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After hurrying out, Fan Zhu Xia finally calmed down and regained her composure as she waited for her carriage to come around from the Thousand Treasures Pavillion's stables.

She struggled to place the Lord Owner's confusing and ambigous actions at the back of her mind and focused on thinking of the best time to start refining the medicinal pill for her father; Fan Hui Zhong.

Standing absent-mindedly and completely oblivious to her surroundings by the entrance of the building, she didn't realize the attention she garnered just because of her prestigious bearing, alluring figure, obvious breathtaking countenance which was partially hidden by her silk veil as well a her entourage since she was surrounded by a small of group of stalwart-looking men who wore the uniform of elite guards from the Lei Sha Di Army which is widely known as the personal army led by the Lei Wangye and governed by the Fan family in his absence.

Such a sight caused many whispers and speculations among the crowd of the Thousand Treasures Pavillion's customers and patrons.

All of them were wondering about the same thing and that is who exactly is this young lady and what's her connection to the Fan Family? Or, heaven forbid, what identity does she have to warrant the Lei Palace's protection?

The distinct clip-clopping of hooves echoed and grew louder until the sight of two massive Stallion Drakes leading an elaborately decorated carriage with the crest of the Lei Palace, followed by several more riders on Stallion Drakes that led a couple more of the horse-type spirit beasts behind them that was coming from the direction of the stables of the Thousand Treasures Pavillion effectively stunned the crowd into silence as they stared dunbfounded at it. Everyone there knew that only the infamous Lei Wangye can authorize the use of that carriage and not even the Fan family patriarch can use it without his permission which just shows how heavy the implications of this carriage appearing here is!

Just as the crowd thought nothing more could top this, the elite guards surrounding Fan Zhu Xia assembled themselves to form two straight lines on either side of her as Min Sheng led the way to open the door to the carriage before respectfully calling out to Fan Zhu Xia.

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"Young Miss, if you please." Min Sheng said while gesturing for her to enter after Chun Hua placed a small circular stool for her to step on.

Sighing at such ceremony caused by the escort her father provided, Fan Zhu Xia mentally shook her head and just accepted Chun Hua's extended hand that assisted her in climbing up the carriage before Chun Hua also entered and helped her settle in comfortably inside while Min Sheng closed the door.

Remembering something, Fan Zhu Xia's soft voice carried out of the carriage, barely heard by the crowd but some with higher cultivation bases that heard her and Min Sheng's hushed conversation felt as if a thunderclap hit them.

"Min Sheng, did you find out where father is?"

"Answering Young Miss, from what my subordinate told me, Lei Wangye is still at the Golden Pheasant Restaurant with General Wu Zheng He."

"Hmm, is that so? Then this miss shan't disturb them. Let's go back."

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"As you wish."

Heavens did they just hear that right?!

That veiled fairy was calling Lei Wangye father?!

Since when did the elusive and infamous Lei Wangye have a daughter and how come no one ever got a whiff of this news?!

A daughter for gods' sake! This is a chance for other families with eligible and promising sons to make a connection to not only the Lei Palace but also the Fan family which can serve as another opportunity for those who also has daughters!

Before anyone could make a move towards Fan Zhu Xia's direction, Min Sheng already let out a low shout and the carriage swiftly left the front courtyard of the Thousand Treasures Pavillion while being surrounded by the mounted elite guards that were divided into two groups that sandwiched the carriage in between; with one group in front and the other at the back.

Trying to stop them just to make Fan Zhu Xia's acquaintamce was no longer possible but making preparations at home certainly isn't!

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As swift as the wind, the Thousand Treasure Pavillion's patrons had also quickly scattered and left to return and relay the information they got, leaving only those who have not realized Fan Zhu Xia's identity or those who could only smile wryly in regret since they have no means to make a move.

Seeing the aftermath of people hurrying to leave as if their feet were being chased by fire, Ning Yan Mei who had just left her private auction room in a bad mood after finding out that she did not win the bid, felt that something was amiss with the crowd yet she couldn't bother herself with it. To her, all of them were just ants and she didn't want to waste a single breath on them therefore missing out on finding such important news.

In a lousy mood, Ning Yan Mei snapped at the old man that was escorting her and said in a rude, arrogant manner, "Go make yourself useful and fetch this princess' carriage! This princess wants to go back!"

"Right away princess." the old man said as he disappeared with just a step as if he was just fleeting wind, indicating that he had formidable might and prowess in both martial arts and cultivation. It was just a shame that the person who he faced off earlier was Min Sheng who was just leagues stronger than him, after all, even though he was already quite formidable, the disparity of an Early Stage to the Practioner Stage of the Heavenly Sky Realm was as immense as the sky and the earth, especially since one was just at the elementary level of the early stage while the other is at the peak level of the practitioner stage.

A few minutes passed and another carriage appeared before the crowd. Although it's appearance was still quite intricately elegant and indicated that it was of high quality that could only be used by someone of great background, it still couldn't compare to the carriage of Fan Zhu Xia earlier which practically stirred the crowd into a frenzy just by the mere sight of it.

Noticing the weird looks and some gazes that seemed like they were looking down on her carriage, Ning Yan Mei let out an annoyed humph before she let out her cultivation to pressure the crowd and since she was at the Peak Level of the Intermediate Stage of the Void Advancement Realm, of course her presence pressured almost everyone there aside from thos of equal and higher cultivations who quickly let out their own presence to shield the commoners.

Ignoring the angry gazes directed towards her, she arrogantly tilted her head up and swept the crowd with a derisive look before climbing up on her carriage with the help of her old servant and quickly left the Thousand Treasures Pavillion.

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Meanwhile, in her carriage, Fan Zhu Xia was calmly drinking tea that was poured by Chun Hua when the sound of a child wailing and a man angrily shouting sounding from outside before her carriage came to a halt and Min Sheng opened up the carriage window as he calmly told her what was happening.

"Sorry Young Miss, there is a small commotion up ahead and it's blocking the carriage's path."

"What is it about?"

"From what we've gathered so far, it's a pair of two children who is complaining about the medical services of one of the store's physicians."


"They said that they were swindled, and that the medical treatment the physician provided only made the younger one's condition even worse."

Just as Fan Zhu Xia was about to reply, the pained scream of one of the kids loudly echoed out, making Fan Zhu Xia's eyes narrow dangerously while an icy glint could be seen in her eyes as her whole aura turned menacingly colder.

"Come. Let us go and see what all of this commotion is about!"

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