Dungeon Hallow

Chapter 7

Dungeon Purification

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Lying limply, a young man who hadn’t eaten for five days. He had survived so far by possibly drinking water from stalactite drops in the Save Area room.

Haruka tried her healing magic on him, but it had no effect at all. Her brother, Yura, didn’t have any significant physical injuries, so healing magic wasn’t effective.

Lucius approached and immediately checked on Yura.

“My brother doesn’t have any serious physical or internal injuries, I’ve checked,” said Haruka.

Lucius examined the weak body, listening to his heartbeat, looking at his eyeballs, and touching his forehead. He came to a conclusion.

“Dehydration. Miss Haruka, do you have any water?” asked Lucius.

“I didn’t bring any, I’m sorry. I was too excited, so I forgot everything,” Haruka whispered.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got this,” Lucius said as he pulled out a bottle containing a white liquid he found earlier. “Just drink this for now.”

“Wait! That’s poison! Are you trying to kill my brother?!” She exclaimed.

“Oh, this is poison? Sorry, I thought it was soursop juice.” He took out another bottle containing a potion. “Use this one instead.”

She slowly fed the potion to her brother, and Yura sipped it little by little.

After a few moments, Yura opened his eyes and tried to sit up. But Haruka stopped him.

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“Never mind, I’m feeling better now,” said Yura.

“What’s your name?” asked Lucius. Tias, the elf, had mentioned this young man’s name, but he’d forgotten.

“Yura,” he answered. Although his vision was blurry, he could see the handsome man looking at him.

Haruka helped him to sit and lean against the ground wall behind him. For a moment, he breathed a sigh of relief that he had been saved.

“Alright, Sir Yura. Hang on a little longer,” Lucius said as he removed his large backpack and took out his black knife, then approached his master.

There were swords and bows, but he’s more comfortable using his knife. Perhaps he’s accustomed to using that type of weapon.

The figure that slid and slammed on the cave floor earlier tried to stand up. He was a goblin wizard that Lucius had fought. With his significant injuries, he slowly walked towards Jareth. Meanwhile, Erix and Lucius were ready to fight.

“You are useless too, Gratz,” Jareth said angrily, looking at his subordinate. Gratz remained silent, showing his hatred towards Jareth. “Hmm, there’s no other way.”

Jareth plunged both of his keris daggers into the ground. He closed his red eyes and recited a mantra. Slowly, an aura appeared on both daggers and it grew larger and covered the daggers themselves. Then, the gemstone on the handle of each kris began to glow in accordance with the aura color, purple on the right and green on the left. The light became brighter and bigger. Suddenly, two large, fat creatures emerged from each keris. The light on the gemstones began to dim. And Jareth withdrew his keris from the ground.

The two monsters that emerged earlier were precisely like goblins but bigger, perhaps the size of adult men. They were chubby with layers of fat. They had horns on their heads, protruding upwards from their foreheads. Their sharp teeth, like shark teeth, made their faces look terrifying. And they also carried their respective weapons.

From their experience playing games, Erix and Lucius recognized what kind of creature Jareth had summoned. They were Hobgoblins, a larger version of ordinary goblins. But they’d never seen ones with horns.

“What kind of creature is that?” Erix finally asked.

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“Of course, it’s a hobgoblin. But, they’ve been enhanced with demon genes,” explained Jareth. Erix and Lucius were shocked by the answer. Genetic modification technology emerged in the 20th century, which could not possibly exist in a world that didn’t even know firearms. They really needed detailed information about this foreign world. “Hey, my servants. Kill them all!”

“I’m Gobrg, the Goblin General. Ready to carry out your orders, Lord Jareth.” A scary, large green goblin. He wore metal gloves and carried a large spiked wooden club.

“I’m Raurag, the Goblin General. Ready to exterminate Lord Jareth’s enemies.” A fierce, large green goblin. He wore leather armor on half of his body. Armed with a large and sharp single-bladed axe, he was truly ready to do what he said.

Both of these big monsters appeared to protect Jareth and Gratz.

Without much ado, Raurag ran towards Erix and Lucius. The goblin’s foot stomps were so hard that the ground shook slightly. He swung his large axe towards Erix, but the young man easily parried the attack.

Gobrg didn’t just stand still. He stepped forward and swung his weapon towards Erix too. Lucius quickly parried the attack to protect his master.

Raurag swung his axe again, this time attacking Lucius. Erix quickly approached Raurag and kicked his hand so that Raurag couldn’t swing his axe.

After avoiding Raurag’s attack, Lucius quickly charged at Gobrg and assault his face.

Raurag swung his weapon towards Erix again. He blocked the attack, but the goblin’s force was so strong that Erix was thrown backwards. Lucius immediately leaped towards his master after attacking Gobrg’s earlier.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning quickly flew past Erix and Lucius, towards Haruka and struck her. But Haruka was not weak. She created a protective spell so that the attack did not touch her at all.

