Druid of Marvel

Chapter 54

DoM – Chapter 54: Returning Home

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Alvin stepped off the plane at a private airport in New York.

He saw from afar, that a little girl in overalls and jeans ran toward him. When she was more than a meter away from Alvin, he jumped toward him.

Alvin quickly stepped forward and caught the sweet bomb. He let little Ginny rub hard on his face to vent her dissatisfaction.

“Bad dad, don’t take me when you go out, Ginny.” Little Ginny finally got better, and it must be credited to Nick.

Alvin, like a kind old father, laughed and kissed Ginny on the cheek. The little girl was satisfied with her father’s apology, put her hands on Alvin’s face, and kissed him on the nose.

‘This is satisfactory, my daughter is kissing her father!’

Looking at JJ and Jessica who came to pick them up, Alvin hugged them enthusiastically, looking at Jessica who looked a little resentful, gave her a heavy hug, and joked loudly: “Oh, our Jessica little beauty, why are you gaining weight again?”

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After receiving a heavy punch from Jessica, Alvin rubbed her head refreshed and said, “Thank you!”

Jessica, who was still angry a second ago, was smiling now, hugging one of Alvin’s arms, complaining about Nick being naughty, and Ginny nodded solemnly on the other side. Complimenting Ginny’s sensibleness, the little girl covered her face a little shyly.

Now, these two girls were on the same front, and the brat Nick had a bit of a difficult life at home recently.

Alvin, had both hands occupied, nodded at JJ, and asked, “How is our home recently?”

JJ said a little excitedly: “No problem, old Cheng has taken over, and Mrs. Cheng can also help with the chef position of the restaurant. The restaurant is doing very good, and business has been better recently.” Thinking of something, he said: “The school has recently started to prepare for the end of the semester. The exams are over, and the 12th graders are about to be driven crazy by old Cage. Oh, and also, Gwen Stacy, the daughter of Chief George, escaped twice, but was caught by Frank and locked up. Because of this Frank and Chief George were having a bit of a disagreement.”

When Alvin heard it, he laughed. He could imagine what he would face when a little girl who had never endured hardship suddenly came to the community school. But that’s okay, just get used to it. It was all for her!

“How are the streets, when “Athens,” “Rome,” and “Sparta” weren’t there. Is there anything wrong?” Alvin gently took a bite of Ginny’s hand.

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Ginny “giggled” and grabbed Alvin’s ear in revenge.

JJ thought about it for a while and said, “It’s okay, the guy in the red and black tights is very diligent recently. It is said that he was having trouble with his girlfriend. He was recently injured, and he was admitted to the hospital. Oh, that’s right, and Police Officer Misty, she did a good job, and the recent gang bosses are quiet.” After thinking for a while, “It’s not necessarily because of Misty, it may also be because of the school’s upcoming exams. Old Cage said, whoever dares to make trouble at this time, he wants to see who will look better”

Hearing Matt and Elektra arguing, Alvin was happy. ‘I, a restaurant owner and a school principal, haven’t found a girlfriend yet. You are blind and poor, why should you find such a sexy girlfriend?’

Alvin’s chat was lively, and Stark’s side was not bad. Pepper was crying like pear blossoms, and she hugged Stark and didn’t let go.

A tall, fat white man with a big bald head stood aside and looked at Stark like he was looking at his own child, and that look made Alvin a little hairy. You are a big villain, is it really okay to act so disgusting?

Dr. Yinsen, who was just a single human figure, ignored Stark, got on the old pickup truck from JJ, and went home. There were many people waiting for him there.

That night, a grand party came to the Peace Restaurant to celebrate Alvin’s safe return!

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At the party, Alvin gloated over the misfortunate Matt, who got drunk first and was in a depressed mood. He asked someone to send him back to sleep first. ‘If you’re in a bad mood, don’t go out, go back and rest!’

“Athens”, “Rome”, “Sparta” and the crows could all come back to work. It was time for Daredevil Matt to take a break, too.

To Alvin’s surprise, Robert McCall, the supermarket owner who looked like Denzel Washington, also came over, and he seemed perfectly adapted to life in Hell’s Kitchen. It was a lively chat with old Kent. But what the hell was this obviously underage girl next to him doing here. Looking at the girl’s attitude towards him, it was obvious that the two were not father and daughter.

He had to go back and talk about this. In the current Hell’s Kitchen, all children in community school were not allowed to fall in love with their peers. You’re an old guy with a little girl hanging around in front of a principal like me, that’s not okay.

Halfway through, Nick slipped out of the room, dragged Alvin, and complained about his miserable life. Jessica became more and more violent. Relying on her strength, she picked up Nick, who was actually trying to play, with one hand, and escorted him to the upstairs room to continue his homework.

Old Cage and Professor Wilson took the time to come and have a drink with Alvin to celebrate his safe return. As well as to inform him about the school’s situation.

Professor Wilson took a sip of whiskey and said with a smile: “This year’s twelfth grade has sixty-three students. Old Cage and I estimated that there were nearly forty children with an ATC of 20 or more. There are a few who can enter the university with their football expertise, but there is no way for the rest, their foundation is too poor, and one year is still not enough.”

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Alvin looked enviously at the handsome old man in front of him. No matter what this old man did, his demeanor would always be so handsome. Didn’t he see that the eyes of the middle-aged and elderly women nearby were all focused on him? Old Cage pouted jealously.

Alvin said with a smile: “For the rest, you can send them to learn a craft. Of course, the best situation is that they are willing to study for a year and try it next year. The school’s dormitory will be built next year, and they can still catch up after a few months.”

Professor Wilson smiled gratified and said, “I knew that you were a qualified principal. If this school develops like this for ten years, you will become a legend in America.”

Alvin waved his hand with a smile and said, “Professor, you know that I’m not interested in these, and my original intention for doing this was not to be able to hang my portrait on the wall.”

Wilson laughed, clinked his glass with Alvin, and said, “I’m lucky to have met you in my later years and come to this school. I’m satisfied every day now. Alvin, thank you! You made me rediscover the passion of my youth in my later years.”

Old Cage complained about Professor Wilson, and said, “Come on, man, look at the eyes of the ladies around you, man, you must not lack passion.”

After speaking about Professor Wilson, who was so handsome that one wanted to beat him up, he looked at Alvin and said, “Boy, I have to go out this summer. An old friend of mine came to help debug the supercomputer last time. Professor Erik Selvig invited me to participate in one of his observational experiments, I want Domingo to accompany me on a trip, New Mexico is not a good place to travel.”

Alvin smiled, clinking glasses with Professor Cage, and said, “No problem, let Domingo put on a motorcycle leather jacket, and a Harley, not to mention New Mexico, no one will dare to find trouble with you when you go to Tijuana.”

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