Simultaneously with the end of Pseudo Peace, I am a member of all but Yatarou, Izayoi and Saburo. He then went out of his territory with over three hundred subordinates.

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I understand the way of Governance by instinct.

[Low]-It is a land controlled by mankind, and I only want to reconcile it.

"Begin" Governance! From now on, be prepared for the unexpected! "


I close my eyes, hold my right hand on the ground and remember.


No change occurs. T ransl at e d b y jp mtl .co m

The way should be intuitive, but ...? I check the screen of the smartphone.

"Error. The effective range of Governance and the territory of control are interfering with each other.

Error? Mutual interference?

The effective range of > is 3000m around. Should I go 3000m away?

"Move north"

I took my subordinates and moved like a daimyo line.

◆ T r anslat e d by Jpm t l .co m

I measured the distance traveled with the health app in my smartphone.

Stop at the hill that is about 60 minutes walk from the dominant zone.

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"Begin" Governance! From now on, be prepared for the unexpected! "

―― Governance!

I close my eyes, hold my right hand on the ground and remember.

―― !?

The ground shakes, and a black swirl with a diameter of about 30 cm is generated at the tip of the right hand that is overshadowed and swallows the surrounding space.

If you remove your right hand that is overshadowed and Governor fails, you understand with your instinct.

I take out the smartphone with my free-handed left hand and operate the screen.

" has started"

`` Declare Governance for enemies within effective range ''

"Eliminate all enemies within range within 180 minutes"

"Alert. Enemies have been detected within range. Eliminate immediately. "

"Do you want to display a map within the effective range? [YES] [NO]]

T rans la t e d b y jpm t Messages flowing on the screen of your smartphone in quick succession.

I tap [YES].

I see…….

I looked at the map displayed on my smartphone and understood how it worked.

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Map ... A simple map with a number of dots (•) displayed in a circular area with a radius of 5000 m where neither place names nor roads are written. The 3000m line, which is the effective range, is also carefully described.

There are three types of dots in total: blue dots, red dots, and white dots.

The most dots are the blue dots that are concentrated in the center of the map-me and my subordinates.

The next largest dot is the red dot-probably the [Low] humanity.

Only three white dots can be found-probably a [neutral] human being.

Despite the depopulated area, [Neutral] is three people. Not much. The number of red dots is around 100 at a glance.

Well, I understand the situation.

The next thing to consider is the action to take.

1. Red dot-launch an attack on humanity. I want to say it is a surprise, but humanity has declared that I have reigned. Merits show power and push for recommendations. The disadvantage is whether humanity will accept the recommendation after the slaughter.

2. Use [loudspeaker] to give recommendations. As an advantage, it can be obtained without any effort by human beings. Hopefully, some humans may be good at cooking that the former Demon Kings have longed for. Disadvantages give mankind grace.

If mankind is subordinated, is it better to make an advance recommendation to prevent evil feelings?

I simulated the future of two ideas and took out the loudspeaker. Trans lated by jpm t l .c om

"Oh uh. Testes ... You're hearing me, right? My name is Zion. It's the demon king who ruled Kanazawa and Kahoku, and the rest of Kahoku and Hakui."

Use [loudspeaker] to start the recommendation.

Even though there is no response from the other party, it is difficult to talk unilaterally.

"From now on, this land will be my controlling territory. This land is all the areas where this voice has reached. If you are willing to descend under my control, be aware of that feeling. If you are against me, my subordinates-the monsters will respond with brute force. The grace is 10 minutes.

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I unilaterally give the words of the recommendation.

"I forgot to say, but I will guarantee the minimum amount of food, clothing and shelter when I am under my control. Of course, humans who eat wasteful food will not be expelled."

Finally, I told her the benefits of being subordinated to me.

I was worried about the treatment of mankind when I decided to reign.

When you do Governance, the mankind who surrendered to me becomes his subordinate. This sounds like a great advantage, but is humanity needed as a subordinate? I came to the point of saying .

The relationship between me (the Demon King) and mankind—in other words, [chaos] and [low] is hostile. It is a relationship where they scramble for each other and kill each other. What are the benefits of humanity? When asked, squeeze the answer-the food of experience. If you do, your subordinates will not be as faithful as the subordinates you created, and their abilities will not be as good as those of the former Demon King.

Humans do not want to be under their control until they consume all their valuable CPs and follow the cumbersome steps of subordination. That is true.

However, if there was no CP consumption ...? Emotions, which can be called human relationships and free will, are troublesome, but they are certainly more flexible than the ones created. I heard that the crops made by humans who became related in experiments and are now enthusiastic about soiling seem to be more delicious than the foods I have forged. Also, if information is collected under Canon, information that cannot be collected under the creator will be collected.

Now my territory is over 540k㎡. A nation is a terrible territory ... it will expand to the size of a small nation in the future. When that happens, can I only survive on my territory under my creation? …… Accordingly, can a territory be established only by the subordinates that created it? Can you defend against a powerful enemy? Anxiety such as also arises.

Then, let's gradually create the shape of the country.

If a selfish, foolish fool appears ... you can dispose of it. Though short-circuited, sometimes called fear control, I'm a Demon King. T r a nslate d b y Jp m tl .com

As a Demon King, I began to decide to create a country starting from this land-Ishikawa Prefecture.

10 minutes later.

Check the map displayed on your smartphone.

Wow ...

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Some red dots began to move outside the effective range, and some red dots changed to yellow dots.

Is the yellow dot a proof of surrender?

The number of red dots remaining in the effective range is 78. Most are concentrated in the northeast.

"Takaharu, Sarah. Aim for the northeast with 100 of your men."



I point to the northeast and give directions to Takaharu and Sara.

"Chloe. Bring troops and 50 men to the west."


I point in the direction of the red dots scattered west and give instructions to Chloe.

"Leila. Bring troops and 50 men to the east."


I point in the direction of the red dots scattered east and give instructions to Leila. This time it's an interpersonal match, so Lina will be on my side.

"If you show surrender, contact me."

Get in touch and help if the red turns yellow.

"Now, let's start the Operation Governance!"

Under my direction, the subordinates began to invade the various places.

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