Chapter 27

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The Duke’s Butler

Translated by Appleot
Edited by Appleot


Episode 27

The Duke’s Butler (3)


 After arguing with Hans, I went back to the second floor. In the hallway, I saw Solertia walking back and forth with a restless expression on her face.


 “Why are you doing this? Is there anything you need?”

 “Ah, ah-no! It’s not like that, I heard something like a fight…”



 She must have heard us fighting. It’s hard to know what to say about this.


 “That’s… Have you heard the whole thing?”

 “Uh…? Zion is investigating the duke, the butler is still following the orders of the previous duke, both of you are at odds with each other…”


 It’s very specific. Even if soundproofing is present here… though it’s not. It was wrong to talk like that in the hallway with a loud voice.


 ‘The only people staying in this building are me, Solertia, and Hans. It’s crazy that there are only us three…’


Yet she heard what we said clearly. If anyone has been walking around this building, even if they don’t hear the details, they will know the fact that Hans and I were arguing.


 ‘Tomorrow, the mansion will be buzzing with the story.’


After going down to the duchy, it seems that everyone is aware of the rift between us. Jack, he’s been locked up in the library all the time, so maybe he didn’t know…

Did he not know and that’s why he asked for my help?


 “The Duke already knows and has given permission, so this is not a background investigation.”

 “That’s right! If that’s the case, then what…”


 I think that was the part she was most worried about. Solertia breathed a sigh of relief, she muttered quietly, ‘I’m glad …’.


 “I talked about how the Duke and sir Zion are close a while ago, but I was surprised by the sudden investigation or something.”

 “I just want to help him in the end. I really do.”


 With a bitter smile, I muttered a promise to myself. The past and the future to come. Serpence’s mind is too unstable and weak to endure all that’s coming.


 ‘If he only loosened the shackles of the past, he would be able to escape as much as he could …’.


His imprisoned spirit could not get out of the pit. He sinks helplessly even though he knows that despair is beneath him.

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 “…you make that kind of expression too?”



 At my question, Solertia smiled, and mumbled that it was nothing.


 “I don’t know, but sir Zion and the Duke must have something in mind.”

 “Well, that’s right….”


 Even with me, the problem is what Serpence is thinking.


 ‘Maybe he himself doesn’t know what I’m thinking?’


 All I can do is make sure he doesn’t run away again. All I have to do is keep a safe distance and watch him. I’d rather he teach me how to help him like the little prince’s fox. If he doesn’t, I’m not the one who makes him feel responsible and taken care of well!


 ‘Calm down, I’m not a butler candidate who wants a stray cat to hire me! I am the aide of the final boss, Serpence…!’


 All of this happened because the real butler, Hans, couldn’t take things back. Hans is wrong!


 “It seems that something is wrong, so I’ll pretend I don’t know. But I’m cheering for you, so if you need any help, please tell me.”

 “Thank you for your kind words.”

 “Well~! The Duke is my investor, and sir Zion is a friend, right?”


 She smiled brightly as her eyes lit up again and again. Is this the first friend I made after I came to this world?


* * *


 As expected, the eyes of the duke looking at me were stinging. Fortunately, it seems that he didn’t even hear the conversation, there was no mention of the content, just rumors of ‘the two fought.’


 ‘It was until Jack, whom I met at lunchtime, said he had returned to his original job and thanked me…’


 Suddenly, the cause of the fight between me and Hans was due to accepting Jack’s request.

 However, it is not possible to talk about the actual reason. Both me and Hans were consistent in silence, and everyone accepted it as a fact.


 The reaction of the people in the mansion to this was, criticize me for trying to fight Hans, coveting authority within the duke’s residence. The aide defended it, saying that it was just fulfilling the servant’s request. These two opinions were divided. On the other hand, Serpence,


 “I’m sure I don’t have to worry about it, didn’t I tell you about these things in advance?”


 . . . he said and touched his forehead.


 “The day before yesterday, I asked you to at least avoid blatant hostility. On the same day, you got into an argument with another aide.”

 “Well, that’s because the seeds that the Duke had sown before had germinated late…”

 “So, the next day, yesterday, did you have an argument with the butler? Did that make you angry?”

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 “Oh, no-! That’s not, it’s not…”


 Serpence looked at me with observing eyes.

 First of all, he’s not expressionless, so maybe he’s not that angry…


 ‘Okay. It’s not like that.’


 His expression gradually disappeared.



 “That’s uh… Jack, Jack!”



 In his silence, it was as if I heard a voice saying, ‘Don’t talk bullshit, tell the truth.’ Of course, it’s an auditory hallucination, but it’s no different from Serpence’s thoughts.


 “I had to bump into the butler someday. He didn’t like me either…”

 “If it’s the reason, I’ve already heard it from him. The content as well.”


