Druid of Marvel

Chapter 58

Chapter 58: Misty’s Doubt

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The matter with Stark had come to an end. Now that he knew that he was ready, Alvin decided that there was nothing more to do, and let him toss around himself. In the worst case, it would be no problem to save Stark’s life.

The mecha made by Stark in Afghanistan was brought back to the United States and became Alvin’s collection. The bald villain wanted to make his own mecha. Without a reference, he might have to wait for Stark’s steel suit to be exposed before he could come out.

It was also possible that since there was no sample, that big bald head couldn’t make the iron bully in the movie at all. Without a trump card, the old guy might only be able to compete with Stark on the Stark Group’s board of directors. If this was the case, Alvin was not optimistic about him.

Hell’s Kitchen had been quiet recently. The drug addicts who were wandering the streets were driven to the outermost part of Hell’s Kitchen, near Brooklyn.

Drug dealers, politely said that all the blocks in Hell’s Kitchen would stop the supply of drugs in the next week. Those who want to buy goods, please go to the designated place to buy, and sincerely express that they have caused trouble for customers by giving a little discount on the items.

The pimps were also resting, so the prostitutes could take a good rest, or learn and develop some new skills. Recently, the underground business of Hell’s Kitchen had entered a state of near dormancy.

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Officer Misty, as the newly appointed police chief, could clearly feel the changes on the streets. She was a little puzzled by this and didn’t understand what was going on in Hell’s Kitchen, which was probably one of the most unsafe places in America.

Misty had not only been driving alone every night, but she had also been reading through a large number of files in Hell’s Kitchen to learn about the history and current pattern of Hell’s Kitchen. But the situation on the street recently made her unable to imagine who had such a great ability to make this place like this.

The loan shark collector on the side of the road was beating up an unlucky guy who owed money. When beating someone, he covered his mouth to prevent him from shouting. He was not as bossy and domineering as he used to be, but after beating up, he whispered to the other party that if he didn’t pay back, the consequences would be dire. The guy who was beaten also promised in a low voice, that in a few days, he would definitely pay up.

Misty felt that she was going crazy. She couldn’t understand the current Hell’s Kitchen at all, but although she gained a firm foothold in the police station through her ability, she never made friends because of her personality. Of course, a director didn’t need to make any friends, they just need to explain things and let them do it.

But Misty’s chief position was different. Chief George transferred her here because he saw her ability to handle cases and hoped that she could use her own efforts to change the status quo of the Hell’s Kitchen police station. But now it seemed that Misty still messed up, she was the chief of the police station, and she couldn’t even figure out the reason for the situation in her jurisdiction.

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Misty was driving slowly on the road. Usually, there were always gangsters who would insult her, honking their horns and overtaking her, and even giving her a middle finger. There were none today. All the people who drove seemed like good citizens who obeyed the law and acted humble and courteous. The feel of the whole Hell’s Kitchen was quiet and friendly, and the inhabitants were of quality.

What was going on here? Hell’s Kitchen gangsters were on vacation? Misty felt like she couldn’t find the answer, and was going crazy.

Misty honked the horn a few times and turned the police car around and changed the direction. She was going to find the answer, otherwise, she would really go crazy. Looking at her, because of her sudden U-turn, the guy who had to slam on the brakes looked at her with contempt. Misty glared back at him, you are just a small drug dealer, how dare you despise the police chief’s lack of quality? Are you still a good asshole?

The only place in Hell’s Kitchen where Misty felt she could get an answer was the Peace Restaurant on the 25th block. At the earliest, Misty and the owner of the restaurant, Alvin, were not on very good terms. But later Misty looked through all the information she could find about Alvin.

She just found out that Alvin was a very strange guy. He had three blocks of Hell’s Kitchen in his hands but never got a penny from it. All the money that was sent over, equivalent to the protection fee, was all used by him to buy food carts, to give to families in difficulty, or to invest in the renovation of the neighborhood. He built a kindergarten not far from the street corner. Just looking at the information, Alvin even made people think that he was doing better than the mayor of New York and that he was slowly changing the community.

But Misty knew that Alvin was a very dangerous guy, which could be seen from the files. The gang members who had a grudge against him were either missing or had run away. It could be seen that he could not be an innocent guy.

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Just looking at the information and knowing Alvin from the side, sometimes made Misty admire him very much, this guy had done something that the New York police had never achieved before. Misty believed that the abnormality in Hell’s Kitchen these days must have something to do with him.

Misty drove past a newly opened supermarket. A large “Come on” sign hung at the entrance of the supermarket, and a poster for free breakfast for students was posted.

The boss, Robert McCall, was arguing with a girl of fifteen or sixteen. Misty could vaguely hear words like “school” and “exam”.

At the intersection of the 25th block, old Kent was adjusting a game score counter erected at the intersection to the number 2. Old Kent at the intersection saw Misty’s police car and waved to her.

The whole street was quiet like a noble community on the Upper East Side of New York.

Misty parked the car at the door of the Peace Restaurant. It was not mealtime yet, but she heard that the owner of the restaurant, Alvin, hired a Chinese chef to replace his job. Now the restaurant had coffee and snacks available at any time of the day. It was not like in the past when only 100 steaks were sold a day, and the only drink was lemonade.

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Pushing the door and entering the restaurant, Misty saw seven or eight children, seventeen or eighteen years old, male and female, sitting at the dining table, writing exercises that seemed to never end.

Professor Cage and Professor Wilson, sitting and drinking coffee, answered questions that the children could not solve at any time. Foggy and Matt, two top graduates from Columbia University, were also pulled over to help, but she didn’t know what the blind man Matt could do to help.

Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Cage surrounded a beautiful and lovely little girl and may have really praised her for something. The little girl covered her face shyly, but the big finger gaps showed that the little girl was very happy to listen to the two elders. The wives continued to praise her.

Jessica was very virtuous and made dessert, ready to provide it to those who wanted some at any time. From time to time, she sent a sweet smile to Alvin, pushing up his blood sugar.

Alvin leaned on the bar, his face cold, and he acted like an ascetic gentleman, ignoring the amorous glances from Jessica. Yesterday, he accidentally saw something he shouldn’t have seen, and Jessica grabbed the handle, but who told her to take a shower and leave the door open, but he didn’t see it too clearly.

When Alvin saw Misty who pushed the door and entered, he smiled and greeted her, “Officer Misty, welcome to Hell’s Kitchen’s college entrance examination sprint class.”

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