Drunken Exquisiteness

Chapter 8.1

Drunken Exquisiteness - v1c8 part 1

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Part 1 - Number of Times We Love From the Past to This Lifetime

Tiandu Yige is grandly situated at the upstream of the river, with Qi mountain at the back, Lujiang river flowing at the east, Yishui river is flowing at the south. This magnificent city was built leaning on the mountain. Mount Qi is more than 20 feet tall, and its tail is around seventy feet long. The imperial palace is based here at Zhouhui. It is 48 miles away and geographically slightly higher than Yige city. It is strong, firmly built and beautiful.

Down the stream from Yige city, the streets are straight criss crossing each other, dividing the whole city into 81 small and big divisions.

The top 9 divisions are located slightly below the palace, right outside the palace wall, mansions are scattered within the squares with high eaves and pillars creating a beautiful scenery. Around the Baolu mountain range, Lujiang river intersecting with Yishui river creating Chuyan river flowing through the streets, which then split into two. One of them, which flows through the imperial palace is called Jiuhe river, with golden jade stream, each side is fenced with carved grub. It is especially used as entrance and exit by the royal clan.

At this time, a brilliant golden flying phoenix boat sails out from the imperial palace with a few tiger decorated boats sail-guarding at the front and back of the boat, opening a path on the water with clear purple wide sails, slowly turned into the centre of Chuyan river, swimming towards the west.

On the wide corridor at the top deck of the phoenix boat, Consort Lian lifted the curtain and exit slowly. She was walking very slowly, each step was gliding and light. Her long green lotus dress were dragging behind her, emphasizing her graceful figure. Her black hair which flowed passed her shoulders were tied using a green ribbon into a slim flying clouds hairstyle (see image below), which gently sways with her steps.

Welcoming the slow river breeze, she looked like she was riding the waves towards the carved railings. Looking afar while holding onto the porthole, light breeze touches her face, light sand gently flown around her beautiful face in a glimpse.

Watching the river sky that looks like a floating screen, her expression was cold, and her gaze was empty. The color of distant snow decorating her face gives it a sense of noble beauty. Just standing quietly, letting her clothes sway with the wind, making her looked like Goddess Luo, but there is also a bone piercing sense of coldness around her.

Within this time, the noise from the river slowly fades from her cold and elegant figure, slowly and quietly.

“Sister Consort Lian, you have been standing for a while, what are you looking at?” A gentle voice came from inside the boat, Consort Sushu came out through the curtain supported by her maidservant.

Consort Lian turned around and simply said: “Nothing.” Her voice sounded clear and indifferent, just like her gaze.

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Consort Sushu hinted her maidservant to leave, then walked over. With her hibiscus silk clothes, surrounded by gentleness, elegance, soft as the wind in each movement, causing people to helplessly feel that she was bathing in the spring sun. She is not young anymore, but age did not seem to leave a trace on her, she had a different kind of beauty from Consort Lian.

“We have not left the palace for a long time. The liveliness in this area is a difference of scenery compared to deep within the palace.” She said smiling, as though used to the indifference of Consort Lian.

Footsteps came from deck bringing a young man with a cheerful face. He stood next to the exquisitely carved railings, using the folding fan in his hand to lift the curtain, then stepped forward to bow to Consort Sushu and Consort Lian: “I will get someone to prepare some fresh fruits, do both mother consorts has any request? I will ask them to bring it up.”

Consort Sushu said gently: “Li'er, you are always so rash, when can you be more mature like your fourth brother.”

Consort Lian just nodded her head slightly when receiving the bow from the twelfth prince, Yetian Li. Even when her son was brought up, she continued standing calmly in front of the curtain, as though she did not hear anything.

Yetian said with a laugh: “If mother consort will let me go and let the army like fourth brother, even if I was not mature, I will be forced to be mature.”

Consort Sushu knitted her brows when the matter of the war in the northern desert was brought up. Eleventh prince, Yetian Che lead an army into the war, but there is still no news till now. As a mother, she was worried day and night.

She looked to her side. The commander in this battle is still Prince Ling, but Consort Lian was acting indifferent, as though the cold prince with great battle achievements was not her son, as though they were totally unrelated, like total strangers.

The indifference of a mother, the coldness of a son, like a connected gap, there is a gap but so alike.

Today, when the Emperor gave an imperial edict at Lianchi Palace, for Consort Lian and Consort Sushu to pray at Dufu Temple, Consort Lian just looked at the Emperor quietly, then accepted the edict with indifference, then got on the boat following the edict, but she did not look like she did it for her son?

But, this is not the first time. Prince Ling has been under the care of the Empress Dowager since he was born. The relation between mother and son is very strained. Consort Sushu lightly sighed, then said to Yetian Li: “We can talk about that when you are as capable as your fourth brother.”

“Mother consort only allowed eleventh brother to follow fourth brother.” Yetian Li smiled naughtily: “Are you reluctant to part with me?” While they were joking, the boat suddenly swayed roughly. The few were unprepared and tripped a step. The maidservants behind them quickly came up to support them.

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The ripple on Consort Lian face disappeared, she simply remove the maidservants hand.

Yetian Li raised his hand to hold up Consort Sushu: “Mother consort, please be careful!” followed with a frown on his long brows in unhappiness: “What happened?” He turned around to yell.

