“He must be…”

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Helena’s voice was trembling. Then a thought filled Helena’s mind– if the Duke had to withdraw the order, then they would have to return the cost of the clothes.


The last deadline of the bill had already expired, so if the Duke somehow blocked the check paid by the duke himself, and asked for a refund, they would be issued by the bill again.


“Will the Duke really do it?”


“Then we should meet him in the drawing room first. What should I do?”


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“…I’ll go see him.”


“Are you okay?”


Of course she couldn’t be okay. Helena screamed inside and wanted to run away, but now, she could only solve this situation.


Helena forced a smile and nodded her head. She then said to reassure Jerome,


“The Duke is just going to have dinner with me. The clothes are already being made, so he is not going to cancel the order now.”

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Of course, there was no law saying that withdrawing an ongoing order is a crime, but Helena wanted to think in a hopeful way if possible.


“You’re right, Miss, then I’ll get you ready for tea.”


“Thank you. Please, Jerome.”


Helena said so and jumped up from her seat, and Jerome’s eyes widened.


“Are you going to see the duke like that?”

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That day, Helena was wearing an ordinary men’s robe and took off her wig to concentrate on sewing.


Although Jerome hated it, Helena these days preferred wearing men’s clothes because men’s clothes were much more convenient for working once she tried them on. Even if it was made with one’s own hair, it was quite cumbersome to sew with a heavy wig on top of one’s head while wearing loose clothes.


“I’ve already met him once in this form. It’s better this way than having to wait for me to go home and change. Besides, the wig needs to be retouched by May. So it takes at least an hour to get it fixed and come back,” she explained.


It’s better to meet him first. Anyway, Helena had already been found out, so she decided to meet the duke and explain everything as soon as possible rather than wasting time changing clothes and putting on a wig.


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The duke was waiting for her in the drawing room on the second floor of the workshop. The room was prepared by Helena’s great-grandfather for the nobles who came directly to <Book of Knights>.


Each time the tailors of the Stud family made clothes for the nobles, they went directly to their mansion or castle, but sometimes people in a hurry came to the dressing room like Duke Bronant to check the work situation.


That’s why Helena’s great-grandfather decorated this parlor to fit a family of artisans who had built a reputation for generations. Although it was not possible to decorate it as splendid and luxurious as the mansion of the nobles, it pursued elegance and comfort to suit their taste.


Helena liked this drawing room the most in the workshop. The room was not as warm as Duke Bronant’s living room, but natural light filled the room and gave it a warm atmosphere.


But for today, as she stood in front of the drawing room door, she wanted to turn her back and run away. She was trembling to the point that what she had spoken bravely before Jerome was overshadowed. But she couldn’t just stand here at the door forever.

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