107 days after the emergence of the inviolable zone.

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A severe earthquake ran to humanity living in Suzu City.

-The brave brass of Kanazawa City is defeated.

The first human group in Ishikawa Prefecture to release its territory. A group of humankind that has continued to release its territory successfully. It was believed that the human population would someday release all of Ishikawa's territory-the star of hope of the people of Ishikawa.

"Is it true? Is this news true? ...?"

A middle-aged man-my son and hero's father are confused by hearing bad news.

"And dad ... let's calm down ..."

Tra n sl at ed b y jp mtl.c om "If you're calm ...!?! Rina! My daughter! Your sister ...!"

"I know……"

People around me couldn't talk to parents and children who were puzzled by the obituary.

Approximately 40 days ago, the first good news in Ishikawa Prefecture regarding the release of a controlled area was heard. Approximately 30 days ago, his grandchildren and sons had successfully released their territory in this land-Suzu City.

――The world gets better.

The light of hope was starting to shine in the hearts of the people.

The sad news that flowed ahead-the defeat of my granddaughter invited us to the bottom of despair.

T ra nslat ed by jp mt l.c om The son, grandson, and pupil who fuss, saying, "Revenge!"

In a world of sorrow and despair, I was alone-I kept going in the dojo.

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Kanazawa City Heroes-30 days after bad news from granddaughter.

Misfortunes chain.

I thought that day was the bottom of despair. But the bottom of despair was much deeper.

-The heroes of Suzu City are defeated.

The sad news came when I was swinging in the dojo.

Where are the children who die before their parents ...

Where is the grandchild who dies before the grandfather ...

I cursed the Demon King. Cursed the Cowareta world. And best of all, he cursed himself.

I am a famous sword inherited from generation to ancestor-Toru Toru. Strangely, I took out a sword with the same name as me and jumped out of the dojo.

I aimed for a field near the dominant territory, where many monsters are said to appear.

"" "Gee Guy!" "

An ugly demon in the field-goblins swarming and eating crops.

""-! "" Transla t ed by Jpmt m

The goblins who realized my existence smile with a knife and an ax in their hands.


A goblin approaches me while raising a knife.

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Childish ... The approaching goblin was too childish.


I flash Tora Toru with enthusiasm.

One swing. The ugly goblin's neck was knocked off his torso in a single swing.

The goblins attacked me all at once when they saw their fellows beheaded.

"I can't lick the kindergarten atmosphere!"

I was holding Tora Toru and greeted the swarming goblins.

On this day I came to Shura, possessed by revenge.

Seven days after the bad news of my son and grandchild.

I learned the mysterious phenomenon of BP from my disciples.

Tr anslat ed by jp m t m Since that day, the level of me, who had slashed demons both day and night, seems to have grown to 13.

As he was told by his apprentice, he transferred all the BPs to the item called [body]. Then, mysteriously, the dynamism was increased, and the body began to move as in the heyday.

Also, some of the evacuees in Suzu City had acquired a mysterious special ability called "Blacksmithing", and my tiger, Toru, became sharper.

I, with increased sharpness of body and weapons, destroyed more demons than ever before.

At the request of the prefectural governor, I inherited the will of my grandchildren and sons with my students and volunteers-embarking on the liberation of Suzu city's territory.

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I had two purposes.

One is the demon king of the demon who controls the territory of the town of Suzu-city.

One is the Demon King who controls the dominant territory in Kanazawa City-revenge against the Demon King who took his granddaughter's life.

Immediately, I wanted to go to the demon king of the demon who controls the territory of the town. However, it was stopped by people around me. In any case, the Demon King seems to be quite capable. Monsters other than the Demon King seem to be insignificant small fish, but only the Demon Demon seems to be of exceptional strength.

I suppressed the hatred that gushed out of my stomach and followed the advice of others.

Level up and BP.

A body that is strengthened just by touching the items displayed on the smartphone screen.

It seems as if I have denied my life-a new sense of Koreta world.

I actually improved my level and realized the effect. That's why I listened to the advice of others.

In this cowareta world, the more you defeat monsters, the better your abilities.

T r a ns l at e d b y Jp m t l.c om I followed my advice to make sure my grandson and son were revengeful.

One year after the bad news of my grandson and son.

I have finally defeated the first petition-the Demon King.

The Demon Demon King was a strong enemy. The Demon Demon wielded a stick with a strength he could not do with a human, and killed three friends. No matter how many times I cut it, my heart was almost broken.

However, at the end of the fierce battle of three hours-Toru Toru, who shook me, beheaded him.

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On the day of defeating the enemy, the town was festive.

Since the emergence of the territory, we have been trying to control ourselves, but only on that day was alcohol and food booming.

The woman weeping is a junior mother who challenged the territory with her grandson and son.

The woman who is crying while holding her child is a servant's wife who challenged the territory with his grandson and son.

People who cry and rejoice, people who hug and rejoice, people who enjoy drinking with a laughter, and people who start singing out loud.

On this day, Suzu was freed from one spell.

Six months after fulfilling one request.

I, along with my colleagues, have released all the territories that exist in Suzu.

There is only the sea to the north of Suzu City, and there have been no reports of demons emerging from the sea in the world. Suzu City has become a haven for humanity.

But-well-being does not last forever.

One demon king from Kanazawa was rapidly expanding its territory to the north.

The momentum continued unabated and continued to expand northward, swallowing the dominating territory.

It was not far away, and it was clear from the fire that the magnificent hand of expansion extended to Suzu City.

Despite the anxiety, I was trembling at the presence of the nemesis coming from across.

One year and ten months after the appearance of the dominant territory.

The granddaughter's enemy-Demon King Zion has begun invading Suzu City.

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