"Do you understand my words?"

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I call out to the goblin, which is covered with a sack bag.

"Wow, I understand."

The goblin answers with a trembling voice.

Do you really learn human language (Japanese) if you become a kin? When I hear the goblin's reply, I admire another thing.

"So came to my territory by chance?"

"It's not accidental!"

"If so, what is the purpose?" T r ans l a ted by Jp m tl .com

"Delivery! I got a delivery from my head!"

Goblins refer to the Demon King who created himself as "head". In other words, he says he came to my territory to bring in the deliveries from the Demon King.

"Delivery ......... what?"

"This is it!"

The goblin squeezes his hand into the skirt and presents crumpled paper.

I approach the goblin and steal the paper that the goblin has in my hand.

Tr an sla te d by jpm When I spread the crumpled paper, beautiful Japanese characters were lined up.

A letter?

I read the text in the letter.

"Hello, Demon King who doesn't know his face or name. I am Canon, the Demon King who governs the territory adjacent to your territory. The goblin who entrusted this letter is called Gobuta. We have been told not to cause any harm to you, so please treat us with respect.

I wrote a brush to ask you for "Surrender". Originally, I would apologize for being dismissed by a substitute because I could not go out of the territory because I would go directly and ask for it.

If you don't know Surrender, I'll give you a brief explanation of Surrender. "Surrender" means that the Demon King can only exercise against the Demon King. The Demon King who surrendered will occupy the territory of control and the right of life killing and deprivation to the Demon King who offered the surrender.

Your advantage is that you gain my territory. And to get me as a faithful subordinate. I have knowledge status B. I can explain what you do not know. I think this is a great advantage.

As a proof of sincerity, I will also tell you the disadvantages. If you take control of another Demon King's territory in a legitimate way, your DP cap will increase by 100 However, if you control the territory by "Surrender" as in this case, the upper limit of the increased DP will be 50.

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The lights of my life are few.

If you accept "Surrender", please contact the number below.


Kanazawa City Town Maou Kanon

The letters had easy-to-read characters and polite sentences.

In summary, it is likely to die. Please help me as you surrender. Is it right for you?

The details of "Surrender" are described carefully. It is good to have described the disadvantages.

The problem is ... "Surrender". Does such a specification really exist? T ra ns la te d by jpmtl .com

If the content of the letter is true, the main thing of the letter-Kanon's advantage is survival.

If false, what are the benefits of Canon? A mental attack that makes me writhe? No, not at all.

If so, is the content of the letter true?

I understand the benefits of accepting Surrender. As for the disadvantages, it is hard to catch them from the point of view of me now. Regardless of the invading opponent, the opponent is still in a quiet state of view.

Given that, should we accept it? But ...

I worry about the problems that have come down.

"Please! I want you to help your head!"

Goblin wearing a waste bag for me who keeps worrying-was it Gob? Shouts for begging.

I approach Gobuta and remove the covered bag.

"A question. Why do you want to help so far?"

"...? Why? Why?"

"That's it"

"It is natural that Oira wants to help her head. Her head is all about Oira!"

"Natural? All?" That is, your head—Canon is your creator and want to help?

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"It's different! There are some, but it's different! Oh, your head is gentle, strong, intelligent and perfect ... so perfect!" T ran s la ted b y Jpmt m

Goblins are generally not smart. Even with the gob in front of me, the words are not at the point.

"If you are strong, intelligent, and perfect, you don't have to surrender, right?"

When I talk to someone other than Jesus for the first time in a while, I ask myself a nasty question and enjoy the act of talking.

"Uh ... but, but ... that's ... humans are mean, cowardly, and I'll do my best, but ... Oira's lack of power ... Okay, my head is perfect, Oira But it's not perfect ... "

Gobuta desperately spins words that are not incoherent answers.

"I want you to see this!"

"What? ...?"

Gobuta offered his desperation-a glowing silver globe deprived of his gaze.

[Eukaryotic] ...?

"Why are you doing this?"

"Oh, from the head ... I was given a proof of trust."

[Eukaryotic]. Details are unknown, but the territory is controlled if deprived by the Demon King, and the territory is released if destroyed by mankind-the most important thing the Demon King must protect.

Are you so depressed enough to leave such a precious thing in such a dying goblin?

In other words-is it so serious that you give out [the nucleus]?

To be honest, I still can't throw away the trap line. I don't know what the trap is, but if the risk of failure was just one goblin, I was hoping to enjoy the conversation and gain experience. T r an s l a te d by jpm t m

However, if the risk of failure becomes [the core] ... the story changes. Is it too risky?

Isn't it a trap? Is it really an offer to surrender?

My thinking leans toward the fact that Canon's letter is true.

"all right"

"So, your head ... eh?

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Gobuta has a crisp, silly look.

"Should I call the number on this letter?"

"I don't know the details!"

"I don't know ..."

I will smile.

I operate my smartphone and call the number on the letter.

――Two-two-two …… Plurururu Purururu.

A ringing call sound follows the unique tone sound.

"Hello, hello ..."

A thin woman's voice is heard from the smartphone.

"Hello. The Demon King who received the letter from the goblin, is it OK to be Kanon?"

"Hahya! I ’m the demon king of town, Canon! ”

"It's Zion, the demon king of the town."

"Well, then, about the letter ..."

"Is it" Surrender "?"

"What do you think……?

"Yes ..."

I had not yet concluded within myself. In front of him, Gobuta desperately worships me.

"Um ... that ... I can say anything, but I think I can help Zion-san. It is a knowledge specialization, or knows a lot because B is knowledgeable. "

"For example?"

"Well, Zion-san has evolved into a Demon King (Vampire), the BP required to grow from C to B is 10 and the BP required to grow from B to A is 50. . In addition, if you defeat it directly, the experience value will increase, or the distribution of experience value obtained by your kin outside the controlled area is small ... Well, um, when the demon (creature) is creating a kin Need to bend down, or else ...

"It's okay. That's enough. I can't judge whether what I'm saying is true, but I understand that if it's true, I know a lot of things I don't know."

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There were a lot of things I didn't know about Kanon's words. I mean, I need 50 BPs to grow from B to A ...

"If ..."

"No, carefully examine the content because it is content-"

"Is useless! Then it will not be in time! Please reply immediately!

A faced voice interrupts my words.

"Is it a pinch ...?"

"Yes! It is a desperate situation! The subordinates that protect the territory have been wiped out!

Subordinates who protect the dominant territory are completely annihilated. I see ... it's desperate.

"Okay. Accept 'Surrender'. What should I do?"

"Thank you! Please receive [eukaryotic] from Gobuta!

In response to Kanon's words, he orders Gobuta in front of him.

"Gobta. It's an order from your head. Give me [the real nucleus]."

"I understand!"

Gobuta hands [the real nucleus] to me.

"I received it."

"Thank you. Please answer with my feeling "Accept" after my words. "

"Oh, oh"

`` I-the Demon King Canon will abandon life as a Demon King, and you-'Surrender' to the Devil King Zion ''

Declare with a resounding sound like Kanon sings.


I uttered words with feelings.

―― !?

[Eukaryotic] received from the goblin emits dazzling light and disappears from my hands. At the same time, the feet, the space, and the dominant territory vibrated violently.

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