I was gathering information on the newly obtained knowledge as my knowledge of Kanon grew in my room.

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Is there two pieces of meaningful knowledge information?

It was Kanon, not me, that actually gained knowledge. Therefore, it is unknown whether they can grasp everything ... but the information of the new knowledge obtained was diversified.

There is no way to use it even if you know more now, but the interesting information was

① Evolution conditions for the demon (fallen species)

② Evolution conditions of the Demon King (dragon)

Is it two?

Tra n s l a t ed b y Jpm t l.c om ① The evolution condition of the demon (fallen species) is to defeat 100 humans with the devil's own hands.

② The evolution condition of {Demon King (Dragon)} is to defeat 100 demon with their own hands.

From my point of view, it feels like a simple condition ... Whether there is a Demon King who can satisfy these conditions without prior information!

The point is that the above conditions must be met before the first evolution.

Demon King evolves for the first time at level 3.

Speaking of level 3, it's about time to start running as a demon king who still doesn't know right or left. For many Demon Kings, the subordinates they created would have defeated the invaders. Good luck, even if a genuine fighter-type demon repels all the invaders ... the level will grow to 3 before 100 people are defeated.

The settings are too strange ...

Tra nsl a t e d b y jp m t In order to meet this condition, it was necessary to suspend the first evolution-select the Demon King (race)-and meet the above conditions.

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By the way, if you select Demon King (race), it seems that you can choose the evolution destination every level up.

"The silly thought of this setting is a idiot ..."

"It's a blind spot ... it's a terrible setting ..."

"Tentatively ... Suppose, there may be a Demon King who has selected the Demon King (race) and defeated 100 humankind. However, 100 demons are impossible!"

"Even if I tell you ..."

The Demon King can fight the Demon either by raising his level to 10 and invading other territories, or waiting for the level of the surrounding Demon 5 to be able to create a kin, I need to wait.

Until then, you can't survive by evolving and defeating 100 demons with your own hands.


The possibilities are not zero ...

There are a lot of issues that need to be cleared ... Is it possible to create a Demon King (Dragon) even if the Demon King (Fall Species) is impossible?

"What happened?"

"No, I wonder if it would be possible if it were a demon king (dragon species)."

"Eh, it's impossible to redo the evolution. Shion will only be able to evolve in the Demon King (Vampire) lineage in the future?"

"I know. It's not me that evolves."

Transl ate d b y jpm t l .co m "Huh? I can't do it!"

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"It's obvious. It's the guy that evolves."

"The guy ...? Who is it?"

"I forgot the name ... that is the cultured demon king."

"-! Pia !? Is it Demon King Tomio?"

"Tomio? Is it such a name?"

"Yes. You didn't even call yourself before Zion."

Tomio Demon King-It was the name of a merciful Demon King who was surrounded by my territory in level 2.

"But isn't it difficult for Tomio to defeat 100 demons?"

"I should send 100 slimes from here."

"Probably, but ... I think that even if you send slime, Tomio's subordinate goblin or wolf will be defeated."

"Yeah ... and you're going to level up before you defeat 100, and then you could evolve."

"In addition, the Demon King Tomio really hates Zion-san, so I don't think he will ever ask."

In order to train glow gear, I have a past that has subordinated Tomio the Demon King-Tomio the Demon King, and has traversed the precious families Wolf and Goblins.

I remember Tomio who is angry ... I will give you the slime from here so you can beat it, and even if you level up, you will not hear what you say even if you say that the evolution destination should choose the devil (race) ... Hold your head.

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"Canon, what do you think if you subordinate Demon King Tomio in the current state?" T r ans l a ted by Jp m

"When you are under your control, the" Devil King "disappears from the race, isn't it impossible?"

"Well ... it's also bad that if you subordinate, you won't be able to use Subordinate Creation. ''

"I want to subordinate the demons created by the Demon King (dragon species), right?"

"This is a pending case."

I came up with an idea that came to my mind, but decided that it would be difficult to implement and decided to put it on hold.

"The story changes, but is that information certain?"

"What is that information?"

"It's about my [body]"

"Oh, if Mr. Zion rolls 10 BP on [body], will it grow to rank A?"

"That's it"

This was one of the meaningful knowledge information obtained this time.

According to Kanon, the evolution destination I selected when I grew up to level 10-Demon King (Vampire Road) said, "[Physical] +40, [Magic] +10 in a place without sunlight. However, if the rank goes up by two, it will be stopped there. Under the sunlight, [body] -20, [magic] -20. However, it will be stopped if the rank goes down by one.

It should be called mask data, but it is not displayed on the status screen, but it seems that I am currently shaking 40 BP on [body].

My current body is B. The BP required to grow from B to A is 50.

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T ransl at ed by jp m In other words, if I roll [BP] 10 times on the [body], the rank will grow to A.

My current level is 27. BP is 42. It is easy to roll 10 BP on [body], but if you go up two levels later, you will be able to grow [creativity] to rank A.

"I'm good at rank A in BP10 ... but how big is BP10?"

"Two levels up."


Recently, the road to level up is really steep. If you rely only on your subordinates ... If the enemy is a small fish, it is necessary to defeat 10,000 units of enemy. Even if I do, I need to defeat thousands of enemies.

"But the Demon King Kaoru has recently become [Creation] A, so even if you defeat him, his experience value is great."

"Experience may be large, but not so many."

"There is a section where this aim is bald."

The higher the enemy's level, the greater the experience gained, but of course the higher the risk, and there is no easy way to earn experience.

"And if that information is true ... because you need to be more careful in how you swing your BP."

"Well. By the way, the information from me is true!"

Not suspicious, but my skeptical words cause Kanon to inflate his cheeks and get angry.

That information-another piece of meaningful knowledge obtained this time was annoying my head.

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