Dropped Into Another World V3C21

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Chapter21 – Special Investigation Unit Commander Marofe (3)

-Emperors Kingdom’s Special Investigation Unit Commander Marofe’s POV-

When we arrived at the village that had been attacked by the mixture, I was stunned at the sight of the destruction.

However, I can’t stay stunned for long.

I regained my composure and gave instructions to my team.


It was the evening of the 4th day after we arrived at this place.

Vice Commander Pisce, who had gone to the forest to conduct a survey, returned to the tent that’s currently our base.

「Thanks for your hard work.」

「Yeah, I’m here to report the result of the survey.」

「Understood. Let’s wait for the 2 adjutants before you start your report.」

Vice Commander Pisce was tasked to look for the mixture.

He doesn’t want to leave the devastated village but we need to know the movement of the mixture.

A few dozen minutes later, our adjutants arrived at the base.

「Vice commander Pisce, start your report.」

「Yes, sir. The mixture returned to the forest right after it attacked the village. There were no further clues. We did a little survey in the forest but we didn’t find anything.」

「I see.」

Why did they attack?

We saw the victims but no one was eaten?

Why did they attack this village?


Adjutant Abar spreads out a map and points to a certain location.

「We found traces of mixture here.」

He pointed to the border between the forest and the village, which was probably where the mixture had entered.

「Is there anything wrong with the barrier?」

There is a barrier at the border of the forest and the village to prevent monsters of the forest from attacking the village.

「None. The barrier is undamaged and at good condition.」

Abar knitted his eyebrows.

If there’s nothing wrong with the barrier, it means that it is ineffective against the creature that entered the village.

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What kind of monsters did the former king made?

「This is the worst possible scenario.」

Vice Commander Pisce said with a sigh.

「I agree.」

If the barrier doesn’t work about the mixture, how can the village be protected?

It’s not just this village, all the villages near the forest are in danger.

Besides, there were six mixtures spotted this time but we are not sure if that’s all of them.

There’s a possibility that there’s more.

「I’ll inform the king of the results. Thank you for your investigation.」

Perhaps more knights need to be stationed in the villages near the forest.

No, that’s impossible.

There are not enough knights.

Even if we wanted to increase the number, we would not be able to.

We must find the mixtures and annihilate them at any cost.

「「No need.」」


When I thanked them, for some reason, they became nervous.

Is something wrong?

Ugh, my stomach.

Let’s just continue the meeting….haaa.

「Adjutant Rashi, how much of the rubbles were disposed of?」

Most of the houses in the village had been destroyed and piles of rubbles that used to be houses are everywhere.

In order to rebuild the village, debris had to be cleared first.

The day after we arrived at the village, I instructed Adjutant Rashi and his team to remove the debris.

Four days have passed since then.

The knights are strong and the village is not that big.

It is possible to estimate the completion time of the removal of debris.

「All debris was cleared after one day.」

「That’s fast.」

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I didn’t expect that.

I thought it would take four or five days more.

「The mages who are accompanying us used weight reduction spell which made everything easier.」


Come to think of it, two mages came with us.

I’m not good with mages given my old memories with them.

I know that I shouldn’t be like this….

I’ll read materials about mages later.

「Thanks for your hard work. After two day, we’ll receive lumber from the neighboring town. Our work is limited to clearing rubles. The rest of the work is to go into the forest to investigate the mixtures and take them down.」


After the discussion, I felt tired.

As the three of them left the base, I took a deep breath.

We had several discussions before arriving at the village but this is really tiring.

「Starting the day after tomorrow, we’ll be in the forest and I’ll be spending more time with them….haaa」

I left the base and looked at my men eating a little further away.

They got some vegetables from the villages as thanks and today’s soup has a lot of ingredients.

Everyone seems to be having good relationship with the villagers.

Aside from me.

When I talked with the village’s representative, he was quite scared of me.

I tried my best to put on a good face but it seemed like it had the opposite effect.

The moment he saw me, he screamed.

I don’t know what kind of face I was making back then….

「I brought you supper.」


Vice Commander Pisce comes to my side with a tray with dinner for two.

I stared at him curiously and he tilted his head.

「I heard dinner isn’t ready yet…..」

「Ah, that’s true.」

By chance, are those for me?

When I’m panicking in my heart, a try is quickly offered to me.

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I was a little surprised by my reflexive acceptance.

「Thank you」

「So, can I eat with you?」

I can see that Vice Commander Pisce is trying to get close to me.

However, shouldn’t I at least take it easy and eat some food?

I’m a little lost but it would be rude to say no to vice commander Pisce.

「Ah, I don’t mind.」

….there are more ways to say that.

Like expressing gratitude.

No, no.

I feel like my face is stiff.

I glanced at vice commander Pisce.

Good, he doesn’t seem offended by my attitude.


I sit on the chair near the base, side by side with Vice Commander Pisce.

As we began eating, I realized that the vegetables were indeed delicious and there were plenty of them too.


Do I have to talk about something?

However, what?

About the day after tomorrow?

But talking about work during dinner is a no.

Even I don’t like it.

…..what should……

「Our knight order and the villagers are getting along well, aren't they?」

I turned my gaze to my men after hearing Vice Commander Pisce. I noticed that there were a lot of villagers mixed in with my men.

Come to think of it, they were there yesterday too.

「Yes, they are.」

「Well, the villagers asked me to apologize to the commander…..」

They want to apologize…..

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What could have happened between the villagers and me?

「I think it was about the way they treated you when we arrived.」

When we arrived?

You mean their disgust when they found out that the commander is a beastkin?

I’m used to it so I don’t really care.

Did they care?

「I don’t really care so it doesn’t matter.」

Mind is not something that can be dealt with immediately.

They have always looked down on beastkins and then, I showed up as a commander.

There will be some who’ll feel disgusted.

And not just one or two.

Even among the knights, there were those who were not happy about me becoming a commander.

I can’t be bothered with every single one of them.

「Ano, apologizing….no, it’s nothing.」


I felt like he was about to say something.

I looked at Vice Commander Pisce but he had already resumed eating.

It’s impolite to ask again and, well, I guess it’s okay.


Come to think of it, Vice Commander Pisce didn’t panic when our eyes met.

Many of my fellow knights, aside from beatskins, turn their gaze away when our eyes meet.

I gently look at Vice Commander Pisce.

「I’m glad you’re my vice commander.」

「Eh? Did you say something?」

「No, nothing.」

I panicked when Vice Commander Pisce looked at me.

I never thought I would say it out loud…..

When I tried to continue eating, I found that I was already done eating.

…..when did I finish eating?

TN: “Why are you geh?” chapter.

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