-Ms. Tamura, please come to me immediately.

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I called the key person in the plan-Ms. Tamura to my room.

"Is it your call?"

After waiting about 10 minutes, Ms. Tamura entered the room.

"Speak straight to the sword: Ms. Tamura, you are your friend"


Ms. Tamura, who heard my words, showed a stunned expression.

"Make it a relative ... I understand the meaning?" T r ans l ate d by Jp mt l .c om

"Well, yes ... yes ... but ..."

It is a rare sight that Ms. Tamura is always upset.

"Sion ... I'm afraid, I'm a non-combatant."


"I understand that in this world ... whether you are a child or an old human like me ... you can acquire the power to fight. …… ”

"Huh? Do you misunderstand something?"

Tran sl a t ed b y jp m t l.c om "――? A kin is a person who can take a certain number of subordinates out of the territory, isn't it?"

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"Others ... I heard that you can learn human language-Japanese, but it's an unnecessary ability for me, right?"

"Language, which is your bonus, is also important."

"――? What other role does your kin have?"

"Yatarou's role"

"Speaking with Yatarou ... is he a ruler?"

In Yatarow, he was in the position of the Lord of the "divided" territory.

"I don't know if the word" ruler ... "is correct, but yes. If you call that position a ruler, do you know what a ruler can do?"

", instructions to subordinates ...?"

"There is another ... delegated oversight of the territory."

"... Are you monitoring?"

"It's surveillance. You can see the entire dominant territory with video and sound, and give instructions to yourself."

"What kind of order does Zion give me with me?"

"I'm in a hurry ... it's a confirmation of the human being who has surrendered. It's not necessary for Ms. Tamura to go directly and check for disarmament. Just check on your smartphone and tell your assigned subordinates."

There are many humans who surrender. However, if you are prepared for an emergency, confirming disarmament is a must. But you can't use such a valuable kin. I thought about leaving it to Yatalow, but Yatalow plays many roles. It would be terrible to give a role any more.

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Then what should I do? T r an s la te d b y jpm

It is sufficient to prepare a dedicated subordinate to confirm the disarmament of the surrender.

However, the minimum requirement for confirmation of disarmament is that the language of humankind can be handled. You can leave it to the people, but you can't trust the strangers as much.

So I came up with an idea to increase the number of subordinates with the same authority as Yataro.

"I see ... but I heard that you need a huge amount of CP to get them to be related. I think that this confirmation work is also important, but isn't it worth it?"

"It would not be worthwhile to make a kin only for the purpose of this confirmation. However, I think it would be a sufficient price if we were given the role of entrusting the management of the settlement where the resident lives in the future."

"Is it the management of a residential area?"

"Yes. For the above reasons, I associate Ms. Tamura with me.

"Many folks living in the settlements are human, and I'm human. Still ... are you sure?"

"Are there any problems? Possibly a rebellion?"

"No, no ... such a thing ..."

"If so, there is no problem ... No, there is one problem."


Ms. Tamura's complexion changes when she hears my words.

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"It's up to you to confirm the disarmament, but let's say that there was a mixture of human beings who made boring plans."

"……Yes" Tr ans l a t e d b y Jpmtl .com

"Can Ms. Tamura issue an order to judge the human race?"

"Judgment ..."

"Can I order my subordinates to kill me?"

I don't think Ms. Tamura plans a rebellion. But ... there was a lot of potential to affect the enemy.

"... I can do it! I still don't think it's right to solve everything by violence, but it's true that sometimes discussions can't help. I pledge to make my heart a demon to protect the Astor Empire. ''

"That oath ... Let's believe! Ms. Tamura-Drink this cup"

I presented the created Blood Cup to Ms. Tamura.

After receiving the [Bowl of Blood], Ms. Tamura paused, and slowly poured the crimson liquid poured into the [Bowl of Blood] into her throat.

―― Contract!

The pale glow envelops Ms. Tamura, and the glow slowly converges.

"Well, this sensation flowing through me is a proof that I became a part of Zion-sama."

"Ms. Tamura, how are you feeling?"

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"Oh? There's no Tamura Masako anymore? Now I'm here because of the Astor Empire, a servant who will serve Zion-sama-Masako-Sion."

―― !?

I forgot that my name would change if I linked to him. Tr a ns l at ed by jp mt l .c o m

And I know Ms. Tamura's full name for the first time.

"Ms. Tamura ..."

"I am Masako Zion. Please call me Masako like any other kin."

……It impossible.

Ms. Tamura and I have a difference of more than 40 years.

"I order in the name of the Devil King Zion-Masako Zion will continue to claim the name of Tamura!"

"Is that ... an order?"

"……that's an order"

I avoided the unexpected with the brute force of order.

Later, thanks to the work of Ms. Tamura, she succeeded in protecting the surrendered mankind within the territory without any delay.

The number exceeded 120,000, and humanity standing in the Nonoichi City Hall reduced the number to one-third only three days after the war began.

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