Druid of Marvel

Chapter 75

Chapter 75 – Jessica’s Fist

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Alvin amusedly watched the legendary Captain America discuss football tactics with Nick in a serious manner, and the scene was very joyful.

It was estimated that Steve, who was dug up not long ago, was not familiar with the rules and tactics of modern football. He was dizzy when he was chatting with Nick, a young chatterbox, and even seriously wanted to borrow a piece of paper to write down what Nick said.

Old Kent next to them looked at Steve with contempt, and said, “Dude, are you a primitive? You don’t even know the rules, you don’t even know that you have to have a fourth-gear offense at a time, and you still want to apply for the coach of the community school?

You know, we’re going to win the championship next year, man, have you figured it out? “

Steve was a little embarrassed by what Old Kent said, and said, “I also think that I may have to learn it again. We didn’t have such complicated rules and tactics at that time.”

Old Kent rolled his eyes at him and said, “You sound like an unearthed cultural relic, dude, how old are you? Are you 35? I’m 65 and I know more than you.”

Alvin, who was on the side, interrupted the old Kent’s rant and said to Steve with a smile: “Ignore the two of them, according to their ideas, I have to hire a professional coach from the NFL.

But it’s not easy to be a football coach in our school. You have to have at least a bachelor’s degree, and you have to be able to control those energetic boys, let them finish their homework, and pass the exam.

Last semester, it was Zach, the big stupid guy, who got a zero in the exam and didn’t make it to the finals. Otherwise, there should be a championship trophy in my office. “

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Steve looked at Alvin with some doubts and said, “Aren’t tactics important? You mean to be a football coach, you have to care about players’ test scores?”

Alvin laughed and said, “Dude, this is Hell’s Kitchen! Those boys are full of love for all sports with fierce competition!

Those moves that can get them to jail on the street get everyone’s cheers on the field!

Our current defensive captain is nicknamed “The Landlord,” which means if you want to move forward, you have to pay a price. He’s in his 12th grade this September and has been targeted by several colleges.

To be a school football coach, you just need to find a solid quarterback. Then you can just yell at them like a fan, rush, rush, rush, and that’s it. Don’t care about tactics, such a girly thing!”

Under the contemptuous gazes of Nick and Old Kent, Alvin patted Steve on the shoulder earnestly under the adoring gazes of Ginny, and said, “So, Steve, if you want to be the coach of the football team, I welcome you, but do you have a diploma? Otherwise you’ll have a hard time because those idiots can’t handle their homework.”

Steve thought about it seriously, and said, “Man, I’m not a big talker, I think if it’s only knowledge within the 12th grade, I think I’ll have no problem.

My diploma, I looked back and asked if I could get it back from the Metropolitan Museum, remember, I’m Steve Rogers, hahaha!”

Nick rubbed old Kent with his arm and said softly, “This guy will pay for his big words, I am telling you!”

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Old Kent patted Nick’s head and said with a smile: “Don’t learn to speak like Alvin, you little bastard, your dad is about to go crazy, I often see him calling your math teacher on the side of the road and asking what to do with your homework.

I heard Frank graduated from LA, how could he not be able to handle your homework?”

Alvin shook his head and smiled, looked at Steve, and said, “Man, if you are really interested, in September, you can come to the school and try to be an assistant coach first, no need to feel pressured!”

Steve nodded earnestly, reached out and shook hands with Alvin, and said, “No problem, this is very interesting to me, more interesting than the job that others have introduced to me!”

Alvin knew very well that Steve was a true patriot, a true hero, and it was hard for him to sit back and watch when the world was in trouble.

Especially when he knew that Hydra was still in this world. The most important thing he did in his life was to bury the Hydra under the ground. If he knew that his greatest achievement was a lie, it would be difficult for him to sit still and ignore it.

But who cares? If being a football coach can make his spare time a little more enjoyable, why not?

The atmosphere was pleasant, if Stark didn’t call!

“This is Alvin.” Alvin answered the phone and said.

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Stark on the other end of the phone was very flustered and said anxiously: “Alvin, come and help, Pepper was kidnapped by Obadiah, who stole the design drawings of my Mark 1 and made a new big one by himself.
You have to come and help me or Pepper will be dead! “

Alvin hung up the phone, smiled at Steve, and said, “I’m really busy today, I’m sorry my buddy, I have to go out and ask old Kent to call you a car, be careful on the road .”

Steve nodded and asked, “Need my help? Maybe I can help!”

Alvin shook his head with a smile, and said, “It’s not necessary, I’ll be able to fix some minor troubles soon.”

Alvin said and punched Steve on the shoulder, “Dude, you’re retired, remember? If I were you, I would go through high school textbooks when I went back. It’s not easy at all, trust me!”

Steve stroked his beard and said with a smile, “I’m starting to get a little nervous after hearing what you said. I’ll listen to your advice. Haha!”


By the time Alvin drove the borrowed car to the Stark Building, half an hour had passed.

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When Alvin got out of the car, he saw that the two iron men were fighting. Stark’s red Mark 2 was hammered badly because the opponent’s steel armor was one-third larger than his. Every punch from the opponent made a loud metal deformation sound.

Chief George was evacuating the crowd with a large group of police officers.

Another group of people in black suits were also helping, including a person Alvin knew very well, Natasha Romanova. It looked like they were S.H.I.E.L.D. guys.

Alvin, who went against the flow of people, was soon discovered by Chief George. He rushed over and shouted at Alvin, “Why are you here to join in the fun? I just controlled the scene.”

Alvin looked at the face-saving Chief George with contempt, and said, “Stark called me to help, and told me Pepper was kidnapped.”

Director George looked at the two iron men fighting together, glanced at Alvin, and said, “Help? How can you help? This is not the kind of beast that is afraid of light.
What are you using to stop them?
Just use that old antique you have?”

Chief George looked at the old Winchester lever-action rifle in Alvin’s hand that should be in the museum with disdain.

Alvin clapped the old gun in his hand, looked at Chief George with a smile, and said, “Don’t look down on it, it’s called Jessica’s fist, it’s very fierce.
And what makes a gun good or bad is the ability of the user, isn’t it?”

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