Druid of Marvel

Chapter 78

Chapter 78 – Computer Boy

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Stark looked at Alvin, took off his helmet, and said proudly: “Man, what’s the matter, there are not many things I can’t do in America!”

Alvin rubbed his nose and said a little embarrassedly: “I want to talk about what happened at school yesterday, about those two children.”

Stark looked at Alvin with a little doubt and asked, “What happened to those two children?”

Alvin said with a bit of embarrassment: “I want to ask you not to hold those two children accountable, they were just bewitched by bad guys, I think they deserve a second chance.
Our school’s disciplinary department is working on punitive measures for them. Both are eleventh graders and will start twelfth grade this September.
I don’t want these two kids going to juvenile prison, that would really ruin them. ”

Stark was silent for a while, no matter who was shot and almost died, he would not be in a good mood.

After hesitating for a while, Stark finally nodded and said, “Man, you said you want to give them a second chance, I don’t want to be pointed at by someone, that feels very bad.
I’m also the honorary headmaster of the school anyway, maybe I can consider not holding them accountable, but Alvin, can you guarantee that they will get better?”

Alvin gritted his teeth and said, “No problem, but you have to wait for me to get the kid who robbed me of the land. When the time comes, the dormitory building will be built up and these children will be enclosed, and they will have no time to think about other things.”

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Stark glanced at Alvin, reached out and shook his hand, and said, “Deal, buddy, I really can’t have a next time, I almost pissed myself yesterday!”

Alvin shook hands with Stark and said solemnly, “Man, I owe you a favor!”

Stark shook his head and said, “No, we are friends. You saved my life, remember? Don’t mention any favors.”

Alvin shook his head with a smile and said, “Whatever you say, but I will remember this matter.”

Looking at the chaotic crowd not far away, Alvin punched the chest of the steel suit and said goodbye to Stark: “Man, I think I have to go, too many things have happened these two days, I’m feeling a bit tired!”

Stark nodded understandingly and said, “Well, I’ll be looking for you in two days, and I also need to find a place to take off this damn suit.” Stark tore at it in annoyance and tore off the slightly deformed armor plate on the abdomen.

It was almost midnight when Alvin returned to Hell’s Kitchen. After parking the old Kent’s car he had borrowed. Alvin found that his old pickup was parked in front of Frank’s house, and JJ and Frank were sneakily moving big bags from the car into the house.

Alvin walked over, wanting to see what the two killing gods were doing.

Frank spotted Alvin first, but instead of stopping what he was doing, he smiled and nodded at Alvin.

It seemed like a middle-class family who had just returned from an outing, greeting friends happily. Not at all like an executioner who made several massacres.

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JJ came out of the house to get the contents of the car and saw Alvin watching him from a few steps away.

JJ scratched his head honestly and said with a dry smile: “Boss, you haven’t rested yet!”

Alvin took out a cigar and handed it to Frank and JJ, and said, “My buddy did a few big things today! It sounds a little scary to me.”

JJ took a cigar in annoyance and said, “Boss, I’m so sorry, we should have told you, but I can guarantee that there will be no trouble.”

Alvin punched JJ’s shoulder, looked at Frank, and said with a smile: “You should have informed me, do you know how angry I am? My two guys secretly ran to fight people, but I don’t know!
The Hand is not a group of street gangsters! ”

Frank took a sip of the cigar with ease, his expression was as comfortable as a client who just finished his business, his expression was extremely comfortable, and he said, “Let me do this kind of thing in the future, it’s very enjoyable.”

Alvin didn’t know what to say to a living king of hell like Frank. That is to say, he still had a son, who could hold him back, and now he also has a school job. If he was allowed to mix in society, he would be a terrorist.

Alvin shook his head helplessly, reached out and knocked on the car trunk, and said, “What’s in here? You went to kill and robbed by the way?”

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JJ laughed proudly, and reached out and pulled out a large black bag and said: “We swept a warehouse of the Hand today, and there were nearly two tons of drugs hidden in it, and these goodies.”

Alvin stretched his head and looked, the bag was full of brand new arms. No wonder JJ was so excited. In the past, he followed Alvin and used either old second-hand guns or cheap ones wholesaled from Alexei. It’s rare to get so much good stuff out of a business trip with Frank, so it’s no wonder he’s excited.

Alvin whistled and said with a smile, “Nice job, man, hide them!
How did your deal with the drugs? ”

JJ shrugged and said, “I lit a fire before I left, and it should all be burnt to ashes.”

Alvin nodded and said, “Guys, I don’t ask how you did it, remember to leave the one named Bakuto to me, I have to cut him with my own hands!”

Frank took a sip of his cigar, nodded, and said, “The computer guy found his place, he went to Los Angeles, and I don’t know who notified him.
I’ll make a trip to Los Angeles when things are done in New York, don’t worry, I’ll bring him back alive. ”

Alvin nodded with a smile and said, “That kid Kevin did a really good job. JJ, you have to be nice to him. That kid is really talented. Just using him to make a fake passport is a waste.”

Frank nodded and said, “It’s really convenient to have such a support person.”

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Alvin thought for a moment and said, “When the school starts, bring Kevin to the school, and the supercomputer will have to find a suitable person to maintain it.
That old guy Cage is too bad. He won’t maintain it when he comes back with such a thing, and he has to spend money to find someone.”

JJ nodded in agreement with Alvin’s proposal and said, “I’ll go tell that kid Kevin, he must be very happy. There’s no better boss than you in Hell’s Kitchen.
Letting him know he has a supercomputer to fiddle with and he’ll go mad with joy. ”

Alvin said with a smile: “Then do it!”

After smoking the last cigar, Alvin waved his hand and said, “Then continue, I’m going back to sleep. There’s been a lot of things in the past two days. Take it easy.”

Frank and JJ nodded to show that they understood, and let Alvin go back to rest.

Alvin walked to the door of the restaurant and seemed to remember something. He turned around and asked, “What is Kevin’s full name?”

JJ scratched his head, thought for a moment, and said, “It’s like, Kevin Mitnick!”

Alvin tilted his head and thought about it, um. This name was very hacker and very computer-like!

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