He was informed that all of the crucial supplies had been carried, so he executed Create Territory of Control. I invited a cottage to my room and heard the response of the Kanazawa Liberation Army.

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"--How about the Kanazawa Liberation Army?"

"That's right ... the training was better than the humanity in Suzu City."

"What is your strength?"

"It's difficult. I'm quite tired of the human beings facing us. Judging from the previous battle alone, it is not a threat, but ... in this condition it may be somewhat troublesome."

"I see ... by the way, do you have any suggestions for me from Kotetsu?"

"In the future, if large-scale battles like the one mentioned above increase, I recommend that you reconsider how to fight."

T r a nsl a t ed by jpmt l .c o m "In the present situation, the fighting style of the Astor Empire will be the push of power relying on individual power. Even if I do not recommend it, I think that Mr. Zion knows ... The most important thing in group fighting is the skill of cooperation And--

"--Is there a commander?"

I say the words that the cottage will continue.

"It's like the left. I may take command as before, but after all it is an amateur."

"Everyone is an amateur to say that."

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"Furthermore, it is mainly subordinates who do not understand languages."

"... There's room for improvement."

T r ans la t e d by jp m tl .c om "If the large-scale battles mentioned above increase in the future ... it would be urgent to train commanders."

"Let's come up with something. I'm sorry to call you. I'll go back. Take a rest."

I was looking at the back of the cottage leaving the room and thinking about what was being suggested by the cottage.

Training a commander ...

I understand the importance of commanders.

And I know who is the best commander.

The most appropriate commander is me, the Demon King.

Although it is a one-way street, it has a means to transmit words regardless of the distance, and it is possible to grasp the behavior of the subordinates from a bird's-eye view through a smartphone. And-they have compulsory mandates over all subordinates.

But the situation where a commander is needed-is when a massive battle occurs. At present, large-scale battles occur when you play Governance, except for exceptional situations like Declaration of War.

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And when you play Reign, I'm a Demon King and can't take part in battle.

It is possible to give instructions individually while checking the battle situation on a smartphone, but it is impossible to give instructions while fighting together and judging the air at the scene.

If possible, the commanding person should be chosen from those who fight on the front. In that case, the candidates will be those who have been appointed as executives, but ...

Executives had a significant role to play.

Its role-invasion of the territory.

T r a n s l ated by jpm t l.c o m There are two ways to expand the Astor Empire. The invasion of the territory controlled by the Demon King, and the reign of land controlled by humanity.

Individual power is important for invasion of the territory, and number power is important for Governance.

The power of invading the territory of control and the number of forces leading the army-is it possible to balance the two ...?

I sort of cluttered thoughts in my head.

"I can take command, but after all it is an amateur"

I ruin the words of the cottage.

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Are there any professionals who can lead the war in modern Japan?

High-ranking SDF? However, the style of war has changed. The main force in the fight between the Demon King (chaos) and the human race (law) is a special ability. It is not a weapon such as a gun or a tank. We may be able to make use of our experience (know-how) that we have cultivated so far ... but the style of war has changed fundamentally.

There may be a variety of tactical theories and military studies, but all are desk theory.

……impractical proposition?

So, isn't the game experience and the knowledge of books that are the basis of my actions the same theoretical theory?

All are after all amateurs. So, is it best to act on my knowledge—games and books?

The knowledge we can use in this case-simulation games.

Japan's Sengoku period or China's Sengoku period. Or, it's best to apply it to your knowledge of a simulation of a fictional world war story.

For example, one game sets out war on enemy countries with more than 100,000 troops. However, players do not instruct 100,000 soldiers. The only command you give is the commander-in-command, the commander.

Even if you set up Governance with more than 10,000 subordinates, you do not need to command all of the 10,000 subordinates. Dividing 10,000 units into 1000 units, and deploying them to the commander's squad, you can command 10 people. Tra n sl a ted by Jpmtl .c o m

Until now, the battle had given only rough instructions to attack and endure. However, placing a commander greatly expands the range of orders that can be made.

If you're going to be a commander, you should give a simple command.

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“Assault”, “Attack”, “Defense”, “Waiting”, “Move”, “Rescue”, “Retreat”.

With such a simple command, executives could do it.

The commanding officers are: Rina, Kotetsu, Takaharu, Sarah, Hibiki, Chloe, Leila, Iron, Flora and Red.

Bring Blue to Lina's unit, Setanta to Kotetsu's unit, Cain to Sara's unit, Abel to Hibiki's unit, Daquel and Kleha to Chloe's unit, and Noir and Rouge to Red's unit.

The first team, the tank that stops the enemy's attack, is-Hibiki and Iron.

The second team, the units that attack the enemy-Lina, Kotetsu, Takaharu, Red.

The third unit, the unit that attacks the enemy from a distance-Sara, Chloe, Leila, Flora.

I move the squad like a chess in the image of a battlefield where squads led by executives are deployed in my head.

Don't go ...

The next problem to be solved-language.

Iron, Red, Chloe, Leyla, and Flora's troops are fine if they deploy their own tribe, but the former Demon King and the leaders of humanity cannot.

Is it appropriate to deploy a lieutenant who also serves as an interpreter as a solution?

Tr a n s l a t ed by Jpmtl.c om I was annoyed to solve the next problem.

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