Wow. It was dangerous.

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I don't want to be a subordinate created ... don't try to claim myself.

It is too early for Lina to claim her name. Lina's claim-being alive and letting her know about the status quo has the potential to be the biggest offense to the Kanazawa Liberation Army.

2 hours and 45 minutes left to complete Governance.

Invading subordinates collided with the Kanazawa Liberation Army humankind.

The number of human beings within the range is about 30,000.

It is impossible to wipe out 30,000 human beings in less than two hours and 45 minutes.

But--if you break your heart? ――The rule of success for Governance is not a sweep. T r an s la ted by jpmt m

If you deploy it as I expected, Governance will succeed ...!

The key to a successful Governance is the overwhelming strength of Lina and their leaders.

I believe in the power of my subordinates and watch the battle situation reflected on my smartphone.

"Oh! What's going on, what's up!"

"Ahaha! Fun!"

Takaharu and Setanta, battle junkies, are the most enthusiastic and rampaging on the front line. Two people who rampage endlessly are distracted, and the row of humanity in front of the main gate is disturbed.

T r ans lated b y Jp m t l .c o m "Takaharu! Seta! Don't protrude!"

"Ahaha ... I can't tell the stupids."

"I'm in trouble"

Lina cuts to follow the two protruding people. Sara cleverly casts magic in following the two, and Kotetsu laughs at her troubled granddaughter and crushes her enemies in front of her.

"Pho! Can you catch me?"

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"Kuss! Why? ... why can't I keep an eye on that pervert !?"

"First, give that pervert to the blood festival!"

Hibiki is steadily collecting human hatred while deciding on poses,

"Hey ... don't ignore me? Isn't it sad?"

Takaharu turns from behind and hits humans approaching Hibiki.

"Kuss! Pia this armor!"

"Huh ... all members attack!"

"Release! Show off our power!"

Flora and Leila, together with Rilim and Dumpir, launch a magical attack at the same time, laughing at the human being blocked by the living mail.

"The injured retreats."

T r ansl at e d by Jpmt l .com "Ah !! Don't run away?"

The injured tries to retreat to the back of the main gate, but falls to the ground, blocked by Setanta's spear.

The battle on the smartphone was overwhelming.

After all, did all the main units move to Hakusan City?

I'm convinced that the perversion at great cost has paid off.

――You don't have to forcibly enter the university. Now overrun the enemy on the spot!

I gave orders to my subordinates and kept checking their subordinates showing the work of the lion rush.

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Government 2 hours left to complete.

The situation was overwhelmingly dominant, but after all it was 500 to 30,000.

The number of human beings killed is about 3,000. The number of enemies defeated is about 10%-

I smile at the four colored dots on my smartphone.

Those overwhelmed by the strength of their overwhelming subordinates-more than 5,000 have turned yellow dots.

"There are few enemies! Endure! Endure!"

"I will endure until the leaders come!"

Mankind knows the specification of Governance. The remaining 40 minutes until the Demon King Kaoru finishes Reign. Whether Governor succeeds or fails, the main force of humanity who has moved to Hakusan returns. T r anslat ed b y Jpm tl .com

The number of humans defeated is 10% in one hour. Then, I can endure until the main force in Hakusan returns. That is the hope left for mankind.

"Wow oh !?"

"Well, enemy attack ...!?"

As if ridiculing such a hope of mankind-Chloe's 9,000 men have appeared on the battlefield.

-Make a fuss when the main unit arrives!

I order Lina and the others fighting in front of the main gate.

"This is the main unit! The main unit has arrived!"

"Hontaida ... Hontai has arrived!"

"Hontai Kitakore!"

"Reinforcement! Everyone, reinforcements have arrived!"

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"Have you arrived to see my brave figure ...!"

"Wow! The main unit has arrived!"

Starting with Lina's shout, Takaharu is reading sticks outright, Sara happily making noises, Kotetsu who understands my intentions, Hibiki who doesn't understand anything, and Setanta happily making noises in tune.

To varying degrees, human beings fell into panic when they heard the shouts of their uproaring subordinates.

"What is the main unit ...!?" T ra n s l at e d by Jpmt l.c om

"Numbers ... numbers!"

"I don't know how many! The number of enemy main units!"

――Sound your weapon! Kick the ground! Give a scream!

He then orders Chloé and his reinforcements to increase their presence.

"" Woooooooooo! ""

10,000 subordinates slap their weapons, kick the ground, and scream. Depression of human race is accelerated by the power transmitted through smartphones.

`` Wow ah !? ''

"Is the end……"

"What is it !? What is it!"

-Now is the time! Do not loosen your hands!

Ordered Lina to pursue the human race in a panic,

――All troops advance!

Chloe ordered his 10,000 men to move forward.

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After seeing Lina and the lion rushing, and Chloe screaming and marching, I operated my smartphone and checked the situation within Governance.

HM. Another push.

Many of the red (hostile) dots on the screen were changing to yellow (submission).

-All forces, stop the attack!

According to my orders, the subordinates who were rampaging in front of the main gate stop moving.


"Tell the last recommendation to the human race in Kanazawa"

I take out the loudspeaker and speak to the human race in Kanazawa.

"I give mercy to those who surrender, and death to those who resist. Those who are willing to surrender, with their wills to resist, forsake their weapons and sit on the ground. My Astor Empire is untouchable. Grace is one minute. One minute later we start attacking again. This is the last recommendation. I expect you to make wise decisions. '

After finishing the last notice, I checked the state of humanity in front of the main gate. Human beings, one by one, throw away weapons and sit down.

"Abandon your will to rebel! Even if you throw away your weapon and sit on the ground, anyone who has the will to rebel is equally deadly!

I operate the smartphone and check the color of the dot-the state of humanity, and then give a warning.

"Know that an individual's boring will kills his brothers! Surrenderers throw away their weapons, sit on the ground-throw away their will to rebel! Don't you know?

-Setanta, kill the humanity in front of you!

"Yeah! You have to listen to what Zion says?"

Cetanta relentlessly pierces the neck of humanity sitting on the ground.

"Even those who have the will of rebellion will die equally!If you want to survive .... Abandon your will to rebel!

The red dots on the smartphone quickly turned yellow.

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