Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 188: 188

WARNING: NSFW CONTENT.Please be advised that the following chapter has 18+ sexual material and should be exclusively reserved for a mature audience.You have been warned.

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Daisy looked up at me with her pitch-black eyes. She spoke.

“What is your name?”


“You claimed to be Andromalius when we first met. After that, you claimed to be Dantalian. And now you are Jean Bole.”

Her eyes were rebellious. It wasn’t rebellious simply because she didn’t want to obey me obediently. A type of certainty was contained within her eyes.

“What should I refer to you as?”

“Simply call me Dantalian.”


Daisy opened her mouth slightly.

“Is that truly your name?”

“That is correct.”


She muttered. It was like she was trying to engrave the pronunciation onto her tongue and mouth. I was quite pleased to see this. There was nothing that gives you more pride than when you see how important you are to another person. Even if the other person is trying to kill you.

“That’s right, Dantalian, you brat from a Raelian mountain village.”

I chuckled and pulled out a pipe. This was the item that I had requested from Jeremi. I pushed down the herbs and lit a fire with some flint. A scent lingered around the end of my nose.

Hoo, I blew out some smoke. It had a nice fragrance. Jeremi said that these were high-quality herbs that an alchemist had created by hand, so she seemed quite proud when she gifted them to me, but, sure enough, it really was something to boast about.

“Call me master when in front of others. However, you have become my adopted child, for now, so call me father when necessary. Basically, you can call me father when we go to cities or villages and when there are unfamiliar people around us.”

“Father, is it?”

Daisy smiled quietly. It was the same smile she showed back at the slash-and-burn village. In other words, it was a smile that made it clear that she understood exactly how I perceived her. It has only been a few days since the slave seal surgery, and yet, she had already returned to her normal pace.

“What? Do you not like me being your father?”

“I do not believe that there is a father out there who would abuse their daughter so severely.”

“A daughter who tries to assassinate her father in his sleep does not exist either. We have quite an amazing household.”

After sharing an idle conversation for a while, it became time for me to start.

I took out a vial from a pocket inside my priest robe.

“Open your mouth and stick out your tongue.”

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“Would it be fine for me to ask what that is?”

“An aphrodisiac. Three drops would be enough to keep you excited all day.”

Daisy let out a disgusted snort.

“Now you are making your daughter drink an aphrodisiac? It seems I have been given quite the impressive person as my father. I personally think that this is an honor, O Great Being.”

“The world already knows that I am impressive even if you do not praise me. Open your mouth.”


Daisy opened her small mouth. Her red tongue came out from between her lips. I lowered my back and matched my height with her before giving her precisely two drops of the drug. The purple droplets dissolved into her tongue almost instantly. It must have tasted weird as Daisy furrowed her brows.

“Do not utter a sound no matter what happens from now on. This is an order.”

“Understood, Father.”

Out of the three options of Dantalian, Master, or Father, it seems she had taken a liking to the last one.

Of course, she didn’t have even the slightest intention to treat me like her real father. She was doing it strictly to taunt me. How does it feel to be called father? What a creepy child.

I grabbed her by her wrist and dragged her into the forest at the side of the road. A few of the mercenaries saw us leave, but no one said anything. No one.

* * *

The trees were overgrown. Spring was now sprouting all around us.

Tree branches were covering the sky like webs and the sunlight that managed to avoid these threads created thin lines of light that reached the earth. It wouldn’t be strange for things to happen deep within forests. Rape and murder probably stained them many times.

The trees within forests have truly seen many things. They were capable of this because they knew how to stay splendidly quiet.

People believe that trees cannot talk. They believe this because a tree has never spoken to them before. This simple reason of not being spoken to was enough to make people believe that trees were not capable of sentient thought. They believe, without a shadow of a doubt, that sentient beings would naturally try to talk to them…….

Therefore, people would do things they normally wouldn’t do in front of others while under the watchful gazes of trees. Kiss, vow, lie, scheme, murder, rape……. How could one list every single thing that has happened under a tree’s shade?

It’s understandable why forests maintain their silence. If someone were to become a tree, then even they would end up keeping their mouth shut after taking in the fragrance of so much semen and blood.


It didn’t take long before Daisy’s breathing became heavier. Her pale neck was now red. We were only walking, but the number of times Daisy would stiffen up gradually increased to the point of being visibly apparent. We didn’t get that far before Daisy could no longer walk properly.

Was it because of the vibration that would travel up her spine with every step she took? Daisy’s shoulders would tremble each time as if a bolt of electricity were shooting through her. Her moans managed to squeeze their way through the gap between her teeth and mouth.

“Here we are.”

I stopped walking and crouched down. I pressed down on Daisy’s back to make her sit down as well. Daisy leaked out another moan once I applied pressure on her back with my hand.

“Now then, Daisy. Look over there.”

I pointed beyond the foliage. Daisy followed where I was pointing with an absent gaze. It felt like she was struggling to perceive the things right in front of her for a bit.

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Daisy’s eyes opened wide after a slight delay. She seemed to forget the electric current that was assaulting her body as she looked at the sight before her. She was finally able to hear the sound that was coming from that direction as well now.

Jeremi and Luke were beyond the foliage.

“Miss, please wait, hgh, I can’t……!”

“Oh dear. You’re quite large for a kid, huh? Are you trying to pick on someone by growing like this?”

Luke was seated on a boulder.

His pants were lowered and a member that was far too big for an 11-year-old to have was sticking out. Jeremi, who had her top stripped off, was playing with it. She was massaging Luke’s member between her breasts.

