Dropped Into Another World V3C31

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Chapter 31 – Found It!

「Ah, damn it! I can’t find it!」

I tried to make a hand with magic but it seems like it didn’t work as expected.

The wire is too long for me to be able to control it properly.

In addition, I can’t see what I’m groping.

Maybe I should turn it into something else more useful and check it out.

What would be better?

「Things will be better if I can see it rather than feel it.」


Since I’m looking for cracks, it will be for the best if I can see it.

Why didn’t I come up with this in the first place?

Darn, I feel like I wasted a lot of time by using hands……haa.

「Your lordship, are you alright? You look kind of extremely tired.」

「Eh! No, I’m okay.」

I’m very happy that you’re worried about me but the reason I feel this tired is self-inflicted.

Haa, I shouldn’t get depressed.

I leaned against Light Blue, who was next to me, and felt its cold body.

「Light Blue’s body feels good」

「Really? I’m glad your lordship likes it.」

I feel relaxed seeing him smiling happily.

No, this is not the time to relax.

Though I got depressed about my own actions….

When I look at the lake, I see air bubbles floating at regular intervals.

No way, is that the effect of what I did?

….need to work harder.


lNow, let’s see how the underground looks.


Since the magic has already reached the walls, why don’t we just make a drone?


If I let a few drones fly and search for the crack, I can easily find it…..

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Ah, I really wasted a lot of time by searching by hand, didn't I?

Why did I even do that….wait a minute!

Why don’t I think more before doing something?

Since the dirty magic bubble floats up to here, doesn’t that mean it has an air leak?

「Fuuhh, I guess I need to close those cracks fast.」

I already imagined drones that I’ll put down there….5 of them to be exact.

Then, I also imagined them moving along the wall to search for cracks.

That’s easy.

I’ve mastered the use of drones when I was searching the forest.

Well, I don’t know if it will work but it’s worth trying.

「Drones, begin the search.」

With the activation of magic, five images appeared in front of my eyes.

「Whoah, I was surprised!」

Light Blue was surprised to see those images. I realized I had forgotten to explain again.

「Sorry. I wanted to see what’s going on underground. I made it with magic so it should be fine.」

Hearing me, the one eyes approach the images with great interest.

「I can certainly feel your lordship’s magic power in this. Are those images from the underground?」

「Yes, I think so.」

The images showed a dimly lit space.

Is that the wall that’s covering the magic power at the bottom?

It’s pitch black.

Or does it only look like that because it’s dim?

Can I turn on the lights of the drones?

Or would it be easier to just imagine another magic to illuminate the whole place… seems to be easier to imagine a new light source.

Light….ah, those bright lights at the ballpark.

That would illuminate a wide area, right?

Let’s see, how many lights did that one have?


「It’s hard to imagine since I’ve only seen them on TV.」

But, well, as long as it will brightly light that place, I should be able to make it work.

I imagined nine lights shining from above, lighting the wall.

Well, one light can only illuminate one direction….

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I imagined a pole and put nine lights on each side of it.

Then, invoke the magic.

「Light On」

The images from the drones brighten up.


Ah, I did it again.

「Your lordship, it’s brighter now. This makes things easier to see.」

A one eye happily points at the screen.

It doesn’t seem to mind that I started it.

「Good. That means I’ve succeeded.」

I look at the five screens.

They were much brighter and easier to see.

The wall, which I thought was black, was gray with a darker hue.

It spreads across all the screens.

However, none of the drones seemed to find any cracks.

「No cracks.」

「Looks like it.」

I heard a response to my monologue.

Looking at the side, I saw a one eye looking at the screen with arms crossed.

Perhaps this is the one eye I’ve had a chance to talk to today. The little off one.

「Hnn? Aren’t we supposed to look at them?」

I can only smile wryly at what the one eye had said.

I knew it.

「Yeah, I better do.」


Something's a little bit over the top…well, I’m fine with it since it looks cute.

After glancing around, it tilts its head in front of the images while its arms are crossed.


「Your lordship! I think it’s that!」

Hearing Light Blue’s scream, everyone gathered in front of an image.

「Yes, that should be it.」

The image showed a cracked wall.

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We finally know where it is.

All we have to do now is to close this crack…..

I can feel divine power from the wall.

However, Rope said that the cracks in the wall were fixed with magical power….so it should be it.

Hmm, I’m not confident with what I’m supposed to do.

What if I’m wrong and made the cracks worse?

That’s scary.

I know I should have asked Rope to be here….ah, no.

Let’s use a different approach.


Is it just me?

I look at the one eyes and Light Blue.

I look at the fenrirs who are guarding us in a place a little further away. It’s no different from usual.

However, why are you all looking at me?


Darn, not good.

「Your lordship, what’s wrong?」

Light Blue and the one eyes stared at me.

「Nothing. I was just thinking. We only need to close the cracks as soon as possible.」

Calm down.

It looks like I suppressed my hero summoning gift again.

If I continue like this, what I think will get worse and worse.

I have to close that crack somehow.

Splash splash splash.

The sound of water makes everyone’s gaze turn to the lake.

「Hnn? That is……」

We saw a creature peeking out of the lake and looking at us.

It looks like a giant version of a diving beetle. When I saw it for the first time, I was taken aback.

The body of the giant diving beetle began to glance from side to side.

「What is it doing?」

「Your lordship, get back. It’s in offensive mode.」

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When I looked at the giant diving beetle, I noticed something different from before.

The last time I saw it, it had clear, beautiful green eyes but the one in front of me now has turbid green color.

「Light Blue, can you just put it to sleep? Perhaps it is under the influence of the turbid magic power from the core.」

「Light Blue, I’ll help you.」

A one eye slowly approached the diving beetle.

「Be careful. Its body is pretty hard and it deflects fire.」

「Hard body? In terms of body hardness, I won’t lose to anyone.」


I don’t think this is the time to worry about that.

Splash splash splash.


Light Blue’s words made me tense.

The giant diving beetle comes out of the lake at a great speed and approaches me.

Then, disappeared before me.

「See! It’s because I’m harder! I’m harder! Bwahahahaha!」


What is this one eye saying?

I’ve always wondered why the one eyes have different personalities.

However, I’ve never wondered as much as I do today.

What in the world happened to it?

「Speaking of which, you’ve been playing hero games with the kids lately.」

I see.

Eh? You mean, this one eye wants to be a hero?

「Areh? Is it still conscious?」

Hearing what the one eye has said, I look in the direction in which the giant diving beetle flew away.

Sure enough, it’s still conscious.

However, since it’s shivering while looking at the one eye, I doubt it will attack us again.

「One more hit.」

The one eye dashed but I stopped it.

「Hold your horses. It doesn’t look like it still wants to fight.」


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