"The territory to be attacked from now on is tough. Therefore, reorganize the troops!

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Standing in front of the subordinates gathered in the saloon, I speak out loud.

"Lina! Leila! Flora! Iron! Guy! Red! Daquel!"

The seven kins whose names are called advance one step forward.

"Next, Chloe! Blue! Noir! Rouge! Kureha!"

Next, the five relatives whose names are called advance one step forward. Chloe looks at Rina's rivals and sends a sharp glance to Lina, who is next to her.

"After that, my special name was Dampel-Shadow."

Tr an s lat e d by jpmtl .c om "Hah!"

Dumpel with just-created sunglasses-a shadow emerges from behind me.

―― !?

"Shi, Shion ... Is it true that it's reasonable?"

Looking at the shadow, Lina who realized my thoughts raised her voice.

"If you line up, it's obviously another person ... but if you see someone you don't know, you're not right?"

"Is that so ...?"

Tra nsl ate d b y jpm tl.c o m "I don't believe it, but as a result of the experiment ... the humans in the settlements mistaken Shadow for Zion."

―― !?

The subordinates are surprised at the words of Canon who smile.

"That is, that ... the incompetent inferior species who are tinkering mistaken the dampir look for the master?"

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"Aside from the word" Chloe's dampel feeling ... "I don't need those eyes."

"I'll eliminate it immediately."

Fanatic trio who start to speak louder-Chloe, Leila, Izayoi.


I rushed to stop, and all of my subordinate glanced at me.

"This is my idea, that is, you disagree with my idea?"

"No, no ... such a thing ..."

"I'm sorry ... I'm sorry but my life is to compensate ..."

"I'm prepared for any judgment ..."

The resentment was reversed, and the fanatic Trio kneels in place.

"Don't ruin your life ... how many times do you know?"

"" "Hah!" " Tr ans late d by Jp mt l .c om

The fanatic trios all put their heads on the ground.

I'm glad I have a strong loyalty ... but it's too much. Chloe, Leila, Izayoi, and the three are irreplaceable. Izayoi is a valuable subordinate created by consuming maximum CP. Chloe and Leila have grown quite a bit, and it takes tremendous time to produce the same strength. I want you to give yourself more weight.

"Well, go back to the story. During the invasion, treat the shadows as I-Demon King Zion."


"Sion, is one good?"


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I turn to Lina who asked her a question.

"This time, Chloe and me ... the two units join for the first time and invade. What do the leaders do?"

The surrounding air changes to Lina's words.

"The leader is me ..."


―― !?

The subordinates are amazed by my words.

"Hmm? Is the leader dissatisfied with me?"

"No, no, not really ..." Tra nsl at ed b y Jpmtl .c o m

"Ma, Master !? It's dangerous! If we can leave it to you, we'll definitely give you the territory!"

"Head. In this dominant area, the sunshine is binging?"

"If my husband holds me as usual, we will quickly kill the Demon King."

In response to my words, my subordinates oppose my participation in the invasion.

It is fresh to be opposed by your subordinates. Did their self sprout? I look desperately against my subordinates, and on the contrary I am happy.

"Yes, it's dangerous. That's why I'm counting on you.


"I will protect you even if you replace this life."

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The subordinates responded to my light words with a smile by betting on their lives.

A total of 24 members, including 6 members of Living Mail and 2 members of Dumpir, added to the previous members, and resumed the invasion of the dominant territory.

The invasion started at 2 PM. It takes about 4 hours until sunset. I could go out at night, but I felt the risk was higher if I was attacked at dawn, so I started the invasion at this time.

"Sion, are you okay?"

Walk behind me, call out to Flora. This time, I'm disguised as living mail. However, there is no intention to tank in the front row. I was in the back row, protecting the last flora.

"It's hot, lazy, and the worst ... but it's okay." Tr ansl at ed b y Jpm m

During the day, your physical status is greatly reduced. As a result, the armor he wore seemed heavier than at night and the condition was worst.

"There is no trap or enemy .... Do you think this is any kind of trap?"

Lina speaks a little loud to the shadows. The person who wants to deliver this voice is not shadow but me.

――How about? Your opponent has significantly changed the structure of the dominant zone. You could say that you didn't catch up with the trap.

I reply to Lina in a one-way memoir.

"That's fine ..."

-Well, do not be vigilant. The opponent is the evil king who is not alert.

"Roger that"

6 hours to invade while watching for traps.

As the sun set and the night breeze began to feel comfortable, we reached the second level.

On the first floor, there were no traps or enemy raids.

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However, it was just a structure where the wilderness of the bad environment illuminated by the sun continued.

Despite changing the territory to the wilderness, no traps or enemy raids ...

What is the enemy ’s aim?

What if I'm an enemy?

A mighty enemy has invaded. The enemies rushed in are composed of high-ranking demons, and the items equipped are also high-ranking items. Defeat is inevitable even if you hit from the front. The point that this is winning is the number that can be put at once. And the weak point of the enemy is the sunshine.

If you defeat the Demon King, you will win a great reversal. A powerful monster that solidifies the surroundings is secondary.

I spin a simulation in my head as if I were an enemy demon.

It doesn't make sense to put your strength halfway. I understand that in the previous defense (defense battle between two stolen territories).

Then what do you do? At what timing will you hit your entire enemy against the enemy?


I come to one answer.

--Lina, look up the sunrise time.

I wanted to search on my smartphone, but it's highly likely that the enemy is looking at this moment.


The current time is 20:10.

-Tell everyone! Enemy invasion is expected to take 9 hours 30 minutes. From this time, we will enter a forced march and have a break at 3:10, 6 hours later.

If I am an enemy, the attack will start at the sunrise. Conversely, the chances of being attacked by that time are extremely low. Then, you should proceed with the invasion at once, and at the same time secure terrain that is easy to protect.

When I noticed the enemy's aim, I issued an order to act quickly.

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