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After bathing, Fan Zhu Xia leisurely made her way back to her room while slowly circulating her spiritual energy; drying her hair and body fast, not letting her inner robe get damp while still leaving her skin looking flushed and tender from her bath.

Entering her bed chambers, she went straight towards the bed and jumped on to it, relishing the soft feeling the cushion and pillows provided.

Sighing happily, she pulled off the cover and burrowed herself under the sheets, pulling them back and over her shoulders as she closed her eyes.

Fan Zhu Xia wanted to take a light nap before her cousin, Fan Li Jie comes to pick her up for dinner but the moment she tucked herself into the bed and closed her eyes, she was out like a light.

Fan Zhu Xia was sleeping so soundly that even after a couple of hours had passed, she remained in the same position, sleeping deeply with her mouth slighly parted.

This was the sight that Fan Li Jie stumbled upon when he entered the main bed chambers of the courtyard after calling out to Fan Zhu Xia several times and searching the other rooms inside the courtyard.

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Even when he entered her bed chambers, Fan Li Jie knocked on the door and called out as he opened it but still he received no answer and when he made his way to the other side of the room's partition, he saw Fan Zhu Xia's unconscious form, sleeping under the blankets, completely unaware of her surroundings.

Taking a careful steps, making sure he doesn't make any more sounds, Fan Li Jie made his way nearer to the bed and saw how deep Fan Zhu Xia's slumber was.

Looking at her peaceful expression with her soft, cherry lips slightly parted as she slept as a bit of drool leaked out making her look younger and more innocent, Fan Li Jie couldn't help but smile as he shook his head slightly.

Reaching out, he took hold of the blankets and tucked it around Fan Zhu Xia's sleeping form more securely and slightly closed the window to limit the cold breeze that could come into the room while lighting a few of the braziers in the room, giving it a comfortable warmth before giving the sleeping Fan Zhu Xia one last look and leaving quietly.

Even with all the adjustments Fan Li Jie has done, Fan Zhu Xia just continued on sleeping, blissfully unaware of her surroundings.

Meanwhile, in the main courtyard or more commonly known as the Xiong Jia Courtyard, located at the center of the entire residence; the current head of the family, Fan Hui Liang was waiting in the dining hall of the courtyard along with his older brother, Fan Hui Zhong and his youngest son, Fan Xian Liang.

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Currently it was just the three of them sitting around the table drinking tea as they waited for the others to arrive so that the servants can start to serve the food.

No one said anything; not Fan Hui Zhong or Fan Hui Liang which left Fan Xian Liang no choice but to keep quiet as he glanced at his father and uncle back and forth.

A short while passed and a maid went ahead and refilled the tea pot before quickly retreating and yet no one broke the silence.

Fan Xian Liang's father just kept his eyes on the table as he drank tea while his uncle just kept his eyes closed as he took a sip from his cup from time to time.

The awkward and uneasy silence grated on Fan Xian Liang's nerves and he couldn't take it anymore!

After all, the three of them have been here ever since they left the pergola earlier!

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His eldest brother, Fan Li Jie dropped by earlier without the red-robed woman and talked with them for a bit. He even answered a couple of Fan Xian Liang's questions and explained to him who was the girl that he saw with him earlier.

Apparently that young woman was their cousin, Fan Zhu Xia; their uncle's adopted daughter.

It still baffled him how his cold and aloof brother, Fan Li Jie; who hates people casually touching him was actually letting their newfound cousin cling to him like that, let alone how affectionate he was with her!

It completely blew Fan Xian Liang's mind!

It made him incredibly curious on what prompted his brother's uncharacteristic behavior.

Sadly, he hasn't gotten the chance to ask anyone for any details yet, not even the servants since he's been stuck accompanying his father and uncle.

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Looking at them again, Fan Xian Liang couldn't help but inwardly sigh. Here he was itching to ask them for details but due to the weird uncomfortable atmosphere that hung in the room, Fan Xian Liang just couldn't find the right words to say.

He ended up miserably biting his tongue and keeping quiet, hoping for someone arrive or for his father, Fan Hui Liang or his uncle, Fan Hui Zhong to at least speak up and break the silence.

A couple of more minutes passed and still no one said a word.

Fan Xian Liang had opened and closed his mouth several times already, looking like he wanted to say something but then deciding against it as he kept his silence.

It was quite plain to see how uncomfortable Fan Xian Liang was but both Fan Hui Liang and Fan Hui Zhong disregarded his obvious tension and continued on ignoring him; making Fan Xian Liang silently curse them in his mind, lamenting how he had no choice but to remain stuck in this situation.

Sitting in his seat, he looked at the direction of the open windows and absent-mindedly stared into the gardens.

Fan Xian Liang inwardly prayed that hopefully this weird and awkward vibe that enveloped both his father and uncle disappear once the family dinner began.

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