Fifteen days after invading Hakui's territory controlled by the Dwarven Demon King.

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There is also one territory for the 13 enemies to remain. The unification of Hakui City was progressing to the final stage.

"Mr. Zion! The long-awaited Dwarven Demon King is finally under his control."


I hammer at Kanon's words with a smile in the brain weather.

"Don't you look up?" Are you worried?

"What do you think of the latter half of the invasion?"

T r a n s l a t ed b y jpmt "Is the invasion in the second half ?? I can't see the situation unlike Zion-san ... I don't know well ... but was the invasion pace fast?"

Kanon responds uncertainly while tilting his head.

"There were few enemies in the second half"

"What do you say-?? Did you give up? Or-"

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"It's reasonable to think that the main force was concentrated in the last territory ..."

"I see. In other words, is the invasion of the last territory more difficult than ever?"

When I follow Kanon's words, in response to my words, Kanon considers my thoughts.

T ra n s l ated by Jpmt "I have it, but ... let's say I'm the enemy Demon King-Akira."

"Huh? Do you say the name of the opponent's demon Akira ?!"

Ignoring Kanon's words that crap the story, I spin the story in my head.

"Akira's level is 10. Status is B, Creation B. BP required to grow from initial status to B is 17. BP obtained by level 10 is 55. If status is B, One more item that can grow. If it is a specialization for training, it is reasonable to think that it is [body]. Then, the remaining BP is 4. Growing knowledge and magic power to D and ending. "

"This is the best pattern that can be assigned without leaving too much BP."

"Yes, that means no more status is possible."

The thought I've spoken about today is the pattern that the Demon King Akira allocated with the optimal solution to intercept me. There is a possibility that BP is invested in forging, and a possibility that BP is saved without shaking BP. In that case, the Demon King Akira's ability will be lower than expected.

Next is Devil King Akira. With a level of 10 or higher, special subordinates-subordinates equivalent to Vampire Barons can be created. There were 13 dominant territories that ruled when he was hostile for the first time. Then, the maximum CP of Demon King Akira is 2300. As confirmed by Takaharu and Sarah, special subordinates that can be created at level 10 consume a maximum of CP1000. Only vampires, beasts, and elves consume up to 1000 CP, and other races are unlikely to say different conditions.

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Then, Demon King Akira can create up to two special subordinates. However, it is hard to think that Akira, the demon king who is good at training, will have a maximum CP of 300. If so, is there one limit under special control?

Next, under my control, Kanon, Yatarou, Sarah, Takaharu, Saburo-the former Demon King. Lina-former mankind. These existences can also be irregular elements, but do they exist under Akira the Devil?

My expectation-does not exist.

If they were, they would appear in defense before the territory became the last one.

On the other hand, my strength is-body B, magic B, training B, creation B, who is the leader. Former Demon King Takaharu, Sarah, Sabrow. Lina of strength comparable to former Demon King. Others, including Cain, Maple, Chloe, and Leila, have at least as much power as the demon king Akira.

And the devil Akira must have seen these power differences through his smartphone.

Based on this information ...

T ransl a ted b y Jp mtl.c om "(Akira Devil) Is there a win ...?"

"Huh? Is there something to lose on the contrary ?!"

Kanon is astonished at my muttering that skipped the thoughts in between.

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"I was short of words. Do you think Devil Akira has a win?"

"Oh ... Is that so? I don't think there is."

Kanon answers my question in a straightforward tone.

"that's right"

"――? Which is the battle you can win, what are you worried about?”

"I don't know if you're a first-time opponent, or early on ... Akuma Devil knows our strength?"

"Well, if I lose 12 territories, I think I'm obsessed with it."

"Is Akira the Devil a dwarf species? Is his subordinate a dwarf good at training?"


"Can you somehow be intact and subordinate to a large amount?"

"I see ... Is that so?"

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If you invade with the best members, it will be easy to dominate the territory. However, if you do, you will lose a lot of dwarves that will be under my control along the way.

If possible, a bloodless open castle is desirable. Speaking of luxury, I want you to create a special subordinate with surplus CP before surrendering. T r a n s la t e d b y Jp mt l.c om

Bloodless Kaeshiro-What are the steps needed to make surrender acceptable?

First, does Devil Akira know Surrender?

Next, the merits of "Surrender"-guaranteeing the life of the former Demon King.

To clear these two barriers-it would be best to recommend along with the former Demon King.

When that happens, the invading members will be me, Takaharu, Sarah, Sabrou ... and then add Kanon. I want to bring Yatalow, but I don't want to lose my defenses. Next, let's take the threat of Lina's kin and Chloe's kin. The demon king Akira must know the best of the kins.

The mastermind who created this koreta world planted subconsciousness so that humankind (row) and the demon king (chaos) have an aversion to each other, and subconsciousness planted so that the demons (chaos) also have an aversion to each other. ing. If myself had to surrender to a strange demon king, I would be excited to say, "Huh? But the fear of death is greater than its subconscious.

This time you may want to start with persuasion.

If you fail, you just have to brute force as usual.

The policy was decided.

I called my kin and went to the last remaining territory of Hakui City.

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