Druid of Marvel

Chapter 73

Chapter 73 – I Should Take A Break

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“This is Alvin, who are you?” Alvin answered the phone and spoke.

Chief George’s angry voice sounded from the phone, “Alvin, you bastard, how could you do this?”

“What’s wrong?” Alvin asked in confusion.

“What’s the matter? You still ask me what’s wrong? I should have known yesterday that the police should have taken over the school’s case, otherwise there would be no such big trouble!”

Alvin held the phone away from his ear, Chief George’s voice was a little too loud, and he put Ginny down and let her play by herself.

Walking to the corner of the bar, Alvin said into the phone in a deep voice, “What’s the matter? You have to make it clear, or I’ll hang up!”

Director George on the other end of the phone roared: “Just now, two people broke into the 40th floor of the Empire State Building and killed more than 70 people inside.
Even if it’s full of bad guys, it’s a bit too much!
I knew it, I knew it was going to be big trouble, are your two men stupid? “

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Alvin said a little unhappily: “How do you know they did it?”

Chief George shouted angrily: “Because even the stupidest robbers know that they have to put stockings on their head when they rob. These two idiots didn’t make any preparations, and they broke in and killed while wearing just a hat.
Dude, that’s the Empire State Building, not Hell’s Kitchen! There’s more surveillance there than a fucking police station!”

Alvin heard that the two broke in without disguise, but he was relieved, even a guy like JJ couldn’t do such a stupid thing, let alone a seasoned executioner like Frank. They must be prepared, at least so the police wouldn’t come to find trouble.

“Director George, you must have seen wrongly. I didn’t tell them to go to the Empire State Building at all. I went to a boxing gym in the afternoon for a trial class.” Alvin said with a smile.

“Did I see wrongly? You bastard, I’m standing in front of the surveillance video now, and I can see two lunatics with guns, and they were killing people. You said I saw it wrong. Oh, damn, what’s going on? What about the surveillance video? Why is there no picture?”

Alvin was relieved. They were really prepared. He held the phone further away, ready to deal with Chief George’s roar.

Sure enough, “Alvin, you bastard, what did you do? All the surveillance in the Empire State Building is gone. You have such talent, what are you still doing in Hell’s Kitchen? Go to Silicon Valley to mess with the police there!”

Alvin said with a smile: “Director George, I swear, I really don’t know what happened! I have an alibi. A witness you absolutely believe.”

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“Well, Alvin, you have to take care of your two subordinates. Is what happened today because of what happened at school yesterday? Even if you are angry, you can’t start killing people in the center of New York City. This way I will be under a lot of pressure.”

Alvin said with a smile: “It may be a bit difficult, you have to hope that there are not too many strongholds of the Hand in the city center, otherwise I can’t promise anything. Of course, if you have evidence, you can also arrest those two bastards. What they did makes me seem a little too cruel.”

Director George hung up the phone angrily. In fact, when he knew that the dead people were from the Hand, he was not very angry. Just go back and verify that if it was really a Hand meeting, then he would just close one eye. There were no good people in the Hand organization, which was on file at the police station.

He just prayed that Alvin’s two subordinates would not go too crazy. The beautiful front desk lady, whose nose was broken, sat on the ground and even urinated on the ground. When she saw the police coming, she hugged the police officer’s thigh and explained. To escape the two murderers, she tried to send herself to a cell which was really bad. The police were busy too!

Alvin hung up the phone, picked up the obedient little Ginny again, and kissed her on the cheek.

Walking to the edge of the bar, he pointed at Steve and said, “Ginny, this is Steve Rogers, you can call him…”

Steve smiled and said, “Call me Uncle Rogers, Alvin is your…”

Alvin smiled and said, “Yes, my daughter, we look alike, don’t we?” Alvin put his face together with Ginny’s and made a face at Steve.

Steve laughed, raised his glass and took a sip, and said, “Yes, you look like father and daughter.”

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Alvin was very satisfied with Steve’s answer, and said to Nick, who had been looking at Steve for a long time, “Nick, Steve Rogers, can you think of who he is?”

Nick thought for a while and looked at Steve and said, “I know that’s Captain America’s name, man, you must have been under a lot of pressure when you were a kid, why did your dad name you that?
There was a boy in our class named William Clinton who was beaten a lot and couldn’t find a girlfriend.”

Alvin and Steve laughed when they heard it. Steve rubbed Nick’s head and said, “A man has to withstand the pressure, and that can also sometimes be a motivation, man, you are great!”

Nick grinned with a big mouth without front teeth and said with a smile: “Of course, my father is the director of the school’s disciplinary department, and I didn’t brag about it.”

Alvin said from the side: “Do you dare talk about it? Say, how many people would beat you up in confinement? Your father’s popularity is not very high!”

Nick thought for a while, shuddered, and said, “It’s a little dangerous, but Jarvan knows my situation, should I shut him up?” Nick made a very mafia-like gesture of slitting his throat.

Alvin grabbed Nick’s head with a smile, and said, “You should watch less TV!” After that, he put Ginny down and let her play with Nick.

Alvin poured himself a glass of beer, patted Steve, and said, “Man, you have to wait a moment, I’ll let you taste the steak I made!”

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Steve liked the atmosphere here and nodded to Alvin. It was funny listening to the old black man next to him bragging about how many people he killed when he was young, how many streets he ran, how many women he slept with, and so on. He found it interesting.

It wasn’t until his phone rang that Steve broke free from that funny vibe.

Under the contemptuous eyes of the black old man, Steve took out an outdated mobile phone and answered the phone with little skill.

“Hello, this is Steve.”

“Captain, where are you?” came an anxious male voice.

Steve looked at the restaurant and said, “I’m in a restaurant now preparing to eat. I met a new friend today.”

“Captain, you have to know that you are important, you are driving our agents crazy by not going back to the apartment!”

Steve said a little unhappily: “I’m just a veteran who has slept for decades, not a prisoner. You have no right to monitor me.”

Steve looked at Nick and Ginny who were playing happily, and Alvin who was busy, and said to the phone: “I used to be a soldier, but the war is over, I have slept for decades, I should rest!”

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