Dry Monsoon

Chapter 16.1

I followed him to the 61st floor and was surprised when I saw that he had used the entire floor as his penthouse. Unlike typical apartments, this place clearly defined the differences between the lower and middle floors versus the upper floor’s lifestyle.

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I passed by the living area which resembled a miniature version of a hotel lobby and walked over to the kitchen. I saw two women busy preparing food, they appeared to be in their 40s. Seoryang’s logo was embroidered on their aprons.


“Is the dinner ready?”


Lee Hyun asked, standing behind me. He held out his jacket and a middle-aged woman hurriedly appeared out of nowhere and took it from him. She then disappeared as quietly as she had come. The same woman appeared again and took my jacket and handbag with her. Before leaving she said,


“Please take a seat, I’ll set up the table right away.”


While everyone was busy moving, I slowly began to adapt to this unrealistic atmosphere. Meanwhile, Lee Hyun left to wash his hands in the sink on one side of the dining room and took a seat at the table. Then the food started to come out of the kitchen and was all served on the table. Lee-Hyun glanced at me, who was still standing far away from the table.


“Come, take a seat.”


“Ah, yes.”


I went over to the table and sat down with a forced smile. I was sure I was going to have an upset stomach after I leave here. His staff were standing by my side throughout the meal. It was uncomfortable as I was not used to it. My stomach already felt stuffy. Maybe after feeling my discomfort, Lee Hyun instructed them to leave the table.


“Once you all are done with the serving, please head home. Thank you.”


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Lee Hyun didn’t say anything until they completely left the kitchen. He only stared at me in the meantime, who awkwardly sat face to face with him across the table. Under his fierce gaze, the only thing I could do to avoid his eyes was to count the number of dishes which were laid out in front of me.


There were vinegar-pickled tomatoes and zucchini, cold sashimi soup with lots of abalone meat and sea cucumbers, grilled Korean beef tenderloin that could be consumed in three bites, and steaming octopus soup in a stone pot.


There weren’t many dish types, but all the menus were fancy and cooked with premium ingredients.


“I told them to go, you can eat now without nibbling. Don’t get an upset stomach this time around.”


It wasn’t until the front door closing was heard that he raised his spoon. I began to slowly savour the dishes one by one. I thought it would be an awkward dinner with him, but even to my own surprise it was not, he ate comfortably in the quiet atmosphere. While I was quietly observing him, I noticed that he often placed his chopsticks on the meat side dishes and preferred to eat soup most of the time. He is a picky eater.


“I’m surprised.”


I broke the silence.


“What do you mean?”


“I thought you live in Seoul. Since you’re always so busy…aren’t you worried about rush hours?”


He hesitated for a while before answering.

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“Of course, there is a separate place near the company where I stay when I get stuck with work. I only just recently registered my address here. I barely even stop by a few times a month.”


“Then why do you have to…?”


He gazed around his penthouse and replied as if he was not feeling much impressed.


“This is Kwon Hae-in’s last blueprint. Above all, this one was designed for me.”


This penthouse had a strangely different atmosphere from Seoul. Lee Hyun’s brother had said he liked the suburbs where the city and nature strangely harmonised together. If you stood by the living room window, you would see the view of a new city from where the Han River and Imjin River met. On clear days when the sun would shine brightly, you would be able to spot a view of the 63 Building*. His brother had told him he designed a blueprint just for him so he would not have to look up at the vast sky from a small place.


(T/N: It’s a very tall skyscraper on Yeouido Island overlooking the Han River.)


“Kwon Hae-in is your brother’s name?”


“Yes. My younger sister’s name is Kwon Soo-Yeon.”


A man who had the same name as Chief Joo. It was such an amazing coincidence, but I couldn’t bring myself to say it. Just as Lee-Hyun said, beyond the window from the dining room was the view of a long stretch of freeways and silver lights swaying calmly on the dark river. The lights dancing on the water were like yellow dots splattered on a pitch-black canvas.


It’s not bad. A pleasant tension began to fill up inside her.

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After a surprisingly comfortable meal, Lee-Hyun poured steaming water into a teapot that had been prepared in advance. A flower blossom sprang up to the surface from beneath. Perhaps it was the first time he was brewing tea himself. While he was pouring the hot drink into the glass cup near me, he told,


“It’s hot.”


“Thank you.”


As I sat on the sofa blowing on the hot steam, I glanced over at him as he took a seat beside me. The living room sofa had been arranged in a way to face the large window as if to appreciate the scenery outside.


“To be honest, I’m a little scared. I feel pressured because of high expectations from me.”


“You don’t have to be too good. The reason I chose Lee Ji-Eun is that you’re someone close to the secrets. Of course, it doesn’t mean I don’t have any expectations, but this business industry is well-aware of how good you are.”


“How could you know about a rumour that even I don’t know about?”


“Didn’t I tell you before, I want to know everything about Lee Ji-Eun from head to toe.”


He said that with a slight smirk. Unlike me, whose heart was pounding furiously, he seemed relaxed. His attitudes were so unpredictable. But why was he so sweet again today? I realised then how fabricated Kwon Lee-Hyun’s image in the media was. Kwon Lee-Hyun from the magazines and news articles that always made headlines could not even match one-hundredth of the Kwon Lee-Hyun in real life.


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“So…once we’re done with the project, how do we wrap things up? Meeting with your mother was a bit of a shock…I’m very anxious. I keep thinking she’ll pop out of nowhere with a marriage registration form in hand.”


He shifted his eyes away, lost in thought.


“I will propose to a woman whose interests match mine. The only thing my mother wants is the marriage registration form. Don’t worry. You and I will not be walking to the altar together.”


“Propose? As long as your interests match, it can be anyone?”


“Surely not.”


He raised the tip of his lips in a smile.


He probably said those words to give me some form of reassurance, but my chest began to feel tight. It was as if a cool breeze was blowing in my heart, causing me to feel a pesky sensation of irritation.


Kwon Lee-Hyun always stirred people with his words and actions, and when the moment of decision came, he allowed other parties to make the decision at important moments.


He said it would be okay for us to get married. He even said he wanted to take me to a hotel.


He only had to cast it out into the water, and was it my job to always take the bait?

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