Gratz began to launch his second lightning spell. The electric blast flew past Gobrg and Raurag towards the same target. Erix already knew about this attack. He parried the lightning spell with his katana like a tough batter hitting a home run. The lightning bolt was deflected and hit Raurag, but he didn’t feel anything. The spell was ineffective against him.

“Hey, Raurag. Let’s kill them quickly. I want that whore,” said Gobrg, consumed by lust.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Gobrg,” protested Raurag. “I saw her first, so that whore belongs to me.”

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Both goblins drooled from the corners of their mouths, as if a delicious meal was laid out before them. Haruka was startled by the conversation between the two hobgoblins, and she trembled with fear.

Erix fell silent, his ears burning from their conversation. “Whore” was how easily they referred to a woman they had just met with such a derogatory term. His katana, which had been unsheathed, was now lowered to the ground. His heart was trembling with emotion. Angry, of course. He lazily walked towards the two hobgoblins, dragging his katana behind him.

Seeing his master behave this way, Lucius chose to remain silent. He even took a few steps back. As a servant who always stayed close to him, he knew exactly what was about to happen.

The two large hobgoblins stared at each other stupidly. They thought their opponent was foolish.

“Don’t just stand there! Kill him quickly!” Jareth shouted loudly.

The two large hobgoblins ran towards Erix, their bulging bellies bouncing up and down in rhythm with their steps.

Erix ran towards the two large hobgoblins. His speed was incredibly fast and continued to increase. Then he jumped with that speed, gliding towards Gobrg and slicing his mouth until it was cut off to the back of his skull. Gobrg’s head rolled on the ground, blood spilling everywhere.

Not stopping there, Erix quickly threw his katana at Raurag. The katana rotated in the air and penetrated Raurag’s forehead. Instantly, both Gobrg and Raurag’s bodies fell to the ground. Thick blood scattered on the cave floor from the two hobgoblin bodies. The outcome of this fight shocked Jareth, Gratz, and even Haruka.

“I-it’s impossible!! There’s no way there’s someone with that kind of strength,” Jareth said, his eyes wide open. He couldn’t believe his men were easily defeated, even after being modified with demon genes.

Erix withdrew his katana from Raurag’s head and swung it to remove the blood. He then pointed it back at Jareth and Gratz. “Is there still a mouth I need to clean?”

“Foolish goblin,” murmured Lucius. “He almost died himself, and yet he brought in creatures weaker than him.”

Gratz chanted a spell that sounded foreign to Erix and Lucius’s ears. Shortly after that, the skull on his staff glowed red. Symbols of magic spells appeared on the ground they were standing on. These symbols floated upwards, passing through the bodies of Jareth and Gratz. Then the symbols of the magic spell disappeared, along with the two goblins.

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“They escaped,” said Erix, as he sheathed his katana.

The two bodies of Gobrg and Raurag exploded into a purple dust of light. The sparkling dots spread throughout the room. Each body emitted a ball the size of a kickball that shone with a light blue mixed with white. The two colors on the ball moved like water and oil.

Meanwhile, the scattered powder of light fused into a large lump of light. Slowly, this lump of light shrank and faded. A cone-shaped object with a blue gem ball at its base appeared. Erix took the object and the two blue balls and walked over to Haruka. At that moment, Yura fell unconscious again.

Suddenly, the cave floor trembled violently. This surprised the trio. The vibration was strong enough to make them difficult to stand. They tried not to panic and calm down, hoping that there would be no further trouble.

The cave ceiling began to break and collapse. A big rock fell directly on top of them, big enough to destroy a house. Erix, Lucius, and Haruka were truly surprised, fear filling their minds now.

Erix immediately hugged Haruka and was ready to protect her from the rock. Likewise, Lucius carried Yura in front while carrying his heavy backpack. Then they jumped apart to avoid the big rock. A loud bang occurred after the big rock landed.

Their problem did not end there; they also had to avoid other falling rocks that showered them.

In that life-and-death situation, they suddenly teleported. Now they were in front of the Goblin Temple Dungeon. The sudden reaction confused all three of them.

Lucius looked around, still not believing what had just happened. They were originally inside the cave, and in an instant, they teleported outside the dungeon in the middle of the city. His mouth was still gaping, trying to process what had just happened.

There were many people around, some of them might be shensin while others just ordinary citizens. But what was clear to Lucius was that there were four elves standing in four cardinal directions. He could recognize Tias and Nella among them.

The dazzling sunlight warmed Erix’s body and the fresh, warm air filled his lungs. However, his eyelids were heavy, his body felt weak and powerless, and his vision was blurry. In just a few seconds, Erix’s body slumped and fell limp.

He heard Haruka and Lucius calling out to him several times, but their voices sounded distant. He caught a glimpse of Haruka’s face in the blur, and seeing that she was alright was somewhat reassuring. But before he could react, his eyes closed, and he lost consciousness.

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