Druid of Marvel

Chapter 68

Chapter 68 – Hello Mr. Rand

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Colleen curled up in pain, and she felt like she was going to die.

Ignoring the disgusting blockage in her trachea, Colleen looked at Alvin in horror, who was squatting in front of her with a gentle smile on his face.

She cried out in fear, “What on earth are you going to do?”

Alvin didn’t answer her question but helped her up and placed her on a set of stone benches in the yard almost half-holding her. Squatting and asking questions made him feel bad.

Colleen’s paralyzed upper body was lying on a round stone table, covering her stomach with both hands, taking deep breaths in pain, trying to relieve the pain.

She didn’t even dare to look up at Alvin. Every time he looked at Colleen, she felt that her fear would increase, and she was afraid that she would collapse if this continued.

Colleen asked in despair: “What do you want? What the hell is going on here?”

Alvin stood beside Colleen, took out two photos from the pocket of his jacket, and placed them on the stone table. The index finger of the right hand tapped on the photo.

“Do you know them? Look carefully and look at these two children.” Alvin said, looking at Colleen who nervously closed her eyes.

Colleen opened her eyes, looked at the photo on the table, and said in surprise, “It’s Charlie and Jimmy, what happened to them?”

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Alvin chuckled, using a very special tone, like praying or cursing and said slowly: “They had a chance to be good people, they were born in hell, but now they had a chance to be a good person. Good people, but you pushed them into the depths of hell. You made them killers, tools for murder.”

Colleen nervously defended herself: “I don’t, I don’t know, I don’t…”

Alvin ignored Colleen’s explanation, he wasn’t here to listen to her explanation today.

“You must have no idea how much I hate you, you son of a bitch, I swear I’ll send you all to hell.”

Colleen was scared and collapsed a little. She didn’t dare to look at Alvin’s terrible expression, but just repeatedly defended herself in vain, “I don’t know, I don’t know, let me go, I don’t know…”

“You gave these two children to the devil and turned them into killers and tools. And you tell me you don’t know!”

Alvin’s voice changed due to anger, and he held Colleen’s neck with one hand, holding the combat knife borrowed from Frank in his right hand. He nailed it through Colleen’s shoulders and fixed her face down on the stone tabletop.

At this moment, Colleen perfectly understood what, “losing one’s voice due to pain” meant, the severe pain made her mouth unable to make any sound.

The whole person was like a frog placed on a red-hot iron plate, twitching and jumping violently, but she couldn’t get rid of the terrifying combat knife.

Tears, saliva, and snot splattered all over her pretty face.

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Alvin didn’t give Colleen a chance to take a breath. He turned the combat knife forcefully and asked cruelly, “Tell me, where is that son of a bitch Bakuto? That way you can go to hell earlier.”

The severe pain struck again, and Colleen lost her mind in pain. With her mouth open, she couldn’t make a sound. She slammed her head against the stone tabletop hard, as if this could ease the pain.

Alvin asked at the time: “Tell me, where is that son of a bitch Bakuto? Otherwise, I will chop you up inch by inch, and I always do what I say!”

Colleen, who had lost her mind in pain, completely broke down, and finally called out, “He left, I don’t know where he went, let me go, I don’t know anything…ah…”

Alvin shook his head in disappointment. Since that Bakuto ran away, then for the moment he would let this Colleen Wing pay the interest first. Bakuto? He would find him anyway!

Alvin turned his face sideways and looked at Colleen, whose face muscles were completely distorted because of the pain. It was like looking at a frog on a dissecting table.

Smiling, he said, “Why do you think that you can use a bunch of children to kill people and commit crimes without paying the price?”

Colleen, who had collapsed, just shook her head and repeated “I didn’t, I didn’t.”

Looking at Colleen who had completely collapsed, Alvin shook his head in boredom. Torturing a woman was not his hobby. This woman was only the first one. He had to make himself more ruthless and let the gangsters outside the door see so that they would stay away from the school children in the future.

As for this Colleen Wing? She was useless.

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Alvin took out her mobile phone from Colleen’s pocket, briefly looked through the communication records, and found the call records between her and Bakuto, just a few minutes ago.

Alvin opened the communication record on her mobile phone, put it in front of Colleen, and confirmed it.

After getting a clear answer, Alvin threw the phone to JJ and said, “Go back and find that computer guy, dig out that Bakuto for me, and I’ll take out his heart to see if it’s black.”

After Alvin finished speaking, he took out a pistol from his arms and aimed it at Colleen, preparing to send her to hell.


An angry shout came from the courtyard wall!

A handsome young man in a dark blue casual suit with flaxen curly hair, saw the miserable Colleen lying on the round table, and shouted angrily, “Ah…”

The handsome young man jumped up from the courtyard wall, like an eagle with outstretched wings, pounced on Alvin, and attacked him violently.

Alvin raised his hand to stop Frank and JJ who wanted to intervene. He had a lot of anger right now, and this kid looked like a good target.

The handsome young man’s skills were very good, especially his pair of fists that looked like light bulbs, and the wind pressure brought by them made Alvin’s breathing a little difficult.

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But Alvin could always drag a guy with strong martial arts into the quagmire of hooligan fights.

Relying on the “Spirit of Barbs” hanging on his body, he had 1200 life points, and he didn’t even know how many lives it was in reality. Because so far, he had not encountered a person or weapon that could break the “Spirit of Barbs” with one blow. Colleen’s attack didn’t even make “Spirit of Barbs” react.

So, Alvin dared to start the most brutal hand-to-hand combat with all the people in this world.

‘I’m not very good at fighting, and I don’t know too many techniques. You can hit me a lot, but you have to take 400% of the rebound damage before you can break the “Spirit of Barbs”.’

In good conscience, this handsome young man was a very powerful expert. Various moves hit Alvin, and Alvin didn’t even touch the corner of his clothes. This made Alvin look a little embarrassed.

Supporting the chin that had been slapped several times, Alvin looked at the handsome young man standing in front of him with some admiration. This was the first time in several years that someone had been able to let the “Spirit of Barbs” flicker and shake. That guy’s fists were really good, or they had a special effect.

But what impressed Alvin the most was that this guy hammered him a dozen times, which was equivalent to hitting himself forty times. He could still stand strong, which was not easy.

Alvin looked at the crumbling handsome young man in front of him, smiled, and said, “Can you tell me your name? Mr. Nosy.” He pointed to Colleen, who had fainted on the stone table. “Or are you together?”

The handsome young man looked at this terrifying enemy in horror and said, “My name is Danny Rand. Who are you? What do you want to do?”

Alvin fixed the suit Jessica bought for him carefully, and said, “My name is Alvin, Head of Hell’s Kitchen Community School, nice to meet you, Mr. Rand.
I hope you’re not the Rand that I know!”

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