"Hahhh .... Reinforcement ...?"

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"It has stopped"

"Kah! I'm tired!"

All the demons blocking their way have been slain. Only the devastated wasteland where no one is in front of my view and the hut that was set up are reflected.

We are on the lookout for reinforcements, but we go ahead and step into the hut.

In the poor wooden hut, there was a faintly shining magic square-[Transfer device] and [Eukaryotic] contained in the pedestal.

When I try to reach out to the [eukaryotic] housed on the pedestal-.

-Don't touch the [Eukaryotic]! Tra n s l at e d by Jpmt

The order comes down from Zion with a strong word.

When I withdrawn in a hurry, my next command came from Zion.

――Drink “healing medicine” and restore your own strength.

"Healing medicine"-an item that Zion has forged. As the name implies, a medicine that restores physical strength. It is an item like a quick-acting nutritional drink. At first he was hesitant to drink because he seemed to be bad for the body, but now it is a useful item as a necessity.

We drank "healing medicine" as he was told. As the slightly bitter liquid passes through the throat, you can experience the spread of energy throughout the body.

――Use [Transfer Device]. Probably, the demon king Kanta is waiting at the transfer destination. Don't neglect yourself.

So that's it……. The reinforcements I mentioned earlier probably came from the [Transfer Device] in front of me. Then, it would be reasonable to think that the Lord who created the reinforcement beyond [Transfer Device]-Demon King Kanta is waiting. Trans la t ed by jpm t l.c o m

To be honest, I want to take a rest ... If I can defeat Demon King Kanta, it's only stupid to miss this opportunity.

"Are you ready?"



"It's always good"

"Huh. That's a stupid question."


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There is no doubt about the eyes of the friends. I looked around at the fellow's face, nodded, and stepped into the [Transfer Device].

--wait! Let living mail precede.

I stepped on my step and stopped looking at the living mail. Livingmail was a greedy greeting, or once he shook his armor, and stepped into the Transfer Device.

30 seconds after the transfer of the living mail.

-Everyone, get on the [transfer device]!

Following the rushing instructions of Zion, we stepped into the Transfer Device.

Tr a nsl at ed b y jpmtl .com ◆

The vision darkens and the whole body is released from gravity. When the light returned to sight again and the whole body felt gravity-the scenery in front of me changed completely.


The destination was a small room of about 6 tatami mats.

In the center of the room was a faintly shining magic square-[Transfer Device], and an open door was visible in front of me.

"Kuss! Tinplate guys don't go into my house on foot!"

From the other side of the door, a shouting sound was heard as the metal was destroyed.

When I jumped out of the room with my friends, I found a living mail that had decayed into a ruthless figure, and a giant demon that smashed the living mail with an angry sign-Demon King Kanta. Was.

"Ah?The garbage goes from one to the next ... Ah ... Uze! Majiuse!"

The demon king Kanta, who completely destroyed the living mail, points to a murderous gaze.

"Well, why are humans and monsters getting along? Possibly, they'll kill each other!"

Demon King Kanta yells at me and Leila while turning her eyes on Dumpir under her control.

"Who is human?"

Frozen voice leaks from Leila, mistaken for humanity.

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"Ah, isn't he a quit human being?"

T r a ns la ted by Jp m "I'm not human beings from the beginning ... Dumpel! Close that stinky mouth!"

"Ah? Whose mouth smells?"

“――“ Ice Barrett! ”Did you pour your mouth?”

Leila fired an ice bullet into the mouth of Demon King Kanta, who opened her mouth and shouted.

"... I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill everyone!"

"Hello! It's you who die!"

Leila and Demon King Kanta. Each other's murderous clashes violently.

"Leila calm down"

"Hah! What are you saying?-I'm sorry!"

I shouted Layla, but Layla's drinking didn't go down ... I thought, but perhaps Shion's scolding flew.

"I'll do it again now!"

Demon King Kanta, who misunderstood Leila's words, came up with a gold stick.



Iron jumps out in front of Layla, holding a shield and catching the blow of the downed bar.

T ra ns l at e d b y Jpm tl .c om The violent sound of the clashing signal signaled the beginning of the death battle with the Demon King Kanta.

The magical flora and the bows and arrows from the Daquels pour down on the demon king Kanta, who swings a gold stick down the iron shield. I also set up a Dine Slave and plunged into Demon King Kanta, Guy raised her sharp sharp claws, and Red raised a gold rod that smashed many enemies, approaching Demon King Kanta.


――That !?

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Demon King Kanta wields a gold stick and irons together and blows us away.

"Small fish are small fish even when bundled!"

Demon King Kanta smiled ferociously.

strong……. Aside from Zion, I'm the strongest enemy I've faced. Standing behavior that knows one's ability to non-standard strength.

If you find a chance ... only to push it out with a profit.

"One enemy! I'll push it!"

"Even if not told!"

Leila wields a whip with a protruding Mythril tip to Demon King Kanta.

"Well, who will push them away?"

Demon King Kanta shakes off his whip with a thick arm like a log, and uses a gold stick to dig down Leila.

``-Ku !? ''

Demon King Kanta swings down a gold stick while jumping to the blown-out Leila. Leila falls out of shape but avoids the blow from the gold bar, but is kicked off by Demon King Kanta.


Red swings a gold stick down to Demon King Kanta, who is approaching Leila.


Demon King Kanta flips the red with the gold stick that has been swung down.

"Hah! Small fish together!

Lunatic Arrow released by Daquel pierces the shoulder of Demon King Kanta who hits the big mouth.

Opportunity! I slashed the body of Demon King Kanta who distorted her face with pain with a Dyne Slave, and then a guy cut through the arm of Demon King Kanta with sharp claws.


Demon King Kanta raises a roar of anger.

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――Assemble attacks mainly on long-range attacks.

Zion gives orders like advice.

Can you come back alive?

We continued to fight the mighty enemy-Demon King Kanta.

Three hours have passed since the death battle of Demon King Kanta.

A dark elf, who had been supporting with a bow and arrow from the rear, lost his life with the devil blade of Demon King Kanta.

The surviving companions are seven of me, including me, and one of my subordinates.

Demon King Kanta does not say that he is dying, but his physical strength is greatly exhausted. But it was the same for us.

Can I win ...?

"Foo .... Are there 8 garbage left?

The Demon King Kanta looks around us with his prey-looking eyes ... and sets his eyes on Flora.

"... Hiya"

We stand in front of Flora to protect the screaming Flora.

"Die! Oh!"

Demon King Kanta, swinging up a gold stick.



Iron holds a shield against the approaching Demon King Kanta, and I hold a Dine Slave.

"I'm in the way!

At that time, in preparation for the impact of the metal rod being swung down.

A pale shining arrow pierced the Demon King Kanta's shoulder from behind.

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