Druid of Marvel

Chapter 37

Chapter 37: I May Be Bad, But I Have Tough Bones!

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That night, the three vampires were packed up and sent to the secret laboratory of the Stark Group.

After vomiting, Stark was very clear-headed, and he already had several good ideas about weapons against vampires. He needed some test items to verify the effect of his weapons.

Director George was extremely satisfied with the final result of the matter. Even in his best imagination, it didn’t go so smoothly. He happily went back and prepared to organize a team to deal with vampires. Of course, he had to go to Washington to hold that meeting, the content he didn’t know of.

In the next few days, Alvin didn’t rest. He was not the savior of the world. He couldn’t rush to the vampire’s hometown alone to kill them all.

But Alvin was a frontline guy, and he couldn’t fix the whole vampire problem in New York, but he could keep the whole of Hell’s Kitchen clean. Keeping his family, children, and school students safe from vampires.

With the real one as a reference, the spirit wolf could easily smell the vampire. During the daytime, he took the spirit wolves, and searched street by street, and pulled out the vampires hidden in the shadows to bask in the sun. It was not very difficult for him.

When Alvin took the three spirit wolves of “Athens”, “Rome” and “Sparta” and set foot on the first street outside his block, the entire Hell’s Kitchen seemed to be poured into a pot of boiling water and started to bubble.

The big and small gangsters in Hell’s Kitchen began to run and tell each other, and they became nervous and alert. Everyone in Hell’s Kitchen knew that although Alvin was the boss of three blocks, he hated gangsters. If Alvin were to expand his turf, there might be a lot of gangs bleeding and disappearing, just like the 25th block. Until now, no one knew where the original gang members have gone.

Alvin stood at the intersection of 27th Street and looked not far ahead. More than a dozen cars blocked the entire street. There were about 20 guys who looked more like workers than gang members, holding firearms. Looking doggedly from behind the car.

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A phone call came over, and Alvin looked at these people amusingly. It was rare for gangsters to be so timid. The line connected.

“This is Alvin, who are you!”


“Yes, I’m standing on the corner of 27th Street, what’s the problem with you? Kingpin!”


“Oh~ yes, we had an agreement, but so what? Just because we had an agreement, I should stand here and wait for you son of a bitch to come over? Hmm.”


“Well, you just had to say that you were calling for me as a school trustee earlier, I would not be so rude. Then I will wait for you for a while, you better call all the people with power in Hell’s Kitchen over, I will show you some magic.”


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“OK OK, I’m not a gangster, and I’m not interested in your so-called territory. Mr. School Trustee, today’s matter has nothing to do with territory, I promise.”


After hanging up the phone, after a while, a short, bald Irishman with a brandy nose trotted over.

Alvin knew him, the boss of this street, and his name was Clark Gable. One-third of all fake shoes in New York were sold through his hands.

Although his appearance ruined such a good name, his personality was not bad, at least Alvin had never heard, that he had done something particularly hurtful.

Clark trotted to Alvin, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and carefully invited Alvin to an Irish pub.

The bar was not open yet, Clark sent everybody away and the equally panicked bar owner brought Alvin a cup of coffee in person.

Alvin looked at it with a smile. Clark, who was standing aside like a waiter, smiled and said, “Don’t be nervous, Mr. Gable, I’m not here to make trouble today. Please sit down, we still have time to chat, and maybe make business.”

Clark was stunned when he heard it. He was actually a businessman, but the company selling fake products was illegal in the United States, so he took a group of guys who were not so fierce gangsters as factory security guards, and took them down root on 27th Street.

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In fact, Clark didn’t hate Alvin, and sometimes he wished that there was a giant wolf hanging out on his street. In this way, he could save a lot of money to support the thugs.

Driven by the businessman’s instinct, Clark asked, “I don’t know what good business Mr. Alvin has. Please enlighten me.”

Alvin rubbed his nose and said a little embarrassedly: “Clark, you know about the community school, right?” Seeing Clark nod, he continued: “Our children don’t have a proper school uniform yet, which is very detrimental to the establishment of our school’s image. You are in the clothing, shoes, and hats business, you should understand that this is a good deal.”

What was there not to understand, it was a great deal. There were more than 1,000 and nearly 2,000 children in the school, and the school uniforms were changed every year in winter and summer, with two pieces per set.

It was well known that Boss Alvin was a fair person. Where was this business talk? This was giving money!

Clark wiped the sweat from his forehead excitedly and did not ask what price Alvin would give. He decided to do business even if he lost a little. But the school uniform must be marked with the “Gable” brand. If the school teacher needed it, he could also make a suit. And he had never heard of Alvin making anyone lose money in business. The guy who delivered materials to his restaurant got cash every time.

“Tomorrow, Boss Alvin, tomorrow I will bring samples to your store to find you. As long as there are styles in the world, I have them all here. My second son is in grade 7 at school. He is a football player at school, the team’s defensive end, and the school football team’s clothes, and shoes are all sponsored by me. You can rest assured that I will give you the best materials.”

Alvin nodded with a smile. He had some mature thoughts about the look of the school uniform, that is, the students would not like it too much.

Without talking, Alvin waited for Kingpin to come over, and he had to kill two vampires in front of them in order to dispel the doubts of these gangsters and let him take the big dogs around on their territory with confidence.

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Soon the door of the bar was pushed open, and a large group of people walked in noisily. The leader was a fat black man who was two meters tall and weighed more than 150 kilograms.

The last time there was such a neat gathering of gang bosses was the last time when the community school “principal election” was held.

Kingpin was wearing a gold suit with a green shirt underneath. The bright bald head was just waxed, reflecting the sunlight coming in from the door. Surprisingly, this New York underground boss had a surprisingly simple and honest appearance, with big eyes, a big nose, and thick lips. If he changed his work clothes, he would be more like a simple and honest farmer, not a gang boss.

Kingpin held a cane in both hands with a large gem set at the top. It was very imposing. He waved his hand and told the people behind him to spread out and sit down.

With heavy steps, the floor of the bar creaked. The beast-like Kingpin ignored the poor chair’s protest and sat on it. Silently watching Alvin and waiting, what would he say?

He was afraid of Alvin because he knew that Alvin had some strange abilities that could kill him at any time. But he couldn’t back down. He was the underground boss of this city. If he backed down, other ambitious gangs would be like sharks smelling blood, and they would come together and eat him.

In fact, Alvin admired Kingpin, the guy who stepped on the corpses and blood of his opponents all the way from Hell’s Kitchen and climbed to the position of the underground boss of New York. He always knew what he should do, no matter the consequences.

Just like now, even if he knew that offending Alvin would not have a good outcome, he would sit in front of Alvin and negotiate with him. Because losing his status was more terrifying to him than losing his life!

Maybe that was the hallmark of successful people from Hell’s Kitchen. I may be bad, but I have tough bones!

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