Dropped Into Another World V3C6

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Chapter 6 – Should I Care? Should I not Care?

「Your lordship, I heard you are looking for someone who has evolved, is that true?」


You startled me!

I was walking down the hallway and a spiderling fell from above.

No, it looks like it’s hanging by a thread.

No, that doesn’t matter and please stop surprising me.


Please don’t do this anymore.

My heart is pounding.

Still….I’m glad I didn’t scream like a pig.

I made it because I managed to put my hand on my mouth.

「Your lordship?」

Wait a minute.

Just give me a few seconds to calm down.

「What’s up?」

「Your lordship, Fluff Ball told me that you were looking for someone who has evolved.」

I’m not looking for them. What the heck did Fluff Ball get wrong?

Well, I’m not looking for them but I’d like to see what kind of evolutions there are.

「Have you evolved too?」

I’ve given up naming the spiderlings and the antlings.

After all, there are so many of them.

Frankly speaking, I don’t even have any idea how to tell them apart.

I decided it was impossible even if I tried.

「Yes, I am. Your lordship, over here.」

The spiderling happily runs along the ceiling.

No, you’re too fast!

I chased it in a hurry and went out to the garden.

「Look look」

When I went out to the garden, I saw a big rock in front of the spiderling.

What’s that?

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I wonder why there’s a rock there.

「Here I go.」

The spiderling slams the rock with its foreleg.

Crack crack, crash crash.


I looked at the shattered debris which used to be a big rock.

The rock was not broken into two or three pieces.

It was broken into small pieces.

「Amazing, right? We’re not really good at strengthening magic. Even if we cast it on ourselves, the result will be poor. However, I’m able to do it.」

The spiderling happily explained it to me.

Well, I mean, so, you are telling me that you were able to smash this rock into pieces because you used strengthening magic on your legs, is that right?

And to prove that, this spiderling brought and hit that rock in front of me.

No, it didn’t hit it, it smacked it.

…….strengthening magic is amazing, isn’t it?

Hnn? Come to think of it, you said you were able to do it even though you’re not good at it.

「Are you saying that because you’ve evolved, you can now use strengthening magic better?」

「Yeah! We, the armearenier, have a lot of magic power to begin with so we’re good at putting up barriers. That’s the reason why we didn’t feel the need to strengthen our bodies and if we hadn’t used it for a long time. We can use strengthening magic subtly but it’s on a level that it almost makes no difference at all. It was difficult to control magic and if we used strengthening magic, there was a possibility that we could get hurt. 」

Hnn? Ar-what….the spiderling and Boss-san have complicated names, don’t they?

I still have yet to call them properly.

…..where’s my pen and paper?

But still, I don’t see how could the “we’re not using it so we can no longer use it”.

In addition, they can be injured.

「You have it hard.」

「Yeah. But Boss-sama said that it was the result of us neglecting other things by having so much magic power so we only got what we deserved.」

「I see.」

Things are more complicated than what it seems.

I thought as long as someone has magic power, they can do anything.

「When everyone else used web to gain new powers, I was given with a core and tried to put it in my body but it just didn’t fit. It just can’t work for me so I gave up.」

In the worst-case scenario, you could have died.

I’m glad that you gave up halfway.

「But my magic power became unstable.」

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「Yes. But once my magical power settled down, I was able to use strengthening magic on my body.」

Are you saying that you evolved because your magic power became unstable because of the core that was put in your body?

Come to think of it, Fluff Ball said, “Even if an abnormality appeared, the next evolution would change it for the better”.

Does that mean that because the magic power has become unstable, it evolved to stabilize it?

…..Maybe that’s what he means.

That should be it, maybe.

「Is Boss-san still not good with strengthening magic?」

Since it’s Boss-san, if a spiderling could do it, she can do it too.

「She’s doing her best right now but it doesn’t seem to be working.」

Ah, she’s trying after all.

Apparently, Boss-san, Koa, and Shuri are all competitive.

Especially to their kids.

「Your lordship, was my information helpful?」

「It is. Thanks.」

I was a little scared about the rock smashing though.

At least, it didn’t hit me instead of the rock.

But still, evolution seems to be happening all over the place.

Is it something we should be concerned about?

No, it isn't usually caused by magic.

Since it happens around, I should care for it.

「Normally, magic is not involved in evolution, is that it?」

「That’s right」

「When you evolved, did you feel anything unusual?」

「Hnn? Nothing in particular.」


「Really. They are calling for me.」


「See you later, your lordship.」

「Yeah, bye bye」

That spiderling has a very light-hearted personality.

I entered my house and headed to the living room.

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When I entered the living room, I found the children sleeping side by side on the futon on the floor.

「Is it nap time?」

The one eye who was covering the children with blankets nodded to me.

「Thanks for your hard work.」

「I’m glad to hear that from his lordship. Thank you.」

This hard speaking way, it’s the leader of the one eyes.

「Are there a few of them?」

Counting the children, I only counted six.

There should be seven of them.

「Ah, he’s over there….」

I was stunned when I saw what the one eye was pointing at.

I see a one eye piggybacking Tsubasa.

What surprised me was how big the one eye is.

Tsubasi is around 8 years old.

That’s why he’s already too big for a one eye.

And yet, in front of me, there’s a one eye that’s piggybacking Tsubasa on its back.

「Did it…grow?」

It’s a rock.

How can a rock grow?

Yeah, before me, there is a one eye big enough to piggyback an eight-year-old boy.

「No, it’s just temporary growth. We had to train ourselves to get bigger using magic because there were things that we found inconvenient given our size. We can’t evolve.」

Rock dolls can’t evolve.

I didn’t know that.

「But still, that’s amazing.」

「I am honored for your praise.」

It’s really amazing.

Does this mean that I can become a titan too if I train?

No, if you’re asking me if I want to be one, I don’t particularly want to.

No, everyone I’ve seen in this world is big, should I train?

「By the way, this magic requires a lot of mental power so those who can use this are me, that one, and someone else. And only two among the farming corps.」

The farming corps can do this too?

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It needs a lot of mental strength?

That means I can’t.

Let’s give up.

「I see. Don’t overdo it.」

「Yes. We will make sure we won’t suffer for his lordship’s sake.

For me….that’s heavy.

「Hahaha, yes, we will never burden your lordship. Never.」


You’re going to be okay, right?

It’s kind of funny that I’m so powerful that I coincidentally saved everyone including this world as a result but for some reason, everyone’s response doesn’t change.

Normally, they should be talking like, “He’s not that great, is he?”.

If it were me….no, I guess the result is what’s important.

However, the trust of the one eyes is too heavy.

Well, it’s not just them, even Koa and the others too…..

「Ah, is everyone alright with the kids?」

These children are victims of the hero summoning like me.

The possibility of their power increasing like mine has not been dismissed yet.

The possibility of them having power other than magic is still there.

「I don’t feel any power other than magic at the moment and there is no indication of a sudden increase in power.」

「I see. I hope things continue the way it is.」


「Eh? Do the one eyes have different opinion?」

「I don’t see the problem with them having all sorts of powers like your lordship has.」

Hmmmm…I don’t see anything wrong with that either.

So I can’t say anything.

However, as my magical power continues to increase, I need a place to dissipate it.

My enormous amount of magical power was received by this world, which happened to be lacking, but if it weren’t for this world, I would have died.

Thinking about it like this, there is a problem if they have an increase in magical power but there shouldn’t be any problem if they got new types of power.

「Then, we just need to be careful about the increase in their magical power.」

「I understand. I’ll let you know as soon as there’s a change.」

「Thank you.」

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