"It's 18 people not to make Kotetsu's apprentice a member of the invasion .... Is it reorganized into three units divided into six people?"

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Kanon mutters while looking at the name of the main kin on the whiteboard.

At the moment-three units: Lina, Chloe and Former Demon King.

In the latter half of the prefectural reunification, there were a lot of "governance", so there was little unit operation, and it was operating in a good condition, but now it is the best time to reorganize.

Given the current situation-as Kanon says, it is customary to divide into six units and regroup into three units ...

"Which do you prefer, two-unit or three-unit?"

"Hmm ... The smaller the number of units, the stronger each unit is."

"But the more units you have, the more options you have." Tr an s la t ed b y jp m tl .c o m

In response to my question, Kanon and Yatarou answered their strengths.

"So, which do you think is better?"

"Hmmm ... the existence of the kin, especially the one whose name is listed here is an important existence ... Is it a 2 unit that increases the probability of survival?"

"That's right. Given the current situation, you don't need to rush and expand your territory. Is that two units?"

Kanon and Yatarou choose the same answer.

"That's right. I was also thinking of a two-unit formation."

Tr a n sla ted b y jp mt l .com I agree with their opinion.

"When that happens ... is it reorganized into nine people?"

Kanon tilts her head while watching the white boat.

Normally, there are 18 kins who are the mainstays. If it's two units, it's organized by nine people ... I look over the names on the whiteboard.

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Whether it's a human (former Demon King, humanity) or a demon-compatibility exists.

For example, if you consider the feelings of the cottage, you should partner with Rina. In terms of compatibility, Noir and Rouge are also set, and Sara and Cain are also set. Chloe, Blue, and Kureha should be set because of their long-established collaboration. Conversely, the former Demon King's kin is the worst compatible with Chloe, Leila and other kins whose loyalty is too high.

As I get up and approach the whiteboard, I begin to draw a diagram of the relatives of the 18 people.

"Huh ... I look closely."

Looking at the relative diagram on the whiteboard, Yatarou admire.

Then write the final composition on the whiteboard.

Unit A: Lina, Kotetsu, Takaharu, Hibiki, Sara, Cain, Setanta, Abel

Unit B: Chloe, Leila, Blue, Red, Noir, Rouge, Flora, Daquel, Kureha, Iron

Relative relationships and roles were considered-unit A had eight members and unit B had ten.

In terms of the number of units, unit B has increased, but-

"Hmm. Unit A is still stronger."

T rans l a te d b y Jpm tl .c om "I think it's good!"

Yataro nodded with a smile, and Canon reached out with his right hand.

After the formation of the unit, I called for a 18-member flagship kin.

"That's why, from today, work on the invasion with this unit."

I tell the breakdown of the reorganized troops to the 18 members.

Some are crossing their arms, some are smiling, some are shaking their heads many times, and some are silently looking at the breakdown of units on the white boat--

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Lina opened her eyes and surprised her.

Well, no wonder. Only Lina had changed, compared to the front.

"Muh? What happened?"

Seeing his grandson's attitude, Kotetsu calls out to Lina.

"No, no, nothing."

"Wow !? @Linachchi! @Shionchi has a bad mouth, but looks like an honorific to grandpa?"

Call out to Lina, as Sarah turns brown.

"Well, you don't call me the Lord with a strange name." Tran s la t e d b y jp mt l .co m

"No you say"

"Lina ... I understand your feelings well."

When I sigh to Sarah, Takaharu speaks seriously with his hand on Rina's shoulder.


"I don't want to be in the same squad as this Ahoelf? Yes, he's busy all the time. Most of the words he speaks are unclear.


Lina opens her eyes and looks at Takaharu, but hears the abusive language that follows ...

"Huh? @ Takatchi Maji swastika!"

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"But, you may not believe it, but I haven't mistakenly shot my ally from behind. The power and accuracy of the magic isn't bad. I'm worried about leaving my back to such an Ahoelf."

"Seriously swastika! Taka Takachi Entei!" And no Ajoelves!

Then Takaharu and Sarah start a quarrel as scheduled harmony.

"Takaharu and Sarah, calm down, are you in front of your master?If you abuse me--"

"" She's shut up! "

Takaharu and Sara show a wonderful smile to Hibiki who entered the arbitration of the fight.

Tr an s la t e d b y jp m t l .co m -Shut up!

I forcibly closed everyone's mouth to take control of the space.

"Lina. I understand what you want to say. Are you worried that you've become a separate unit with Leila?"

"It's not anxiety ... but ... our teamwork is ..."

"That's right. I'm seeing the work of everyone here through my smartphone. Lina and Chloe's coordination is eye-opening. You guys ... do a little better."

I finally look at Takaharu and their former Demon King's kin, and smile.

"And then ...!"

"The future is expected to be even more severe than before. Now that we have united the prefecture north, we need to aim for even higher heights."

"Even higher ...?"

"I will definitely clear the mission I give with absolute loyalty-unit B. And we will break through difficult situations with flexible response and individual power-unit A. Both units will be expanding their territory in the future It will be indispensable. "

"I don't understand what I mean ...?"

Lina looks at my eyes and verifies silently.

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"Are there any other opinions?"

I look over the faces of the 18 members.


...... I'll see you again. Sarah raises her hand with an innocent face.

"Who is the leader?"

"The leader of unit A-Lina!"

"Is it okay ...?"

"Judging from my total experience and my previous evaluation. If I'm not satisfied, it's seniority."

"... I understand. Everyone, thank you."

Lina, named to me, bows down to units A.

"The leader of unit B-Chloe!"

"Hah! I was afraid!"

"The reason is, as before, the total experience and the previous evaluation. And because Chloe is the oldest member of the family. Do you have an opinion?"

When Chloe lowers his head relentlessly, he lowers his head deeply, following other subordinates.

"Finally, both units A and B convey their future course of action."

I point to the Himi city on the map that opens up in front of me.

"For the time being, please advance the invasion of the Himi city's territory. If you encounter humanity in the territory, be sure to get rid of it.We will keep secretly that we are invading Himi city.The subordinates who take us together are more than 4 living mails.Subordinates who can use recovery magic More than two. Discuss and decide on your own. "

Finally, with a statement of action, communication on the invasion ended.

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