"You ... No, Kaoru's creation is A-rank, right?"

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"That's right. You're like that ... Yeah, is Zion's creation rank B?"

"Yes. And my training rank is A."

"Hmm, is that a suggestion? My training rank is B."

Demon King Kaoru smiles and answers.

It seems that I understand my suggestion only in the current conversation.

After all, this is clever.

Trans la t ed b y jp m tl.c o m "What about rates?"

"Our relationships are equal, then equivalent."

"Yes. Yes. You can continue to talk here, but what would you invite to a calm place?"

Demon King Kaoru looks back and turns his gaze into the back.

"No, it's good here near the exit"

"Isn't that reliable?"

"We can build mutual trust now, right?"

Tr ans late d by jp mt l .co m "Yeah"

Demon King Kaoru nodded as if she knew my answer.

"Well ... what are they talking about? Is there my turn?"

"Because I was shaking hands, there's nothing."

"Are they too close?"

"Sion x Kaoru ... more or less!"

"What is it?"

"Emo together!"

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"So what's that!"

Stupid people began to make a fuss behind. I was enjoying my intellectual conversation, but I was ruined.

-Shut up!

"I'm sorry ... my subordinate is"

"Ahaha. The strength was not standard, but the personality under Zion was also nonstandard."

"I'm really sorry ..."

"Ah, that's good. I can trust you much more than the Demon King who controls with fear.

Demon King Kaoru laughs happily. T r a n sla te d by jpmtl .co m

"Chip ... Takaharu. First of all, you don't have to ..."

I finally look at Kaoru and check.

"Yes. I hope so too."

Kaoru smiles and answers.

"The next thing I'm talking about between Kaoru and-is a suggestion for an exchange."


"It's an exchange between my forged items and Kaoru's subordinates."

"Oh ... trafficking! I'm a demon king"

"Is it like swapping a wooden stick with a subrow?"

“――What !? The value of ours is higher!”

Takaharu replaces with fuss, Sara sells Sabrow, and Sabrow raises a misunderstanding.

"Huh? Will you exchange a wooden stick with the vampire there?"

"I'm sorry .... And what I'm putting out is the items."

"Sorry. It was an attractive condition for me."

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Tra nsl a ted b y Jp m tl.c o m "Sion-sama's enthusiasm for me ......… Saburo-Sion, you have received it!"

Shit ... The story is diverging.

"For the time being, you are silent"

I command both stupid subordinates and return the story to the main subject.

"So let's start a concrete discussion."

"Sion and I ... I hope we can talk to each other."

Negotiations with Demon King Kaoru have begun.

"First of all, it's a rate.

"B rank item under B rank, A rank item under A rank. Is that the case?"

"That's it."

"I'm fine with that."

"And another, here's another request."


"Is Kaoru's training a rank B?"


"Then, you don't need items that can be trained in B rank?" T r ans la te d b y jp m t l.c o m

"Is that so?"

"Then, the only items that can be exchanged are those that have been trained and created from rank A, and those that can be created?"

"Hmm ... I see. Okay."

Demon King Kaoru was worried for a moment, but accepted.

This proposal was not in good faith.

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What I offer are items. On the other hand, what Kaoru provides is subordinate.

Kaoru only received items, but had to be affiliated if he received his subordinates.

Consuming all CP just by receiving it. Then it was natural to wish for a little higher quality.

"Finally, do you exchange immediately? Or do you list items that can be exchanged with each other and do it later?"

"I wonder if it's a later date"

"all right"

I exchanged phone numbers and email addresses with Kaoru Maoru. The exchange was to take place at a later date.

"Welcome back. Did the alliance work?"

Returning to the territory, Kanon rushed first.

"Alliance went well."

"Oh ... good."

"You've taken the Demon King Kaoru into your beloved ball."

"……Do you believe so"

I remember negotiations with Kaoru Kaoru and smiled bitterly. Informed Kanon of the negotiations with the Demon King Kaoru.

"He was a pretty devious person."

"If we continued to fight, we might have done more damage than we expected."

"I'm telling Zion that much ... it's my rival."



"Okay. For the time being, please extract items that can be trained in the training A rank and send them to this e-mail address."

"Hello! Is it okay to keep the sacred treasure aside from unique items?"

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Unique items exist from the Forge B rank. It would not make sense to keep it secret.

"Is it a sacred thing? I can tell you the extra sacred thing."

"Huh? Do you teach me?"

"Write it as a featured product"

"Hello ... If you go well, you may be able to exchange" unique subordinates "with sacred objects."

Unique subordinate. It was a powerful subordinate that would be able to be created if it reached Rank A.

"Do you know the number of unique subordinates that can be created with the creation A rank?"

"I understand! It's eight."

"Do you know what kind of subordinate?"

"Ummm ...... Attack type, defense type, magic type, balance type, growth type, weapon type ...... Is there two special ability types?"

Kanon answers based on his own knowledge, but he has no point.

"What is a growth type?"

"It's a rich race to evolve."

"What is the weapon type?"

"The race is good at handling weapons."

"What is the special ability type?"

"I don't know what kind of demons they are ...

"So that's it"

Is it under unique control?

I really want it.

I send an email with a list of items that I can offer. We waited for a reply from the Demon King Kaoru.

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