“Seriously, you are different from your peers. You’re still energetic even though you’ve come twice already. It seems to have been worth teasing you.”

“I already, came earlier……! Hgg, why……!”

“Are you about to cum? You’re about to cum, right? Fufu. This tip here feels good, right?”

“A-Again……hggh, again……!”

Luke was unable to collect himself due to the wave of pleasure that he was experiencing for the first time in his life. He reached his climax while completely unaware of the drool that was coming out of his mouth. Daisy watched this scene in silence.

Was it because she witnessed a woman playing around with her brother? Daisy turned to glare at me and muttered quietly.

“Was this your goal?”

It was a crystal clear gaze. A wave of silent anger was lurking behind her eyes.

“Did you order that woman to play with my brother? Do you intend to violate me now? Taking advantage of a pair of siblings in a single place. This feels rather shallow and simple-minded for a person as great as you.”


A young child was using this kind of vocabulary without any hesitation. It wasn’t weird for Daisy.

“Do not misunderstand. That is something that Luke himself wanted.”

“There is no way. My brother is…….”

“Your brother is going through puberty. Do you think your brother would refuse if a mature woman like Jeremi were to seduce him?”

Daisy’s brows twitched. She then let out a small sigh.

“Fine. If this is something Luke wanted, then I will not get involved. But why are you showing this to me? I do not recall having a foul hobby of peaking at my brother’s personal life.”

“Oh. Do not worry. This is my bad hobby.”

I stroked Daisy’s cheek.

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The girl’s body shook greatly. Her incredibly sensitive body had surprised her.

Daisy grit her teeth and glared at me. She was like a wild beast.

“Watch silently.”

I paid her no mind. I grabbed her by the cheek and turned her head. Daisy turned to look at where Luke was with moist eyes even as her entire body shuddered.

Jeremi and Luke were in the middle of their session. No, it would be too much to say that they were still in the middle. Luke was already completely exhausted. The pleasure was probably much too strong for someone his age.

“Our adorable Luke, do you know what this is?”

Jeremi took something out at that moment. The main event was now going to begin.

“W-What is it?”

“Fufu. Well actually, Luke.”

Tadah! Jeremi gave a little fanfare as she spoke.

“This is amazingly a recreation of a woman’s spot down there!”


“Mm. In other words, if you use this, Luke, it would feel like you’re putting it in an actual woman. You are still young, so you cannot go any further than this with me! A true shame. That’s why I want you to have fun with an imitation that is as detailed as this instead. This is something that all boys do!”

Jeremi’s comment distorted the sexual life of every young boy in the world.

On the other hand, Daisy looked like she didn’t understand the conversation that was happening over there. She was crouching down next to me with her brows furrowed.

Jeremi continued regardless of the girl’s confusion.

“Now then. I brought you here today to gift this to you. You probably don’t know about this since you were raised in a mountain village, but this is something girls usually gift to boys! It is an old tradition where girls gift these things to the boys they have taken a liking to.”

A nation with a tradition like that would’ve fallen into ruin a long time ago.

The innocent boy blinked his eyes.

“I-Is that so?”

“Yes. I’ve taken quite a big liking to you, Luke.”

Jeremi smiled.


“I would be genuinely happy if you were to gleefully receive this gift I had worked hard to prepare.”

Luke was fundamentally a good-natured boy. He couldn’t refuse someone who claimed to like him. Adding to this, it was from someone whom he just had a pleasurable experience with a second ago. There was no way that a boy who was ignorant of the world would refuse this.

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Luke spoke hesitantly.

“If it’s a gift from you……then okay. I’m happy as well.”


Jeremi pulled Luke into a hug. Luke’s skin must’ve been sensitive as he let out a cry that was similar to a groan. Despite this, the fact that he didn’t refuse Jeremi made it clear who the prey and predator were. 

“Now, I’ll personally let you have your first experience with this item.”


“It feels really good, so I’m sure you’ll be happy as well!”

Did she realize something now?

I heard a gasp next to me.

I turned to see Daisy’s pale face. She was looking at Luke with an uneasy gaze. Her usually calm complexion was long gone. Only the fear of the unknown was left.

“Do not tell me…….”

I smiled.

“Your suspicions are correct, young lady.”

Daisy looked at me with fearful eyes. I chuckled in response. I felt greatly pleased. This was the first time this girl ever looked fearful. I slowly blocked Daisy’s mouth with my hand.

I whispered to Daisy.

“Slimes who divide their bodies have special properties. If one side is injured, then the other side receives the same pain. Of course, other sensations besides pain is also transferred over……. Mhm. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content.”

The girl in front of me stared at me in shock.

I could hear Jeremi getting excited in the distance.

“Now then, Luke! Please enjoy my gift!”

A slime onahole. Jeremi shoved the item that shared the same properties as the slime that was inside of Daisy’s body against Luke’s lower body.


Daisy arched her back.


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. Sorry about the delay. My brother got engaged and he came over yesterday with his fiancé, so I’ve been busy doing family things. On another note, I don’t know what to say about this chapter. I did end up getting spoiled about it a while back, so it felt pretty bland to translate. Remember guys. Don’t spoil the story just because you decided to MTL the rest of the novel. Also, please stop messaging me for the raws. I’ve stated explicitly that I’m not going to give out the raws on my end, but multiple people have DM’d me on Discord and emailed me asking for them. It might all be the same person, but still. Stop asking.

I’ll see you guys in the next chapter.

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