"Are you coming here as a group?"

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Demon King Takaharu turns his curious eyes on us.

"But, every time, there's a lot of familiar armor.

Demon King Takaharu turned his gaze on the living mail, and then glanced happily at the Rilims.

"Well, are the Nyan-chan there leading?"

Demon King Takaharu finally gave me and Izayoi a sharp look.

"It's just silence, is that you are a monster? Even if you increase the number, you can beat me-"

――Attach to each member! Lilim launches a simultaneous attack! T ranslated by jpmt l .c o m

I commanded my subordinate and launched an attack on the demon king Takaharu, who continued to talk forever.

Livingmail moves forward with a shield to protect Lilim, and 10 fireballs from 10 Lilims-Fireball fly to the Demon Lord Takaharu. I go back with Izayoi and listen to him.


When the fire caused by Fireball converges, Demon King Takaharu who crosses his hands shouts.

"Everyone will send it to the world !!"

When the demon king Takaharu kicks the ground, he violently beats the shield held by Living Mail. The impact sound resounds as if it were not an attack released from the body.

"Oh !! Learning that you can win if you just keep it-" Tr an s la t ed by Jp m tl .c o m

A group of Lilims attack magically from behind with Demon King Takaharu who hits the living mail repeatedly.

"... Chill !? It looks like you've learned! Oh yeah! It's troublesome! Stop playing!"

The Demon King Takaharu jumps backwards and roars in the sky. Takaharu, the demon king who roared, was wrapped in light and transformed into a true figure of a half-beast half-human.


When the demon king Takaharu jumps greatly, it jumps over the living mail and closes the distance with the rear rim in an instant.

-Living Mail! Protect Rilim!

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"Eh !? ... Cee !?"

I hurry and give orders to Living Mail, but Demon King Takaharu swings her right foot around her left foot and blows off all three rims. Livingmail rushes to protect Rilim, but Takaharu Demon King packs it into a single blown-down Lilim and drops his heel over the fallen Lilim.

"Ah, can you talk?"

Demon King Takaharu's head collapsed and glanced coldly at Lilim, who died.

The surviving Lilim sends a fearful gaze to Demon King Takaharu.

Chi! It is completely swallowed by the strength of Demon King Takaharu.

-Rilim! Start an attack!

――Living Mail should protect Rilim!

In order to be swallowed by the strength of the Demon King Takaharu or to fall into a panic ... my command is absolute. T ra ns l a t ed b y jp mtl .c o m

Livingmail again holds a shield in front of Lilim, and Rilim casts magic on Demon King Takaharu while moving awkwardly. The Demon King Takaharu meanders quickly, repeatedly hitting the living mail with hits and away while losing the magic sight.

"Weaknesses in armor have already been studied!"

When the Demon King Takaharu sinks his upper body, he hits the lower body of the living mail-kicks like cutting the knee of the human body. Kicking up a livingmail shield that has lost his balance and falls down, he knocks his fist down on bare armor.

"Hah! It doesn't make sense if you can't use a good shield!"

Demon King Takaharu mocks the dead body of Living Mail, which has been turned into immovable armor.

Takaharu, the demon king who continues to overrun Living Mail and Ririm. However, I and Izayoi are completely out of consciousness.

As a schedule, I wanted to deplete Takaharu the Demon King a little more ... but if Living Mail was destroyed, I and Isaiyoi's lives would also be at stake.

-Izayoi, I'll set it up soon.

Isaiyoi silently responds to my wishes.

―― Book of Darkness!

I assimilate my being with my surroundings and search for opportunities.

Rampage in all directions-Demon King Takaharu. The number of living mails prepared with 12 bodies has already become half of the number of 6 bodies, and the number of relims prepared with 10 bodies has been reduced to 5 bodies.

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Demon King Takaharu cuts the knees of the living mail with a familiar movement and kicks up the shield. The moment he tried to swing his fist down.

