Lizard seemed to be genuinely mystified.

Given Flying Dragon’s attitude, I realized that the dragons have no knowledge of earthquakes.

I tilted my head to that.

Why isn’t the knowledge of earthquakes instilled in them?

Was it because they didn’t think it was necessary?

I don’t think so.

There was an earthquake a little ago.

It somewhat gave me an unpleasant feeling.

「Is it going to be okay now?」

Usa puts her hand on my arm.

「That, I’m not sure. I don’t really understand that much.」

Usa and Kuuhi became uneasy when they heard me.

When I look at Hikari, he doesn’t seem to be affected.

「Why are you not sure?」

「Because it’s hard to predict an earthquake.」

「I see.」

They look at me with a very curious expression but, what do you expect to hear from me?

…..stop that.

For Usa and Kuuhi, I’m probably someone who can do anything but I can’t.

Ah, this might be a good opportunity.

I’ll show them I’m a normal human.

…..ah, I’m not even human.

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