A large amount of arrows pour down like rain from Suzu City Hall.

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At the forefront of us and human beings confronting each other, the screams of nervous human beings echo.

The negotiations broke down ... what will you do? The forefront of humanity is in a panic with betrayal arrows from allies. Now it's easy to defeat the forefront enemies if you launch an attack.

However, if that happens ... Killing with more than 30,000 humans will be confirmed.

In addition, he has struggled to respond to the surrender-it becomes impossible to subordinate Toru Sayama.

There are two ways to subordinate Sayama Kotetsu.

The first is surrender by governance.

Tra n s l a t e d by Jpmt l.c om The first is the subordination by Contract.

You have two options-attack or withdraw.

what will you do? I don't have time to think. Over time, the panic of mankind will melt.

"-Withdraw! Plina withdraws with Toru Sayama!"


The subordinates are surprised at the decision I made.

-Tell everyone! Withdraw! Retreat to the territory of control!

I will again issue a forceful command to all subordinates. T r ans l a t e d by m

The result of this time is not only Toru Sayama ... but not! I got a loudspeaker.

"Tell mankind! You are supposed to be a friend ...… you are a defender ...… you have been betrayed and cut off! What are you going to do to protect those who have betrayed you? Or will you come with me with Toru Toru Sayama-decide! "

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My words transmitted through the loudspeaker shake the hearts of human beings who have been shot by arrows from allies.

"If you come with us, let's greet us! To your friends ... Human beings abandoned to be protected! If you follow the same path as Toru Toru Sayama, throw away your weapons and aim for my territory Run!"


"" "Wow, oh!" "

After a breath, many mankind, who were confronted at the forefront, abandoned their weapons on the spot and started running towards their territory.

-Living Mail! Hold a shield and line up!Catch the falling arrow!

Upon receiving my order, Livingmail, who had retreated, turned his heels and set up his shield.

――Yataro! Call me right away!

Now I'm sorry to have time to operate my smartphone. I ordered Yatalow to call. Without waiting five seconds, my smartphone trembles to announce the call.

"Yataro! Do what I say right now!"


"Release the limit on the number of dominant territories!"

"Muh? Is it good? T rans la ted b y jp m t l .c om

"I'm sorry! A lot of humans are coming into the base from now on. Let's wait for Izayoi, Sabrow, Cetanta, and available servants near the entrance."


"Attack on humans is completely prohibited!-However, humans who attacked ... kill immediately!"

"Muh? It's in a complicated situation ...

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"Lastly, please install a [transfer device] that connects to a safe control area on one level of the base."


I told my business quickly and cut off the phone call with Yatarou. I myself withdrew into control territory.

One hour after starting to withdraw.

"Is this all humanity who offered surrender?"

"That's right. The last time humans entered the territory was fifteen minutes ago. That would stop it."

I call out to Yatarou, who is next to me, and look around for humanity who has crammed into the territory.

"How many?"

"It's 876 people."

876 people. This number should be regarded as whether 876 people offered to surrender or only 876 out of 30,000 people offered to surrender. T r an s l a ted by

Fortunately, no conflicts or other problems have occurred.

However, if left unchecked ... it was obvious that a problem would occur.

The demon (chaos) and the human race (law) were indeed a relationship of indestructibility. Disgust carved in instinct. Demons (chaos) unconditionally hate humanity (law), and humans (law) hate demons (chaos) unconditionally.

Only the Demon King can deviate from that reason and act in a countless way, but his subordinates will immediately attack the human (row) in front of him unless tied up with orders. Similarly, human beings only govern attacking the demons in front of them with a stronger instinct, a betrayed heart and a survival instinct.

"Um ... tell the human race here. I will keep my promises and protect you, but I can't be a territory immediately or a subordinate."

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Mankind who heard my words was angry.

"Well, suddenly, if you say a lord or a kin, don't you understand ... Well, now you hate the demon in front of you, don't you? It's impossible to immediately become a nation or a kin, so I suggest you. "

I take a breath and look around the upsetting humans.

"We don't want to be in the same space, so we'll use the Transfer Device to get you to a different territory, where you'll find some food and living supplies. I'll have you wait there until the Suzu City Hall capture is over. "

I point at the [transfer device] that was set up in advance and speak to humanity.

"Finally, you move to the fifth level of the territory of a certain area. You are free to move around in the level, but you are prohibited from moving to other levels. As long as this promise is kept, you guys Conversely, the moment you move to a different level, you perceive that you have acted hostile to me ... and you will pay for it with death. "

Mankind quietly listens to my words ... with a pale expression.

"Finally ... no need to call you. If you have anything, use this smartphone to call a speed dial. If you make a mistake, don't call for Tsumalanai? But don't take any premature action. "

I throw one smartphone at the closest human being. By the way, it is set so that if you press the speed dial, you will get a call to Yatarow.

T ran sl a t ed b y Jpm tl .com "If you understand ... start moving from [Transfer Device]"

When my explanation is over, after the human races look at each other's faces ... one person, one person, and then move to [Transfer Device].

"Ah, uh ... Zion-san."

"Hmm? What happened?"

Looking at the humans moving to the [Transfer Device], Kanon flies to my ear and whispers in a whisper.

"Does it need to check their belongings ...?"

"What do you have?Have you checked all kinds of weapons?"

"I've confirmed that .... For example, a smartphone?"

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Kanon whispers with a small voice and an uneasy voice.

"A smartphone. Maybe everyone has it."

"If eh !?, you should take it up!"

Kanon heard my words and shouted involuntarily.

"Is there no problem?"

"It's a big problem! If you have a smartphone, you can stay in touch with humanity at Suzu City Hall ..."

"What can you tell, but what do you tell?"

Human beings are under house arrest in the 87th territory-spatially the territory of Hakui City. From here you can monitor, but there is no way for humanity to know this situation.

"But ..."

"Conversely, if you keep in touch ... isn't it convenient?"

"Is it convenient?"

"Yes. There are quite luxurious supplies in the territory that restrains them. Given their treatment, could more humanity surrender?"

"――! I see, I see!"

Kanon, who knew inside my heart, smiles.

"I forgot. 'Kensei!' Should you come here?"

I was calling for "Kensei," who was quietly standing beside Lina.

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