No, when did you hear that again? before I came to work. As soon as I woke up in the morning, I went to Serpence and thought of Hans who should have reported it, and I feel like dying of disgust because of his actions.


 “But you need to hear the opinions of both sides…”

 “It’s all predictable anyway, so there’s no need.”

 “But hearing it directly and hearing about it…”

 “Even if I hear it, I won’t understand. Even if you appeal to my feelings that it was for me, it’s okay for now because it only hurts my head.”


 He cut me in a rude tone of voice.


 “Then why did you ask…?”

 “Why did you have to fight in the hallway? Also, it’s like why it was yesterday.”

 “…Uh, impulsively?”


 Serpence sighed heavily and closed his eyes.

 It felt like it was pathetic, but fortunately, his expression seemed more relaxed.


 “It’s been a week. No, except for today, there are three days left.”

 “Yes? What’s the countdown all of a sudden…?”


 Are you saying you have to settle something with Hans within three days? I’m starting to have a very bad feeling. For some reason, my spine feels cold.


 “Wait, no way… hey, is it? Is it what I think? Please say no!”


 As if betraying my beliefs, Serpence snorted.


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 “Next Monday, there is a campaign to subdue in the Volta Mountains.”

 “I… me?”

 “Of course you will.”

 “···Help me.”

 “You don’t want to go there, for what means?”


 Damn, I only trusted the serfence, and the fence was supposed to be non-removable! A fence needs to be in its position to be reliable, and if it is moved to the wrong place, its meaning disappears. Besides, the corner of his mouth curled up slightly, and it made him look strangely happy.


 ‘How are you watching me!’


 I feel like I’ve been scratched by my cat.


 “Are you having fun when I’m in trouble?”

 “More than that…”


 What else is that feeling?

 When I glared at Serpence with a no-nonsense expression, he smirked.


 ‘Can’t you find the first fun in your life in someone else’s troubles…?’


 I wouldn’t have been able to do this if I had known that I was raising him like that… and watching over me. If Hans and I had a fight, wasn’t it difficult for me too? There is no one who is disrespectful across the river.


 “If you’re not sure, how about taking this opportunity to go on vacation?”

 “Uh…, yes?”


 What kind of dream job is it to give you a long vacation after one month of joining the world?

 But even if I take a vacation…


 “You don’t know when you’ll have time again, wouldn’t it be better to go down to your hometown?”

 “No! It’s fine! In times like this, I have to keep my seat, where are we going?”


 Zion about 2 years ago. After going to the capital alone to become an aide to the aristocracy, he has never returned to his hometown. At first, he dreamed of a golden return, but after time passed, he had no face. Only exchanged letters with his family, he never returned.


 ‘And now….’


 I was not Zion. None of the emotions he felt remained, I just remember them as information. Even meeting his family, to me, he is nothing more than a stranger. It’s just awkward and uncomfortable. It will only expose that I am not Zion.


‘It would be better to hold on here, even if he’s noticing it.’


 Still, it seems that Zion lived on the money sent by the Rivelon family, so I should spend money as I get my salary while thinking about that.


 ‘I wonder if there will be a reward…’


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 I couldn’t help it. Tomorrow is payday, so I don’t know if there’s anything left.


 “Hmm… if that’s what Sir Rivelon wants.”

 “It’s self-sufficient, so I have to figure it out myself. Besides, there’s no such thing as running away…”


 As I was talking, I said that, but in the end, it was my choice to run away from facing Zion’s family.

 I was stabbed badly. And I wasn’t the only one who felt disgusted with those words. Serpence, who has a runaway record, looked at me. I unintentionally put in a wide-area deal indiscriminately.


 “Uh, anyway! Do you think Hans will hurt me?”

 “It won’t happen.”


 If Serpence said that, then there is no need to worry.


 ‘By the way, what now?’


 There are people who support me, but the managers are all on Hans’s side.



It is safe to say that there is no one who can help me. In the first place It’s not a problem that can be solved by them helping me.


 ‘As long as Serpence remain neutral, they will not directly harm me…’


 If they are determined and try to isolate me, there is nothing I can do.


 “So, what are you going to do now?”

 “First… reconciliation?”

 “In what way?”


 Nothing comes to mind. Somehow it needs to appear that relations with Hans have improved, at least on the surface, but I don’t think he’ll cooperate.


 “Before the Duke goes…, no. You have to take care of your own business.”


 Serpence’s expression almost turned cold.


 After work, I went to the restaurant for dinner. The table I sat at was extremely chilly. Each time I made eye contact, some of the people I was close with, including Mary, and Jack, passed by with an apologetic expression and silence.


 ‘I can’t help but…’


 It’s sad, but I understand. Even though I was Serpence’s aide, I wasn’t the only one holding their food. It was Hans who was in charge of the mansion, including them.


‘There is no answer to this other than talking to Hans again…?’


 But this time, I’ll have to go into a room and have a quiet conversation. 

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