What he could see in front of his eyes, was a pleasure boat came through the current, right into the flying phoenix boat they were riding on. Even though it was not hard, but enough to stop the boats movement.

There were already some guards yelling at the lower deck, Yetian Li said: “I have let both mother  consorts to be frightened, I will go have a look.” Then turned around coldly and left in quick steps.

The small delicate pleasure boat is currently in a mess, Qingchen and the rest were brought here from the previous large boat. She wondered what Ming Yan's companions had done causing the boat to suddenly lost control.

The people of Chang Men Sect tried hard to turn back, the two bumped into each other, creating a large side waves rushing into the river, the flying phoenix boat happened to pass by at this time and unluckily bumped onto them. The pleasure boat was almost flipped over into the river when the flying phoenix was turning.

The boat was swaying heavily, Ming Yan lost her grip, Qingchen was thrown and bumped onto the opposite wall of the boat. The furniture in the boats had moved and the golden and jade tablewares fell to the floor.

A shadow flashed through with a sharp air, a person in black stood next to Ming Yan, said: “Let's go!”

A yell came from outside the boat, the boat sink in slightly. Some guards had got onto the boat.

Ming Yan looked at Qingchen, then followed the person towards the back of the boat, escaping into the water.

Hu Sanniang and the rest realising their risky situation with the sudden change in situation, decided to flee onto the larger boat not far away and escape.

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Qingchen, Biyao and the rest helped each other to stabilise themselves. The people of Chang Men Sect who were not able to escape were taken down by the guards, and held down by the side.

The beaded curtain opened, Yetian Li entered the boat, looking at the mess with an angry gaze, “What happened?”

A woman with light fragrance in flowing dress and an alluring figure rushed forward to kneel next to him, and said charmingly: “This slave greets Your Highness the Twelfth Prince.”

Yetian Li looked at: “Nn? Aren't you Wu Pingting from Tian Wu Zui Fang? What courage you have to mess around here!” He looked towards Qingchen and the rest, the guards around him slightly re-organise the mess, to clear the path.

Qingchen's heart moved, the person in front of her looked pretty gallant like someone, giving her a sense of familiarity.

Wu Pingting felt slightly unsure. The twelfth prince is the youngest prince of the Emperor and is very spoilt by the Emperor. He is very proud and wilful. Normally, everyone in Tiandu will stay out of his way, but they have to bump into him today. She forced herself to give an alluring smile: “This slave……this slave brought the misses……out for a sail at the river……we did not know we might disturb your highness……”

Before she could finish her sentence, Yetian Li said coldly: “Impudence! Wu Pingting, what do you think I am to allow to trick me! Who would sail like you?”

“Who is twelve younger brother angry with?” A voice suddenly came from outside the boat.

Like drops of pearls, the voice was soothing and clear, the liveliness on the boat was swept away by the voice, turning this into a real scene of people out for a sail on the river.

Yetian Li was stunned: “Seventh Royal Brother, why are you here?” The person who came was actually Yetian Li's elder prince brother, the seventh prince, Yetian Zhan.

With a slight lift of the curtain, Yetian Zhan walked in slowly, a man dressed in the color of the after rain sky entered everyone's eyes. The material looked elegant and comfortable, the blue was like a quiet and clear river. On him, along with his relaxed steps, it was as though looking at the blue water, the clear moon on top of the mountain.

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He was holding a jade flute, walking towards everyone with smiling eyes. Qingchen was totally astounded when she saw him. Watching the gently smiling person, she quickly turned away with rushing waves in her heart.

“I was on my way home when I saw the boat that Consort Sushu was taking stopped in the middle of the river so I decided to come over and see.” Yetian Zhan looked at that mess on the boat, and asked: “What happened?”

Yetian Li said: “This happens to be under the jurisdiction of the capital area so I will have to trouble royal brother. They bumped into mother consort's boat, I would like an explanation for that.”

Yetian Zhan said with a smile: “Who had the courage to offend an overlord like you?” His beautiful eyes looked towards the people kneeling on the floor.

Wu Pingting bow down with his gaze, the quickly smiled and said coquettishly: “Your Highness seventh prince……” Yetian Li rudely cut her off saying: “If you're still going to say out for a sail on the river, then don't say it!”

Seeing two princes meddling into this, Wu Pingting knows that the matter today cannot be solved the way they want. Even a person who is pretty experienced like her starts to feel insecure. She actually does not know what kind of excuse she should give.

At this time, Yetian Zhan slightly raised his head towards Qingchen and the rest: “Let them say it.”

After a few days on the boat together, Biyao and the rest had unconsciously see Qingchen as their leader so each of them looked towards her.

The shadow under Qingchen's eyelashes slightly moved. A pair of eyes deeper than the lake looked towards Yetian Zhan emotionlessly. This pair of brows, this gaze, this figure that is as elegant and handsome as the jade moon, is clearly Li Tang.

A mix of emotions filled her heart, an unknown happiness followed by hatred, anger and pain. She realised that she was lying to herself when she said she was not heartbroken. Bitterness gathers into a sharp thin ice piercing into her heart, stuffing her chest causing an unbearable pain. She pretended to lazily drop her eyes, looking that the messy floor flooded with broken pieces of teapots, and simply said: “They used despicable mean……”

Before she could finish her sentence, someone suddenly yelled in surprise. She was quickly moved to the side before she had the chance to raise her head.

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