--Izayoi! now!

T r ans l ate d b y Jp mt l .c o m In response to my signal, Izayoi releases Dark Knight Tempest from behind the Demon Lord Takaharu.

"-!?! ?? ...?!

Being swallowed by the air of darkness and expressing an expression of agony, turning to Izayoi's gaze with anger, behind the Devil King Takaharu ...

―― Crimson Slash!

I swung down Gay Volk with all my might.

"Guh !?

Demon King Takaharu turns to me and sends a grim glance.

"Are there any clean or dirty killings?"

I sneer at Demon King Takaharu.

"Koros ... Koros ... Korooo-- !?"

A dark lance from Izayoi is pierced from behind by the right foot of the demon king Takaharu who inflates his blood and steps on the ground.

"I'm sorry, but are you killing each other?"

Izayoi refuses to bow to Demon King Takaharu. Demon King Takaharu kicks the ground with his safe left foot and tries to escape from the position between me and Izayoi.

―― Dark Lance!

He fires a Dark Lance at Takaharu's left foot, trying to escape, but Takaharu pushes his left hand against the ground and evades it dexterously. However, Izayoi's "Dark Lance", which was released earlier, pierced his left foot.

Did you kill the mobility? Tr a n s la t ed by Jpm tl.c om

"Takaharu the Devil. One proposal."


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Demon King Takaharu, standing up with an expression of agony, answers with an angry voice.

"Are you under my control?"

"What? I can't say my sleep after I die!"

"I see ... Sorry."

―― Dark Arrow!

When I fired countless dark arrows to the Demon King Takaharu, Izayoi fired Dark Arrow to the Demon King Takaharu to follow, and the surviving Lilim fired Fire Arrow.

The widespread, dark and flaming bow and arrow will surely damage the Demon Lord Takaharu.

"Hmm? I don't think it's impossible to say a nap if you die ... but what do you think?"

"Hello! That's exactly what Zion said."

When he joked with a light tone, Isaiyoi responded politely

"Yes ... shut up !!"

The demon king Takaharu still alive screams.

The angry Demon King Takaharu kicks the ground and tries to close the distance with me, but his speed has lost its original reputation and is blocked by a living mail with a shield.

"Well, why don't you fully use that power underneath me? Isn't it just a matter of invading the invaders by pulling back into your territory?"

I recommend Surrender to have a small talk with my subordinates, raining arrows.

"I will give you a luxurious house under my control. I will give you the opportunity to fully demonstrate your skills against various demons and human beings.

I change hands and try to persuade while keeping the arrow down.

“Is your Demon King's life satisfactory? Is it your desire to defeat here without seeing the changed world?”

There is no reply ... Is it still alive? Two sacrifice a lot of subordinates, and if you have acquired only one dominant territory, it will not pay.


I heard a thin voice.

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-Stop the attack!

"Hmm? Did you say anything?"

"Wow ... it was ..."

It's a faint voice that disappears ... I felt like I heard, "I understand."

"What do you mean, that is, under my control?"

"……That's it"

Oh! At last, did my sincere words arrive?

"Just ... then ... just ... but ..."

No, I don't know what you're saying. I approach the Devil King Takaharu, who became the insect's breath, and sprinkle a few drops of low-quality healing medicine.

"A little easier?"

"That's why ... Easy ... I'll ... I see ..."

Yup. I can hear the words. No problem.

"And what did you say earlier?"

"There is only one condition ..."


"Below you, if you feel like tsumaranai ... I'll exit ..."

Once you subordinate, you will be absolutely obedient to me, including killing and killing, but I don't have to say it.

"I see. The future you're waiting for is going to be immersed in battle ... Is there any problem?"

"Huh ... I want ... where ..."

Despite his thin voice, a smile was seen on the face of the Demon King Takaharu.

Thus, a lot of sacrifice and time was spent-with the Demon King Takaharu under his control.

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