One hour after declaring war on humanity in Kanazawa.

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27 humans have surrendered. The hospitality of the surrendered human beings is given a generous hospitality, and live images of the people are delivered. Under supervision, he urged acquaintances to recommend surrender.

3 hours after declaring war on humanity in Kanazawa.

Steady information manipulation was successful, and the number of humans who surrendered has risen to a total of 1,087.

"Well, it's on time."

--Iro, Hani, Hohet! Start the invasion!

I ordered the front-line subordinates to invade Kanazawa.

T r an slated by Jp mt l.c om The smartphone shows a subordinate moving forward with a swarm of screaming ghouls.

What I need to do is determine the strength of the human race in Kanazawa.

In order to prepare for the production after the perturbation, you must determine the strength of each individual and the skill of the collective battle.

If there is enough human beings to give the sacred treasure, it is not bad to keep an eye on them.

Sword City's Kensei-Toyama Sayama was a strong enemy, but how powerful is the hero of Kanazawa City?

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I concentrated on the screen of the smartphone where the front line was projected.

T ra ns l a ted by jpm t l.c om 4 hours after declaring war on humanity in Kanazawa City.

From the smartphone, ghoul's footsteps and creepy moans crawl on the ground. And the hustle and bustle of human beings flowing in the wind. Projected on the screen is a group of over 10,000 armed humans lined in front of the main gate of Ishikawa University.

"How many humans do you think?"

"Well ... the number of territory of the Astor Empire is about 120,000. Since all of them participated in the ceremony last time, it's a quick look, but it's about 1/4, so it's 30,000?"

"Because there are probably human beings in the university ... about 50,000?"

"Hmm ... how about. The population of Kanazawa City is 300,000, and the population of Hakusan City is 100,000. It is said that about 30% of humans have died since the Great Revolution. Then, Kanazawa City and Hakusan The number of humans left in the city is 280,000, but I think there are many humans who fled from Komatsu, Kaga, etc. The total population of Komatsu, Nomi, Nonoichi, Kawakita and Kaga Approx. "

Kanon responds to my question as if she were a staff member. Kanon is not only called a search tool than just the level of knowledge of status. It also came from the depth of knowledge of Canon's unique special ability called "momentary memory."

Kanon continues to speak without getting sick as usual.

"This is a nationwide statistic ... but 50% of all humans have experience in combat."

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Including all humans, from children to the elderly-50% of humans have experienced fighting. This is an astounding percentage. Until three years ago, many human beings lived a life free of war. Originally 50%-it is impossible that one in two people has experienced a battle.

Why did this result?

To survive? Or to protect someone important? -Can be a reason, but not a factor.

So what are the factors ...? -[World Relief Project].

God, goddess, mastermind-power (gift) conferred by an unidentified entity called by various names. Or curses and abominable powers have given mankind a chance to fight. And the world is easily fought as the mastermind hopes-it has transformed into a Kovaleta world.

When I hit a hammer, Kanon continued his words.

Tr a nsl at ed b y Jp m t "In that case, Kanazawa City and Hakusan City: 200,000 of the remaining human races in the prefecture will be able to fight. However, according to statistics, the proportion of humans who actively fight is 30% of the total- Ishikawa University is an important front base for humankind in Kanazawa City, and it is the first time that we have to compete with the Astor Empire in a head-to-head manner. ――I suppose that 100,000 people will be putting in?, But how about? ”

When Kanon finally smiles, she looks at my eyes with sparkling eyes.

"Not bad guess"

"Huh ... are there any supplements?"

Kanon asks me with a grinning face, wherever she looks like the last time.

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"That's right ... If I kept her expression to the end, I suppose I could have been a staffer."

――What !?

When I shrugged, I began to focus again on the smartphone screen.

If the number of human beings is 100,000, 2,000 ghouls are heavy. Did you succeed in the movement so far?

Will it hold until the Demon King Kaoru sets up Reign?

I command the reinforcements to be ready to move.

"Grudge Enemies-Tell the Devil King Zion! We, the Kanazawa Liberation Army, will not succumb to you!

Suddenly, a young man's voice is heard from the smartphone's speaker.

A group of mankind that governs the southern part of Kanazawa and Hakusan-the Kanazawa Liberation Army.

Are the leaders "Kanazawa Sage" and "Kanazawa Saints"? There is no saint in voice quality. I mean, is the voice of this voice "The Sage of Kanazawa"?

"that's right! We never succumb! We're different from us back then ...! T ra n sl at e d by jpm t m

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Next, the voice of a young woman flows from the speaker of the smartphone.

Is the Lord of this voice "Saint of Kanazawa"?

What does it mean to be "unlike us then"? Are you one of the humans who invaded my territory and fled?

As long as it is a dominant area that is open as a earning place .... In order to acquire repeat visitors, the survival rate is adjusted to be about 70%. There is no experience of liberating the territory, but the number of humans who have invaded my territory and have come back alive has been large.

"Now defeat you!

"Our longing!

"Our precious companions-"

"My precious best friend-"

"[-Let's avenge Rina! ! ]


I was stunned by the familiar subordinate's name that came out of the enemy's mouth.

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