Druid of Marvel

Chapter 29

Chapter 29: Stark’s Fan

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Since Ginny arrived, Alvin had one more job every day, teaching the child literacy and numeracy.

Poor Ginny, happily heading into the trap Alvin wove with tenderness.

“Look, Ginny, the word is, Dad.”

“Look, Ginny, the word is, daughter.”

“Look, Ginny, here are the numbers, 1, 2… 9.”


Thank god Ginny was a smart, studious baby. Alvin’s fat son in his previous life, in the first grade, had to rely on his fingers to add and subtract within ten, and sometimes he also had to add his father’s fingers.

For three days in a row, he was in a good mood. He even pushed back the matter of looking for money and buying a school bus.

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On this day, the Peace Restaurant was open for business at noon.

Frank’s letter of appointment had arrived, and he was taking up the post of disciplinary director at the community school today. JJ went to school to be a school bus driver and security guard. Only Alvin, Jessica, and Ginny were left in the store.

Alvin fried the steak, Jessica served and collected the money, and Princess Ginny was the overseer.

At 12:30, all 50 steaks were sold out. Alvin hugged Ginny, who was wearing a small waiter uniform and was talking bad about Jessica to her.

“I bet Jessie will still find the wrong change today. That’s the price of not learning math. My little Ginny can’t do this, she has to study math seriously.” Alvin whispered in Ginny’s ear said.

Ginny tickled and nodded happily, “Ginny, smart, can’t make mistakes, Jessie is an idiot, Nick said.” Little girl, really honest! But don’t say it so loudly! Are you going to kill someone without looking at Jessica?

Just at the stall where Alvin and Ginny and Jessica were laughing, the door of the restaurant was pushed open. A very rude voice said: “Wow, I have never seen such a big dog before, Happy, how much is it? I want to buy it to be a home guard, it will be more useful than you!”

Alvin looked at the door, Director George and a showy middle-aged man walked in. Behind them was a 30-year-old blond beauty with a professional temperament, but her spirit was not very good, she seemed to be troubled by something, and she was a little haggard. There was also a fat white man who should be a bodyguard.

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The flashy man with brown sunglasses looked at the restaurant unbridledly. Finally, he followed Director George to the bar and sat down.

Jessica skipped over the flashy man and served a glass of lemonade to Chief George and the blond woman sitting at the bar. The big bodyguard was wearing black sunglasses, with his hands folded in front of him, standing behind the showy man, and it seemed that he didn’t need to be entertained.

The flashy guy didn’t get angry because of Jessica’s neglect, but touched the mustache on his mouth and said thoughtfully, “Could it be that I lack exposure recently? This girl actually treats me like this!”

Chief George was also obviously annoyed by this showy guy and said to Alvin: “Friend, this is a witness to the vampire incident, Miss Pepper Potts. She is this Mr. Tony Stark’s assistant. Mr. Stark was very concerned about Miss Pepper and insisted on coming here together.”

Of course, Alvin knew Tony Stark, the beginning of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man! He didn’t know what he was in this world. Especially in a world where vampires appeared, was he the same as in the world in the movies he watched in his previous life, Alvin was a little skeptical about that.

Alvin smiled and said, “It seems that Mr. Stark is very concerned about his beautiful assistant.” Although Alvin liked the role of Stark very much in his previous life, when this character was alive, and appeared in front of him, Alvin had the urge to punch him in the nose and let the dog bite him.

Because this Mr. Stark’s eyes were revolving around Jessica at the moment. He also said: “Stark Group invites you to work in the chairman’s office. The position is the assistant’s assistant with an annual salary of $500,000.”

Not only the sight of harassing his waiter, but also poaching his employee, which was unbearable.

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Alvin, whose expression turned cold, looked at Pepper and said playfully: “Hello beauty, I’m Alvin, your boss, is he used to using assistant positions and $500,000-year salaries to pick up girls, or is he used to pick up assistants with an annual salary of $500,000.”

Pepper, who was a little cold, didn’t answer Alvin’s slightly unreasonable question and said impatiently: “Director George wanted me to come over and answer your question. Please don’t waste my time.”

Stark obviously heard Alvin’s sarcasm, curled his lips, and said in a very rude tone: “Little Pepper, just relax, there is no such thing as vampires in this world, you are just too tired.” Turning to look at Alvin and said, “You should tell this man what you imagined, um… Mr. Exorcist. We may be able to watch an interesting magic show! Just relax.”

Chief George covered his face in despair. He felt that bringing Stark with him was a very wrong decision, and he had a hunch that things would go very bad.

Alvin was exasperated, glanced at the embarrassed Chief George, and said, “This guy has such a bad mouth, how did he survive until now?”

“Because I’m a billionaire, a genius inventor, and the chairman of the Stark Group.” Stark looked at his watch and looked at Jessica, “We’re running out of time, miss, what are you thinking about? How about it?”

Jessica didn’t want to pay attention to Stark. She really couldn’t feel good about this guy who wanted to tattoo the words “I’m rich” on his face. But looking at Alvin’s unhappy expression, her mood improved inexplicably, “This guy still cares about me!”

Confused, Jessica pursed her lips, smiled shyly, and said, “Mr. Stark, thank you for your invitation.” She stretched out her hand and shook Stark’s hand.

Stark glanced at Alvin proudly and reached out to hold Jessica’s. Just as he was about to say a few witty words, he realized that the girl in front of him was holding his right hand like a vice, gradually tightening it. Stark, who noticed something was wrong, tried his best to maintain a smile on his face, desperately trying to get rid of Jessica’s hand.

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If you looked at Stark’s expression, he was now like a pervert who took advantage of the girl, holding the girl’s hand and refusing to let go. Apparently, his bodyguard and Miss Pepper thought so, and Chief George didn’t want to look at him at the moment.

Alvin looked on happily, Stark, who was desperate for face, endured the pain desperately, shaking his right hand. Desperate to get rid of Jessica’s restraint. He couldn’t take it anymore and shouted, “Happy!”

His bodyguard only reacted at this moment and found that his boss was sweating with pain. Just as he was about to reach out and grab Jessica’s shoulder, he felt his trousers being lifted up, and then his body hung in the air, using his face to test the hardness of the floors of Alvin’s restaurant.

The “crack” sound that made one’s teeth ache, showed that Happy’s face must have failed miserably.

The initiators, Thor and Dom, were sitting on the ground, each wolf holding one of Happy’s trouser legs.

No matter how hard Happy struggled on the ground, his feet couldn’t touch the ground, and under these circumstances, he was more like a fat worm that kept twisting.

Stark saw his bodyguard brought down by two dogs. The sensible person raised his left hand and said in pain: “OK OK, I admit defeat, I apologize for my impoliteness!”

Alvin motioned Jessica to let Stark go, and said with a smile, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Stark, I used to be your fan.”

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